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Humanities Building

Humanities Building Floor Plans: 1st floor and 2nd floor


All Mondays 

Café Latino on Mondays! Organized by Prof. Elena Davidiak. All Spanish levels are welcome.  Come to our department, make friends and practice your Spanish with coffee or tea!  Starting Sept 9th, 2024, see you on Mondays in HUM 1051 from 12.30 to to 1.30 pm.


Brazilian Film Festival, organized by Prof. Monica P. Vicentini in LACS Galery. See poster.

        • Sept 10th at 6pm in SBS 320: Bye Bye Amazônia (2023)
        • Sept 17th at 6pm in SBS 320: Forward Brazil (1982)
        • Sept 24th at 6pm in SBS 320: God is Brazilian (2002)
        • Sept 26th at 6 pm in SBS 320: Invisible Bodies (2023)

Sept 18   Portuguese Book Club! Organized by Prof. Monica P. Vicentini. See poster for all meeting dates!

Sept 25    Book Panel Honoring Brooke Larson. Organized by LACS. Wed Set 25th from 4 to 5.30 pm in SBS 318. Poster.


Oct 9     HLL Invita: Prof. Mohamad Ballan (History), "Borderland Anxieties: Genealogy, Religion and Sovereignty in Nasrid Granada". Wed. Oct 9th (2024), from 12.30 to 1.50 pm  in HUM 2036. See  poster.

Oct. 21     HLL Invita: Profs. Alix Cooper (History),  Douglas Pfeiffer (English) and Benedict Robinson (English), "A Round Table on Early Modern Matters". Monday Oct 21st (2024), 12.30 to 1.50 pm in HUM 203. See poster


Nov 4     Taller de tesis. PhD Dissertation Workshop. Samuel Espíndola, "El pathos de las cenizas: paisajes desolados y aftectos materiales". Monday Nov 4th. from 12.30 to 1.50 pm in HUM 2036. See poster.

Nov 11   Taller de tesis. PhD Dissertation Workshop. Bea Sollas-Vilas, "Ir siendo: autonarrativa travesti/trans latinoamericana". Monday Nov 11th, from 12.30 to 1.50 pm in HUM 2036. See poster.

Nov 13    HLL Invita: Prof. Joseph Lemin (Philosophy), "Conversation on Philosophy and Digital Technologies". Wed. Nov 13th  (2024) from 12.30 to 1.50 pm in HUM 2036. See poster


Dec 3    Taller de tesis. PhD Dissertation Workshop. Jesús Jiménez Valdés, "Reivindicación y rechazo de lo criollo en los textos de Antonio de Ulloa". Monday Dec 3rd, from 12.30 to 1.50 pm in HUM 2036. See poster.


All Wednesdays 

Café Latino organized by Prof. Elena Davidiak. All Spanish levels are welcome.  Come to our department, make friends and practice your Spanish with coffee or tea! Wed in HUM 1051 from 1 to 2 pm.


Jan 24     Talk by Prof. Maria Berbara, "The Devil Lives in the Tropics: Imagining Demons in the France Antarctique and Portuguese America in the Early Modern Period". Wed Jan 24 at 1 pm in LACS seminar room SBS N 320. Luch will be served. See poster.

Jan 31    Taller de tesis.  Gisele Blain will be presenting her dissertation chapter: "Paintings, Objects, and the Cinematic Image: Atrezzo as Curated Narratives in Pedro Almodóvar's La piel que habito". Wed Jan 31 (2024) at 1 pm in HUM 2036. Hybrid. 


Feb 8     Opening reception at 6 pm. Collaborarive Art Exhibition: Casa Común. Melville Library. Feb 8th to Feb. 22, 2024. Organized by the Center of Changing Systems of Power, and cosponsored by HLL, HISB, LACS, Sociology, WGSS. See more.

Feb 13   Galician Encounter: Music, Liric and Tradition. Immerse in Gallician culture with discussions on music and poetry. Feb 13th at 1 pm in HUM 2036. See poster.

Feb 27  Talk by Prof. Céline Dauverd (U Colorado Boulder): "Paolino Bianchi and Diego Diáz: Narrative of Christian slaves in 17th c. Tunis and Algiers" (co-organized by the Center for Italian Studies, Dep of History, Dep of Hispanic Lang and Lit). Tuesday February 27th (2024) in Melville Library E 4340 from 1pm to 2.30 pm (Center for Italian Studies). See poster.

Feb 28     Talk by Prof. Jorge Brioso (Carleton College), "Reinventing the Common in Order to Imagine the Cuba to Come". Wed Feb 28th at 1 pm in HUM 2036 in Spanish. See poster.  Link to Brioso's essay in Spanish or English.


March 7   Talk by curator Ronda Kasl (Latin American Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY), "For the Devotion of Juan Bautista de Echeverría: A Case Study of Place and Displacement in the Spanish World". Thursday March 7 (2024) at 4 pm in Light Eng Building, Lab 102. See poster. 


