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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

The IDPAS DEI Committee was formed in Fall 2020 and is composed of faculty and graduate student elected representatives. The committee actively supports both short- and long-term DEI efforts of the IDPAS program. For example, the committee has gathered data and conducted surveys of current students and IDPAS alumni to identify areas that need improvement moving forward. Committee projects include producing easy to follow documents that improve transparency of program milestones and expectations. Similarly, the committe is helping to develop and promote the use of safe and inclusive fieldwork statements that help to protect all students completing research away from campus.

Email with any DEI-related questions or concerns.


Broader IDPAS DEI efforts 

The graduate students in the IDPAS created a Graduate Student DEI Coordinator position to ensure that DEI issues remain prioritized moving forward. The IDPAS graduate students have also formed committees focused on outreach and undergraduate mentorship.

Please contact for information about DAG, to ask about ongoing Graduate Student Committee efforts, or to be put in touch with the Graduate Student DEI Coordinator. 

IDPAS Faculty and Students also regularly run or participate in Outreach Activites with elementary students, high school students, and other community members.

External DEI Resources in Anthropology

Association of Black Anthropologists: "We are committed to encouraging the participation of students of anthropology, recruiting Black graduate students, enrolling Black graduate students to the ABA and mentoring students involved in ABA."

Transforming Anthropology (Journal): The flagship journal of the Association of Black Anthropologists.

American Association of Biological Anthropologists Committee on Diversity: This committee aims to assess student and faculty diversity, to increase the recruitment, participation and retention of diverse scholars, and to advocate for diversity with the AAPA and the field of biological anthropology.

Black in Anatomy was created as a safe space to network, uplift, support, and amplify Black contributions to anatomical science. IDPAS alumna Dr. Allison Nesbitt is a founding member.