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A. Sanchez Award

Each fall, thanks to the generosity of donor Amelio Sanchez, LACS awards the A. Sanchez Construction Corporation Scholarship for Undergraduate Academic Achievement. This $2,500 award recognizes an undergraduate student attending Stony Brook University who has shown outstanding academic achievement, scholarly promise, and service and leadership to their community. Latino/Latina juniors and first semester seniors in the College of Arts and Sciences with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA are eligible to apply.
The application requires a current undergraduate transcript, C.V. indicating any relevant academic prizes and community and work experiences, two faculty letters of recommendation, and a brief (2-page maximum) essay that explains your accomplishments, major academic interests and how your current studies relate to your future professional or intellectual development. The application for Fall 2024 will be available in early September. Click here for an application and submission instructions.
Additional awards are also made available through the Hispanic Heritage Month Committee
LACS welcomes donors with ideas about creating new scholarships honoring Stony Brook students, as well as larger developmental opportunities for endowed chairs, research and working groups, and cultural activities. If you wish to make a donation of this kind, please get in touch with LACS Director Lori Flores at

Sanchez Latest Winners

Thaily Ribadeneira

23/24 Academic Year: Thaily Ribadeneira
Bachelor in Health Science, Spanish Language and Literature, Minor in Chemistry


22/23 Academic Year: Christopher LunaChristopher Luna. Sanchez Award 22/23
Bachelor of Arts. Globalization Studies & International Relations

mariposa education Award

During Fall 2024 LACS is instituting the Mariposa Education Award for an undocumented undergraduate student who has exhibited impressive academic performance. Eligibility requirements include a minimum 3.0 GPA, identification as a "DREAMer" or DACA student, a 2-pg max. biographical statement that focuses on personal accomplishments and academic/career goals, and a detailed recommendation letter from one professor. The chosen student will receive a $500 credit which LACS will use to pay for the student's textbooks or other eligible school-related supplies for a Stony Brook education up until the end of Spring 2025. Applications will open up shortly. 
Applications are due by October 15.