April 17 Spring  2024 Poetry Reading.  Tertulia Literaria. Wed April 17 at 1 pm-2:20pm in Humanities 1006. See Poster.

April 19 Inter-University Doctoral Consortium Medieval Conference. Stony Brook University Wang Center Room 301. See full Program here.

April 26   Guided visit to the Metropolitan Museum of New York for HLL students and faculty with Associate Curator David Pullins (Met), organized by Prof. Fernando Loffredo. April 26th at 3.30 pm at the Met.


May 17    Convocation Ceremony Friday May 17th at 1.30 pm in Wang Center Theater.


Brazilian Film Festival in Frank Melville Jr Memorial Library, Room W4530

Blooming on the Asphalt.  September 8 - 8:00 pm
Môa, Mother Africa Roots. September 11 - 8:00 pm
Eskawata Kayawai - The spirit of transformation. September 14 - 8:00 pm
It’s not the first time we fight for our love. September 27 -8:00 pm

More  details on the festival and about Portuguese language and Brazilian Culture activities here

Sept 28     . Talk by Prof.  Barbara Fuchs (UCLA), "Diversifying the Classics. Promoting Hispanic Classical Theather in the Anglosphere and Beyond". Thursday, Sept 28th, from 2.30 to 4.00 pm in HUM 1006. Open to the public. See poster.


Oct 6    Stony Brook University Portuguese Book Club invites all to a discussion of Brazilian author Itamar Vieira Junior’s best-selling and highly awarded novel Crooked Plow (Torto Arado). Vieira Jr. and Crooked Plow translator Johnny Lorenz will be in conversation with us from SBU to explore literary writing, social justice work, and Brazilian history in contemporary fiction. Friday Oct 6th, at 3:00pm, at 388 Atlantic Ave, second floor, Brooklyn, NY. For registration, see QR in poster.

Oct 11.      "Touristic Narratives" : A conversation with Dominican writer Aurora Arias. Organized by Dr. Zaida Corniel (Stony Brook). Wed Oct 11th from 1 to 2 pm in HUM 2036. Open to the public. See poster  and video.

Oct. 31.      Conference. "Women in the press. Gender and Violence in the 19th Century Spanish Press." Part 1 Wed Oct 31st from 3.30 to 6.30 pm in Brooklyn College. See poster


Nov 2.    Conference. "Women in the press. Gender and Violence in the 19th Century Spanish Press." Part 2 Th Nov 2, from 1 pm to 4 pm at Stony Brook Univ in Humanities 2036. See poster.

Nov 13     Talk by Prof. Ezequiel Adamosky (Univ de Buenos Aires and CONICET), "Elecciones en Argentina 2023" via Zoom. Organized by doctoral student Valentina Pucci (HLL). Monday Nov 13th from 12.30 to 1.30 pm. Hybrid format in LACS Gallery SBS N 320 . See poster for Zoom link. (The talk is now available on video ).

Nov 29    Dissertation workshop with Régulo Silva: "The Explosive Anarchism of Ricardo Flores Magón: A Study of World War I Commentary Published in the Anarchist Newspaper Regeneración ". Wed Nov 29th at 1 pm in HUM 2036. See poster.


Dec 4    Dissertation workshop with Gisele Blain: "Paintings, Objects, and the Cinematic Image: Curated Narratives in Pedro Almodóvar's La piel que habito". Mon Dec 4th at 1.00 pm on Zoom. See poster.

Dec 6     Dissertation project presentations by José G. Alegría, Samuel Espíndola and Valentina Pucci, music by Alessio Arena  and guest speaker Dr. Francisco Mamani Fuentes (Univ of Amsterdam), "Historia y construcción: ¿cómo podemos estudiar la arquitectura colonial desde los archivos?" Wed Dec 6th from 1.00 pm to 3.45 pm. in Hum 2036.  See poster for full program.

Dec 7.   Talk by Prof. Felipe Pereda (Harvard Univ), “Goya's Laocoon: The Disasters of the War, between History and Trauma”,  Sir Run Run Shaw Lecture Series. Thursday Dec 7th at  5 pm in HUM Poetry Center (second floor). Poster.




Feb 16     Talk by Prof. Eric Lamberg (Stony Brook) "Dissability and Sports." Feb 16 at 1.15 pm in Union 103-2 and via Zoom. See QR code on poster here to register.

Feb 22    LACS Graduate Student Led Series: "Los caminos de la Ilustración en las Américas. Expediciones, viajes y redes de comunicación en el siglo XVIII." Organized by HLL doctoral student Jesús Jiménez Valdés. Part 1. Conversation with Prof. Jorge Cañizares-Esquerra (Univ of Texas Austin), Wed Feb 22 from 12 to 1.20 pm via Zoom. Register here.  More info and  poster here.

Feb 22    Taller de tesis. María Paz Dominguez will present her dissertation chapter on "Archivo de Memoria Audiovisual de la Migración Ecuatoriana". Wed Feb 22 at 1.20 pm in HUM 2036.

