West Campus/Health Sciences Center/School of Medicine
State and RF Employees
To help support the health and safety of our employees, our HR office has limited in-person staffing at this time. Human Resources and Labor Relations remain available to assist faculty, staff and leadership. Please utilize the list of contacts below.
Scan your paperwork to the appropriate email box below in order to ensure it receives prompt attention. All of our forms can be found online at HR Forms & LR Forms.
*Hospital and LISVH Employee? VisitHospital & LISVH HR
Department |
Phone/Fax |
Webpage |
General Inquiries |
(P) 631-632-6161 (F) 631-632-6168 |
Appointments |
State(P) 631-632-6202 (F) 631-632-4984 RF: (P) 631-632-6183 (F) 631-632-4384 |
Benefits | hrs_benefits@stonybrook.edu | (P) 631-632-6180 (F) 631-632-1350 | https://www.stonybrook.edu/human-resources/total-rewards/ |
Classification & Compensation | hrs_classcomp@stonybrook.edu | (P) 631-632-6155 (F) 631-632-2415 | https://www.stonybrook.edu/hr/employmentservices/classification/ |
Employee & Labor Relations | hr_wc_laborrelations@stonybrook.edu | (P) (631) 632-6140 (F) 631-632-1360 | https://www.stonybrook.edu/lrweb/ |
Extra Service | hrs_extra_service@stonybrook.edu | (P) 631-632-6161 (F) 631-632-1351 | https://www.stonybrook.edu/human-resources/extra-service/index.php |
HR Information Systems (HRIS) | hrs_hris@stonybrook.edu | (P) 631-632-1609 (F) 631-632-6168 | |
Independent Contractors | hrs_independent_contractors@stonybrook.edu | (P) 631-632-6155 (F) 631-632-2415 | https://www.stonybrook.edu/human-resources/independent-contractor/index.php |
Leaves of Absence |
State: (P) 631-632-6169 (F) 631-632-4989 RF: (P) 631-632-6180 (F) 631-632-1350 |
Line Management | hrs_classcomp@stonybrook.edu | (P) 631-632-6155 (F) 631-632-2415 | https://www.stonybrook.edu/hr/employmentservices/classification/ |
Payroll |
State: state_payroll@stonybrook.edu |
State:(P) 631-632-6198 (F) 631-632-6208 RF:(P) 631-632-6183 (F) 631-632-4384 |
Records & Verifications | hrs_verify@stonybrook.edu | (P) 631-632-1393 (F) 631-632-1428 | https://www.stonybrook.edu/human-resources/verification/ |
Recruitment |
State Unclassified & RF: hrs_recruiting@stonybrook.edu State Classified:hrs_state_appointments@stonybrook.edu |
State Unclassified & RF:(P) 631-632-6207 (F) 631-632-1234 State Classified:(P) 631-632-6184 (F) 631-632-4984 |
https://www.stonybrook.edu/hr/employmentservices/recruiting/ |
Time & Attendance |
State: (P) 631-632-6182 (F) 631-632-4989 RF: (P) 631-632-6183 (F) 631-632-4384 |
Talent Management System (TMS) | hrs_tms@stonybrook.edu | https://www.stonybrook.edu/human-resources/tms-resources.php | |
Wolfpack Learning | wolfpacklearning@stonybrook.edu | (P) 631-632-PACK (7225) (F) 631-632-1234 | https://www.stonybrook.edu/human-resources/current-employee/workplace-learning |
Workers Compensation |
State: (P) 631-632-6186 (F) 631-632-4989 RF: (P) 631-632-6180 (F) 631-632-1350 |
MORE Questions?
University Hospital
Human Resources
Stony Brook University Hospital
31 Research Way
East Setauket, NY 11733
Phone: (631) 444-4700
Fax: (631) 444-4724
Email: sbuhhr@stonybrookmedicine.edu
Human Resources
Stony Brook University
100 Nicolls Rd, Admin Bldg, Rm 390
Stony Brook, NY 11794-0751
Phone: (631) 632-6161
Fax: (631) 632-6168
Email: hrs_info@stonybrook.edu
Human Resources
Long Island State Veterans Home
100 Patriots Rd.
Stony Brook, NY 11790
Phone: (631) 444-8617
Fax: (631) 444-8517
Email: lisvh_hr@lisvh.org
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TMS Resources
TMS DAR Change Form
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Workplace Visitor Guidelines
NYS Public Officer's Law
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Voter's Leave Law
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