Fall 2021 Lectures

Tuesday, November 3, 2021 4:00-5:30pm
"Environmental Graphic Memory: Transpacific Ecological Imagination in Asian Diasporic
Jeffrey Santa Ana - English
Lisa Diedrich - Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
This talk shows how graphic narratives by Asian diasporic artists visualize a transpacific
ecological imagination. This ecological imagination in their art remembers, revises,
and augments historical knowledge of western empire’s impact on the environments and
ecosystems of the transpacific region.
Zoom Registration is required.Registration deadline February 10.Please click here to register.
To download the event poster, click here.

Tuesday, November 3, 2021 4:30-6:00pm
“Drawing Unbelonging: Climate, Spatiotemporality and Comics”
Kay Sohini - PhD Candidate in English
Lisa Diedrich - Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
This talk will consider how, by using graphic autoethnography, I engage the sociopolitical
through the lens of the personal look at pressing issues of our time, such as the
detrimentally politicized response to COVID-19 and the climate crisis. I will expand
on how my choice of medium allows me to harness the visual affect of comics to evoke
a sense of urgency and to draw attention to systemic issues pertaining to race, gender,
disability, and environmental inequality.

Faculty Reading Group: cGlobal Carceral States and Networks: Racialized Policing, Mass Incarceration, and
Migrant Detentions"
Tuesdays during Fall 2020
Co-led by Robert T. Chase/History and Zebulon Vance Miletsky/Africana Studies
Discussing how racialized policing, mass incarceration, and migrant detentions and
deportations constitute what the French theorist Michel Foucault named as a “carceral
network”. Supported by CAS in collaboration with the Center for Changing Systems of
Power. Zoom Registration is required. Click her for details.
Zebulon Vance Miletsky, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Africana Studies and History at Stony
Brook University. His articles have appeared in the Trotter Review, the Historical Journal of Massachusetts, and the Journal of Urban History. His book, Before Busing: Boston’s Long Freedom Movement in the ‘Cradle of Liberty’ is forthcoming by the University of North Carolina Press in February 2021. |

Robert T. Chase is an is a scholar of 20th century American history whose research fields include
U.S. politics and state-building; civil rights, Black Power and the Chicana/o Movement;
and, the history of policing, incarceration, and migrant detention. His two books
are We Are Not Slaves: State Violence, Coerced Labor, and Prisoners’ Rights in Postwar
America (UNC 2020) and Caging Borders and Carceral States: Incarcerations, Immigrant Detentions, and Resistance (UNC 2019).

SA Smythe is a poet, translator, and scholar currently working as an assistant professor in
the Departments of Gender Studies and African American Studies at UCLA. Smythe’s first
book manuscript, provisionally titled Where Blackness Meets the Sea: On Crisis, Culture, and the Black Mediterranean, studies literary and other cultural responses to colonial border regimes, citizenship,
and other relational aspects of inequality and oppression between Europe (in particular,
Italy), East Africa, and the Mediterranean. Smythe also engages black trans poetics
as critic and practitioner politically invested in otherwise black belonging and nonbinary
reading praxes. Forthcoming in that vein is a full collection of poetry, titled proclivity, which centers on a familial history of black migration (across Britain, Costa Rica,
and Jamaica), trans embodiment, and emancipation. Smythe is also the editor of Troubling the Grounds: Global Configurations of Blackness, Nativism, and Indigeneity, a special issue of Postmodern Culture. Smythe is a coordinating committee member of the faculty wing of the California
Cops Off Campus Coalition (UCFTP) and organizes with other abolitionist/anti-carceral
groups both across Turtle Island and in Europe.

Crystal M. Fleming is Associate Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies and Associate Faculty in
the Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Stony Brook University.
She has conducted research on racism and anti-racism across the globe, working on
empirical projects in the United States, France, Brazil and Israel. Her latest book, How to Be Less Stupid About Race: On Racism, White Supremacy and the Racial Divide, combines memoir, critical race theory, social commentary and satire to debunk common
misconceptions about racism. Her first book, Resurrecting Slavery: Racial Legacies and White Supremacy in France, builds on her award-winning dissertation and marshals ethnographic data, archival
research and in-depth interviews with French activists and descendants of slaves to
examine how commemorations of enslavement and abolition both challenge and reproduce
the racial order. Her scholarship appears in journals such as The Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Poetics, Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race and Mindfulness. Her essays and op-eds can be found in popular venues like Vox, The Root, Everyday Feminism, Black Agenda Report, Black Perspectives and Huffington Post.