Feb 23    Talk by Prof. Erika Rodriguez (University of Minnesota) on "Gender and Dissability" in Prof. Aurelie Vialette's doctoral seminar at 4 pm in HUM 2036. 


March 1   Talk by Néstor Sanguinetti (National Library of Uruguay), "La vanguardia de un hombre solo: Alfredo Mario Ferreiro o el descubrimiento de la ciudad". At 4.25 pm. See poster for more information.  

March 27  Taller de tesis. María Medin-Doce will present on "Ficciones del Hogar: Voces del exilio en la literatura española del siglo XX". Monday March 27th at 1 pm in HUM 2036.

March 28  Lecture by Raquel Alves dos Santos Nascimento (Uni de São Paulo) and Jeferson Santos do Socorro (Uni Federal da Bahia), "A Nation, two literary voices: Carolina Maria de Jesus and Conceição Evaristo".  Tuedsay March 28th  from 3 to 4.20 pm in HUM 2030.  Organized by HLL Professor Monica Panigassi Vicentini. See poster.

March 29  Talk by Prof. María José Bruña (Univ de Salamanca), "Género y disenso queer/ neobarroco en Uruguay: la rareza de Marosa Di Giorgio". Wed March 29th at 1 pm in HUM 2036. See poster here.


April 4     LACS Graduate Student Led Series with Prof. Mariselle Meléndez (Univ. of Illinois-Urbana Champaign), "The Ports of the Enlightenment: Mobility, Displacement and Travel Culture in 18th Century Hispanic America" . Part 2 of the series organized by Jesús Jiménez Valdés (HLL). Tuesday April 4th from 1 to 2:30 pm in Spanish.  Register here or  email for Zoom link. More information on poster here.

April 12    Taller de tesis.  Isabel Murcia presenta su capítulo “Asociacionismo femenino: la comunidad intelectual de las mujeres españolas de principios del siglo XX”. MIércoles 12 de abril 1 pm en HUM 2036. 

April 19    Spring 23 Poetry Reading.  Tertulia literaria. Wed April 19 at 1 pm in Humanities 1003. See poster.  (See 2022 Poestry Reading pictures and program here)

April 24    Talk in Spanish by Prof. Salvatore Marino (Univ de Barcelona):  "El sistema sanitario de Barcelona en tiempos de epidemias (siglos XIV-XVI)."  Monday April 24 at 2:40 pm in the Student Union Auditorium. Organized by Prof. Fernando Loffredo. See poster.


May 1   Dr. David García Cueto (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid) will be discussing the colossal exhibition "Guido Reni" on view at the Prado Museum from March to July 2023. Presented by the Center for Italian Studies, Hispanic Languages and Literature and the Department of Art.  Monday May 1st at 2.30 pm in Firestone Library E4340 (Center for Italian Studies). More information on our poster.

May 10     LACS Graduate Student Led Series with Dr. Víctor Peralta (Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, España), "Viajeros, viajes y expediciones científicas en la América dieciochesca: de Ulloa y Jorge Juan a Malaspina". Part 3 of the series organized by Jesús Jiménez Valdés (HLL).  Wed May 10th from 12 to 1.30 pm. Email for Zoom link. See poster for QR.


Weekly starting Sept 7th. Wed: 1-2 pm in HUM 2029 (Faculty Lounge)

Our weekly traditional Café Latino organized by Prof. Elena Davidiak. All Spanish levels are welcome.  Just come, make friends and practice your Spanish with coffee or tea!

Teatro Abierto, our Spanish theater group, directed by Prof. Zaida Corniel, will share space and time with the Café Latino.  


Sept. 8.  Presentation by Antonio Álvarez-Ossorio (Univ Autónoma de Madrid) : "Un proyecto de humanidades digitales desde una perspectiva transatlántica: América en Madrid." Wed. from 3 to 4 pm in Physics P124. See poster.
Sept 21.    Talk by Prof. Ricardo Machado (Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul) , "Los Raros de Rubén Darío: formas de vida e a invenção do artista moderno". Wed at 4:25 PM in HUM 2036. See poster.
Oct 6.   Talk by Carlos González Navarro (curador, Museo Nacional del Prado), "Invitadas. Fragmentos sobre mujeres, ideología y artes plásticas en España (1833-1931)." Thursday from 3 to 4 pm by Zoom. See poster and link here
Oct 26. Spanish Open House (undegraduates) in Humanities 2029 from 1 to 1.45 pm. See poster and more information  here
Oct 26. Zoom talk. Alejandra Bottinelli (Univ de Chile): "Apocalipsis latinoamericanos: violencia colonial, cuerpo indígena y restituciones en la Segunda Conquista".  La conferencia virtual es a las 4.25 pm.  Más detalles, en el poster.
Oct 26. Conversation on "Hispanic, Latino, Latine - What's the Difference?" with Hispanic Lang and Lit graduate students María Medín-Doce, Mario Henao and Beatriz Solla Vilas in SBS N-320 , Wed. from 1 to 2.20 pm. (LACS gallery). Organized by LACS.
Oct 27.   Conversation in Spanish with Prof. José Carlos de la Puente Luna (Texas State Univ) on Andean cosmopolitans (2018) and El taller de la idolatría (2021) in Prof. Firbas's SPN 652 seminar by Zoom. Thursday from 5 to 6 pm in HUM 2036. See poster.
Oct 19.   Taller de tesis con Alejandro Chacón. Wed from 1:00 y 2.20 pm in HUM 2036.

