Turning 65?
When you and/or your covered dependent reach age 65, you must apply for Medicare B, which will become your primary health insurance coverage. Your state health insurance plan will be your secondary coverage. If your dependent is under the age of 65, but is receiving Social Security Disability payments for 24 months or more, your dependent must also apply for Medicare B.
Create a Legacy of Education
NYSaves! Create a legacy of education with a 529 Plan. It comes from Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, which specifies the plan's tax advantages. 529 plans are a type of investment account that can be used for higher-education savings. Tax savings make these vehicles powerful. NY 529: The plan for every saver!
Tax Reminders for Retirees
If you are a member of a Retirement System (ERS, TRS, or TIAA-CREF), and are still making 414 (h) Retirement Contributions (3% or more of gross pay), you must remember to add these contributions to your Federal adjusted gross income on your NYS Personal Income Tax return.
Letter of Intent to Retire
Make an Appointment with the Benefits Office to find out what additional information should be included in your retirement letter to your department.
Call 631-632-6180 or email
Archiving Your Gmail in Advance of Retiring
NetID only remains active for Emeriti Faculty. All other retiree’s lose access to gmail — and anything else that requires their NetID — the day they retire. If you're planning to retire, create an mbox file of your current google email - and drive - and have it migrated to your new retiree email account once it is activated.
Staying Connected
Staying Connected is a program to provide ongoing connectivity between our retiree population and the University. Staying Connected also includes a link to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute , which is open to retired and semi-retired individuals aged 50 or older regardless of their level of education or career experience!
Additional Retirement Resources
Survivor's Benefit Program
The Survivor’s Benefit Program is a financial protection plan that provides a minimum death benefit to the survivors of New York State retired employees.
Post-Employment Restrictions
An overview of the restrictions that apply to state officers and employees when they leave State service. Go to Post-Employment Restrictions
Consultations & Workshops
Confidential consultations are a complimentary service provided to you as an employee of SUNY. Go to Fidelity Workshops
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