Nov 2.  Calaveritas Poetry Contest. The winners of the contest will be announcement during the celebration of the "Dia de los Muertos" in SBC N320 (LACS Gallery). Wed. from 1 to 2.20 pm. See more here

Nov 4.    Graduate Student Conference: Yo no nací apara amar: capacidades, afectos y cuidados. Keynote speaker: Prof.  PJ  DiPietro (Syracuse Univ). Friday 10 am to 5 pm on campus (Humanitis) and  hybrid.  See  more here.

Nov 10.   HLL Alumni Series Talk:  Prof. Elizabeth Osborne (Worcester State Univ), "El deseo femenino y el trabajo doméstico en el cine latinoamericano". Thusrday from 1:15-2:35 pm in Engineering Lab 154 and Zoom. More info on poster and social media post.

Nov 10.  Conversation in Spanish with Prof. Antonio Feros (UPenn) on Speaking of Spain: the Evolution of Race and Nation in the Hispanic World (2017) in Prof. Firbas's SPN 652 seminar by Zoom. Thursday from 5 to 6 pm in HUM 2036. See poster.

Nov. 30.   Taller de tesis con Carlos Vicéns.  1:00 y la 1:20 PM. Wed from 1:00 y 2.20 pm in HUM 2036.



Feb 9th.   Accentuation workshop by  Aura Colón and Zaida Corniel. Hum 1023 from 1 to 2 pm. For Zoom see poster.

Feb 14th.  Taller de Tesis. Alberto Sánchez Medina, presenta su capítulo sobre Francisco López Serrano, Sacrificio. Diario de un matarife. Formato híbrido: en HUM 2036 y por Zoom, a las 12m.

Feb. 23rd.   Francisco Burdiles (doctoral candidate PUC Chile/Univ Aut de Barcelona). "Verdad poética y cultura histórica en la  poesía épica virreinal: el caso de la rebelión de las alcabalas de Quito en Arauco domado (Lima, 1596) de Pedro de Oña. Wed from 1 to 2 pm by Zoom. See here.


March 3rd.   Talk by Grégoire Extermann (Swiss Institute in Rome), "Carrara Marble in Renaissance Spain: Catholic Hegemony, Universal Monarchy, and Genoese Network." In Melville Library E-4340 on Tuesday March 3rd at 6. 15 pm.  Co-organized with the Center for Italian Studies. See poster.

March 7th. Taller de Tesis. Visiting Scholar Dr. Juan Evaristo Valls Boix (Univ Barcelona) presents his dissertation chapter on "Vidas inmundas en la narrativa breve estadounidense contemporánea (1965-2022)".  Monday March 7th at 12m by Zoom.  If interested, please email Prof. Aurélie Vialette.

March 21st. Taller de tesis. Martha  Chávez Negrete will present a chapter of her dissertation. Monday at 2.30 pm.

March 31st. Talk in Spanish (in person) by Dr. Nicanor Domínguez Faura, "Los aimaras de Perú y Bolivia: 500 años de historia de exclusiones". Thursday March 31st in Frey Hall from 5 to 6 pm. See poster.  For social media here.


April 7th.    Digital Humanities talk and conversation with Isabella Magni and Paolo Scartoni, "From Renaissance Letters to Digital Communities: Research and Methods in Digital Humanities." Thursday from 4.45 to 6 pm in Melville Library E-4340. Co-sponsored by the Center for Italian Studies and the Center for Digital Humanities. See poster and more information.

April 14th. Prof. Julio Premat (Univ Paris 8) on "Vanguardias anacrónicas en la narrativa contempránea" in SBS N 320, from 12 to 2.30 pm (seminar format). Organized by Prof. Javier Uriarte and sponsored by LACS and HLL.  See poster here.

April 18th.   Talk by novelist Cristina Morales (Spain) at 1 pm in Humanities 2036. 

April 20th.   Spring Poetry Reading: Tertulia LIteraria Spring 2022  from 1 to 2pm (campus life) in Humanities 1006. See poster.

April 29th.  Gerry Dunn (Translator), "Translator of Lectura Facil / Easy Reading". On Zoom. More info soon.


Café Latino.  Starting on Oct 8th, we will meet to practice Spanish and socialize every Wed from 1 to 2 pm in Humanities Lounge #2029. All levels are welcome. See poster.


September 15th.  Accentuation Workshop. Taller de Acentuación. Wednesday from 1 to 2 pm in Humanities Building # 1023. See poster.

Sept 15th. Talk by Prof. John Blanco (UC San Diego) on  Frontier Constitutions. Christianity and Colonial Empire in the Nineteenth-Century Philippines. Organized by Prof. Aurelie Vialette. Wed at 3:30pm. See poster for Zoom meeting ID.

Sept 15th.  Talk by Prof. Sebastián Reyes (Universidad de Santiago, Chile) “Cruces de miradas en la frontera entre Chile y Perú”. Wednesday, September 15 6:05pm. LACS TALK  in LACS Gallery (SBS N-320). Organized by Prof. Javier Uriarte. See poster.

Sept 17th. Talk by Prof. Bruce Edelstein (NYU, Florence), "Portrait of Eleonora di Toledo by Bronzino exhibited at the Uffizi Gallery." Fdriday at 2 pm in the Center for Italian Studies in the Frank Melville Memorial Library, Room E4340. Organized by Prof. Fernando Loffredo. See poster.

September 28th. Zoom Faculty Fellows lecture by Paul Firbas/Hispanic Languages and Literature. "Transatlantic and Colonial Media Culture: the Lima Periodical News Sheets 1700-1711". Humanities Institute at Stony Brook University. More info and poster.


October 13, 6pm. LACS at the Movies. Film screening and discussionPájaros de verano [ Birds of Passage] (Colombia, 2018). Directed by Ciro Guerra and Cristina Gallego. Presented by HLL doctoral student Michael McMahon. LACS Gallery (SBS N-320).

October 14, 4:30pm (ET). LACSCUIR. A Panel on the GLQ Issue on Cuir/Queer Américas: Translation, Decoloniality, and the Incommensurable. Lourdes Martínez Echazábal (UC Santa Cruz/Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil), María Amelia Viteri (University of Maryland, College Park), Salvador Vidal-Ortiz (American University), Nicola Chávez Courtright (University of California, Los Angeles), Germán Garrido (Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY), Christina A. León (Princeton University), Rocío Pichon-Rivière (University of California, Riverside), and HLL faculty Joseph Pierce (Stony Brook University). Via Zoom.

October 18, 6pm. LACS at the Movies. Film screening and discussionEl laberinto del fauno [Pan’s Labyrinth] (Guillermo del Toro, 2006). Presented by HLL doctoral student Jesús Jiménez Valdés (Hispanic Languages and Literature). LACS Gallery (SBS N-320)

October 28, 12pm. LACS Graduate Brown Bag Lunch. Doctoral student José Gabriel Alegría (Hispanic Languages and Literature). LACS Lounge (SBS N-337)


November 10th. Librarians Fernando Acosta and Gabrielle Winkler (Princeton Univ) will present the Princeton's Latin American Ephemera Collection. Wed from 5 to 5.30 pm.  For Zoom link, please, register here at least one day before this event.  See poster.

November 10th. 1 pm.  Héctor Andrés Roja (Univ de Chile), visiting scholar in our department, will present his work in progress on "Ficciones y deseos de la planificación urbana en Santiago de Chile: entre el centenario de la Independencia y la primera parte del siglo XX". HLL doctoral seminar room HUM 2036.

November 10th. Mia Ruyters (Columbia Univ) will talk about teaching programs for women inmates. Wed at 3.30 pm. Otganized by Prof. Aurelie Vialette. 

November 18, 3pm. LACS TALK : HLL faculty Fernando Loffredo’s seminar invites Prof. Christina H. Lee (Princeton University) to present on “El Santo Niño y la conquista del Pacífico español”. Talk  via Zoom.

November 18, 5pm. Latin America Today. A conversation on South America’s current political panorama: Colombia, Chile, Perú. Erna Von Der Walde (Universidad Javeriana/Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Colombia), Andrés Estefane (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile) andCecilia Méndez (UC Santa Barbara). Co-sponsored by LACS, Hispanic Languages & Literature and the History Department. See video here.

November 22, 6pm. LACS Graduate Student-led Series. The Politics and Poetics of Inclusive Language. Lenguaje inclusivo como poética de resistencia . Conversatorio con artivistxs y académicxs. Organized by HLL doctoral syudents Beatriz Solla; Jeannette Rivera; María Medín-Doce and Mario Henao.


December 1, 1 pm. Taller de tesis. Doctoral student Evelyn Cruise will present  on her dissertation work-in.progress. Seminar HUM 2036.

December 1, 6pm. LACS at the Movies. Film screening and Q&A with Director Lissette Orozco. El pacto de Adriana [Adriana’s Pact] (Chile, 2017). Presented by HLL doctoral student Mario Henao. LACS Gallery (SBS N-320)

December 2, 12pm. LACS Graduate Brown Bag Lunch. HLL doctoral student María Medín-Doce. LACS Gallery (SBS N-320)

Dec 7th. Virtual Open House for our PhD program, from 4.00 to 5.30 pm (NY time). All interested applicants to our doctoral program are invited.  Pease, register here. More information on this event: here.



February 17. Pensando Xībānyá: Voices from the Chinese Diaspora Events. 1st session. More info here.


March 18. Symposium “Early Modern News-Sheets and Pamphlets in the Hispanic World”. Thursday March 18th (2021) from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm (EST). Virtual round table via Zoom (in Spanish or English). For more information and registration, click here.

March 24. Pensando Xībānyá: Voices from the Chinese Diaspora Events. 2nd session. More info here.


April 14. Pensando Xībānyá: Voices from the Chinese Diaspora Events. 3rd session. More info here.

April 20. "Nature, Travel and Nostalgia: New Approaches to William Henry Hudson." An International Graduate Workshop at Stony Brook University. Organized by Prof. Javier Uriarte and the graduate students in Hispanic Languages and Literature. Sponsored by the Graduate Council, LACS and Hispanic Lang and Lit. This is a virtual workshop. Time: Tuesday April 20th from 3.30 pm to 7 pm. See poster/program for link.



September 18. Taller de tesis. Régulo Silva (PhD candidate) presenta  “The Inclusions of Anarchism: the logic behind the appearance of Enrique Gómez Carrillo’s Los soldados ingleses in Tierra y Libertad

September 24. Grupo de teoría. Modera Mario Henao (PhD student). 

September 30. HLL Invita: A conversation with Mohamad Ballan (History, Stony Brook Univ). Beyond 1492: Conversion, Expulsion and the Jewish and Muslim Communities of Early Modern Spain. Wed Sept 30 at 4. 30 pm via Zoom. Please, send email to for Zoom link. See poster here.



Spanish Conversation Group: Café Latino. All Wednesdays at 1 pm, starting Feb 12th in Humanities 2029. See poster

Teatro Abierto. Join our Spanish theater group! Every Wednesdays from 1 to 2.20 in Soc Behavioral Sciences S110. See poster


February 24 José Chueca's dissertation defense: The Baroque Gaze: The Survival of the Baroque and the Derangement of Modernity in Contemporary Peru. Monday, 11.30 am to 1.30 pm in Humanities 2036.

February 26 LACS Talk. Ana Sánchez Trolliet, "Shared visions of nature, ecology and urban green spaces: Buenos Aires and New York countercultures,1960-1970s." Wednesday at 2:30 pm in LACS Gallery SBS N-320.


March 2 LACS Talk by Ximena Espeche (Univ de Buenos Aires- CONICET), "Bolivia, Cuba y las batallas por la información en la Guerra Fría en América Latina." Monday at 1 pm in LACS Gallery SBS N-320  

March 3 Joseph Pierce's Book Presentation: Argentine Intimacies. Queer Kinship in an Age of Splendor, 1890−1910 (SUNY UP, 2019). Tuesday, from 4:00 to 5:30 pm in Humanities 1008. See poster

March 4 Talk by Vicente Rubio , "Between Academia and Political Participation: Writing and Researching with Others in Precarious Times." Wednesday, from 1:00 – 2:20 pm in Humanities 2036. [Poster]

March 5-6 International Symposium: "Visual Culture and Textuality in Colonial Spanish America (16th-18th century)". Opening panel on Thursday at 1 pm in Melville Library E-2340. Then at 2.30 pm we move to Humanities 1008. Friday 10 am in Humanities 2001. See Poster and full program (PDF).

March 11 Taller de tesis: presenta Isabel Murcia Estrada. Wednesday at 1:00 – 2:20 pm in Humanities 2036.

March 11 Talk by Fernando Degiovanni (Graduate Center). Wednesday, from 2:30 – 3:30 pm in Humanities 2036.


April 1 Book Discussion with Jorge Brioso (Carleton College) on José Lezama Lima, A Poetic Order of Excess: Essays on Poets and Poetry. Translated by Jorge Brioso and James Irby. Wednesday at 1:00 to 2:00 pm in Humanities 2036.

April 8 Taller de tesis: presenta Luis Rodríguez Chávez. Wednesday, from 1:00 to 2:20 pm in Humanities 2036.

April 8-9 11th Hispanic Film Festival. Canceled.

April 15 Grupo de teoría. Wednesday, ⋅1:00 – 2:20 pm

April 22 Tertulia Literaria Spring Poetry Reading. Wednesday from 1:00 pm- 2:20 pm  Humanities Institute (Hum 1006)

April 23rd Presentación del libro ganador del I Premio de Poesía Pedro Lastra: Lacustre de Irizelma Robles in the Poetry Center (Hum 2001).


May 6  LACS Book presentation. Javier Uriarte, The Desertmakers: Travel, War, and the State in Latin America (Routledge, 2019). With Ronald Briggs (Barnard College) and Brooke Larson (Stony Brook University). Wednesday at 1 pm  in SBS N-320.

May 22  Online Graduation 2020: Departmental video and booklet. Congratulations to all our students!




Spanish Conversation Group: Café Latino. All Wednesdays during the semester (except exam week), from 1 to 2 pm in Humanities 2029. [Poster]

Spanish Theater Group: "Teatro Abierto". Every Wed from 1 to 2.20 pm in Social and Behavioral Sciences Building S110. [Poster]


September 11: Grupo de teoría: Testo Yonqui de Paul B. Preciado. 1-2:20 [Poster]

September 25: Taller de tesis. Ignacio Arellano. 1-2:20, Hum 2036.

September 25: Cómo leer poesía: Violeta Parra (por Matías Hermosilla). 7:30pm, Hum. 1051. [Poster]


October 2: MEXICO 500+: Indigenous and Global Cultures in Colonial Mesoamerica. Mini-colloquium October 2nd, 2019 at Stony Brook University. [Poster]

October 3: presentation of Professor Aurélie Vialette's "Intellectual Philantrophy: The Seduction of the Masses" [Poster]

October 4/5: On Archival Truths: Affects, Knowledge, and Gender. Colloquium. [Poster]

October 16: Spanish Open House [Poster]

October 23: Taller de tesis: Sara Martínez. 1-2:20, Hum 2036.

October 30: Cómo leer poesía: Hugo Mayo (por Martha Chávez) [Poster]

October 30: HLL Alumni Speaker Series: Juan Duchesne Winter [Poster]


November 6: HLL Alumni Speaker Series: Dean Allbritton [Poster]




Spanish Conversation Group: Café Latino. All Wednesdays during the semester (except exam week), from 1 to 2 pm in Humanities 2029. [Poster]

Spanish Theater Group: "Teatro Abierto". Every Wed from 1 to 2.20 pm in Social and Behavioral Sciences Building S110. [Poster]


February 6: HLL Dissertation Workshop: Thomas Kozlowski. (ABD Student) presents his work on Salvador Puig Antich [Poster]

February 13:   Digital Humanities Workshop. "Getting started with Data, Platforms and Tools." Humanities 1008, 1.00 to 2.20 pm [Poster]

February 27:   Conference on Digital Humanities. Alex Gil  (Columbia), Roopika Risam (Salem Sate Uni) and Moacir P. de Sá Pereira (Columbia) in Humanities 1008, 1.00 to 2.30 pm and Workshops from 3 to 5.30 pm.[Poster]

February 28: HLL INVITA:  Nancy Hiemstra [Poster] 2:30 - 5:30pm. Hum #2036


March 4-7:    10th Hispanic Film Festival. Grow Up. A Cinematic Approach to Adolescent Angst. March 4: Raising Victor Vargas (USA, 2002, dir. Victor Sollet); March 5: La mala educación (Spain, 2004, dir. Almodóvar); March 6: Pelo Malo (Venezuela, 2014, dir. Mariana Rondón); March 7: Y tu mamá también (Mexico, 2001, dir Alfonso Cuarón). [Poster]

March 14-15:  Humanities Lab and editorial practices. Prof. Carmen Espejo (Univ Sevilla), Prof. José A. Rodríguez Garrido (Univ Católica del Peru) and Prof. Paul Firbas (Stony Brook). Thursday March 14 from 2.30 to 5.30 pm in Hum 2036. Friday Workshop in Hum 1051 from 10 to 3 pm in hum. 1051. [Poster]

March 25: Victor Goldgel (U of Wisconsin-Madison): "Literatura y esclavitud en el s. XIX." Hum 2036, 4:30pm [Poster]



April 2: Cómo leer poesía con Pedro Lastra  [Poster]

April 3: HLL Dissertation W0rkshop (Natalia Polito) [Poster]

April 4: Unnatural: Gender, Ideology, and the New Latin America [Poster]

April 10: Book Launch - Dr. Zaida Corniel [Poster]

April 11: A conversation with Spanish writer Kirmen Uribe [Poster]


Fall 2018


Spanish Conversation Group: Café Latino. All Wednesdays during the semester (except exam week), from 1 to 2 pm in Humanities 2029. [Poster]

Club de Español. Second and forth Wednesdays of each month in Humanities 1082, from 1 to 2 pm. [Poster]


September 19:   Teaching Workshop "Using VoiceThread to Promote Language Learning". From 1 to 2 pm in Humanities 1051.


October 10:  University Libraries Present Dr. Elena Davidiak (Hispanic Lang and Lit), "Raising Bilingual Children (A Workshop for Parents and Educators)", from 5.30 to 6.30 in Melville Library, Special Collections Seminar Room, E-2340.

October 11:   Workshop: ¿Cómo leer poesía? Poetas en Nueva York: lecturas y conversaciones en torno a una poética hispanoamericana. From 5:30 - 6:30pm in the Poetry Center (Hum 2001). [Poster] 

October 17:   Isabel Murcia (PhD student), "Spanish Accentuation Workshop". From 1 to 2.15 pm (campus life time). In Humanities 3017. [Poster]

October 24:   Undergraduate Spanish Open House. From 1 to 2 pm in Humanities 2029. [Poster]

October 31:   HLL INVITA:  A conversation with Brooke Larson on "Rethinking 'neo-colonial modernity' in the Bolivian Andes". From 1  to 2.10 pm  in Hum #2026. [Poster]


November 6:   6th Accelerated College Education (ACE) Spanish Conference "Transatlantic Encounters and Culinary Fusion". Tuesday, from 11.30  to 2.30 pm in Wang Center 201.

November 14:   HLL Dissertation Workshop: José Chueca (ABD student) presents his work on photography and political memory in Peru. From 1 to 2.10 pm in HUM 2036. [Poster]

November 16:   Poetry Reading. Pido la palabra, with PhD students Giovanni Bello (History), Sara Martínez (HLL) and Carlos Vincéns (HLL). Second issue launching of the poetry journal America Invertida. 4 pm in the Poetry Center (HUM 2001). [Poster]

November 19:   Guest Speaker Dr. Luciana Martins (Colégio Militar de Brasília), “A gramática poética de Ana Cristina César e Hilda Hilst.”. Monday at 1 pm in HUM 2036


December 13: Workshop series "Cómo leer poesía": Lectura y conversación en torno a J.A. González Iglesias. [Poster]

Spring 2018


Feruary 9     Talk by writer Mario Campaña: "Violencia y desarraigo en la narrativa ecuatoriana contemporánea". Organized by Stony Brook and CUNY Graduate Center. In Manhattan CUNY Graduate Center 365  5th Ave, at 6.30 pm.

February 14     Bruno Carvalho (Princeton University): “Contradictions, tensions, transits: Rio de Janeiro as a porous city.” In Frey Hall 328, 2:30 - 3:50 pm.  [Poster]

February 19     Rosario Lázaro Igoa (Universidade Federal de Santa Catalina): "Ciudad, márgenes, mundo: desplazamientos en las crónicas de João do Rio, Alcântara Machado y Mário de Andrade".  5:30 to 7:00 pm - Melville Library - Room N3060. [Poster]

February 21     Presentation and conversation with CARECEN (Central American Refugee Center of Long Island). 1 pm to 2 pm. Melville Library N3060.. Volunteer and internship opportunities and exchange language classes via Skype project. [Poster]

Feb 26             Jorge Marcone (Rutgers Univ) and Victoria Saramago (Univ. Chicago). Coloquio. Las formas del campo II. Estudios latinoamericanos y ecocrítica. [Coloquium. Latin American Studies and Ecocricism]. 5.30 pm to 8 pm. Melville Library N3060. Free and opem to the public.  [Poster] Watch videos here.

February to April

New Directions in Latino Caribbean Studies (Skype Talks in Prof. Burgos-Lafuente's seminar in Melville Library N3060) [Poster]

1. Wednesday, February 21, 6.00 pm: Jaime Rodríguez Matos (California State University, Fresno), author of Writing of the Formless: José Lezama Lima and the End of Time. (NY: Fordham University Press, 2017)

2. Tuesday, March 6, 11 am: Juan Duchesne Winter (University of Pittsburgh [and Stony Brook PhD alumn]), author of Caribe, Caribana: cosmografías literarias (San Juan: Callejón, 2015)

3. Wednesday April 11, 6.00 pm: Lorgia García Peña (Harvard Univ), author of Borders of Dominicanidad: Race, Nation and Archives of Contradiction (Durham: Duke Univ Press, 2016)

4. Wednesday, April 18, 6.00 pm: Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia (Univ of Maryland), author of La hoja de mar (:) efecto archipiélago I. (Leiden: Almenara, 2016)

5. Wednesday, April 25: Harris Feinsod (Northwestern University), author of The Poetry of the Americas: From Good Neighbors to Countercultures (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2017).


March 22-23    Graduate Student Conference No Direction Home: Travels, Travelers and (Trans)formations. Keynote speaker: Prof. Sylvia Molloy (NYU). Poster and full program.

March 26         “Moving between Places": A Conversation with Edward Casey (Philosophy, Stony Brook) 6 - 8 pm - Melville Library - Room N3060

March 29        Talk by Colombian writer Juan Álvarez in Melville Library N3060 from 1 to 2 pm. See poster. Watch video.


April 2            Film screening and discussion with director Toshi Sakai. Documentary Cimarronaje en Panamá (2017)  (with English subtitles). 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm. Room Melville N3060. See poster.

April 9            Talk by Skype by Prof. Jesús Losada (Pont. Univ de Santo Domingo): "En defensa de la poesía. Buenos tiempos para la lírica". In Melville Lib N3074, 10 am. See poster.

April 18          Tertulia Literaria: Spring Poetry Reading  Campus Life. Lounge HLL 

April 18-26     9th Stony Brook Hispanic Film Festival. Humanities Building 1006. April 18, 19, 25 and 26th from 6.30 to 8.30 pm. Organized and curated by graduate students in Hispanic Lang & Lit. See festival webpage. See poster here.


May 2              Teatro Abierto en Español: conversation with playwriter Pablo García Gámez. In Spanish. In the dept lounge (Melville Library), 1 to 2 pm. See poster.

May 3            Talk by Prof. Carlos Mata (Universidad de Navarra. España): "La poesía de García Lorca y el Siglo de Oro: de Libros de poemas (1921) a Sonetos del amor oscuro (1936)". In Melville Lib 3074, 10 to 11.20 am. See poster.