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Earth Science Education


Stony Brook University offers three programs registered and approved by the New York State Education Department for individuals seeking New York State certification to teach earth and space sciences in secondary schools, grades 7 – 12.

The undergraduate route to leads to initial certification and can be accomplished through one of the following paths: 

  • completion of Bachelor of Artsrequirements in Earth and Space Sciences/ Science Education track with additional education courses.
  • completion of requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Earth and Space Sciences/ Science Education track and requirements for Bachelor of Science in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Astronomy/Planetary Sciences or Geosciences with additional education courses.

The graduate route to professional certification requires completion of the Master of Arts in Teaching Earth Science degree. Admission requirements for this program include completion of science course requirements equivalent to the Bachelor of Arts degree in Earth and Space Sciences/Earth Science Education track.

The combined route to professional certification allows students to obtain both the Bachelor of Arts in Earth and Space Sciences/ Science Education track and Master of Arts in Teaching Earth Science degrees in 5 years, i.e., one additional year beyond the bachelor degree alone. A double major with a BA in ESS and BA or BS in another major is not possible in this route.

Detailed information on becoming an earth science teacher through these three routes can be found in the information packet on  "Becoming an Earth Science Teacher: Three Routes to New York State Certification"    Please direct any questions to the Earth Science Education Advisor:

Professor Gregory Henkes
Room 330 ESS Building
Phone:   (631) 632-2905

NYS Math and Science Teaching Incentive Scholarships

New York State (NYS) Math & Science Teaching Incentive Scholarships are offered to encourage students to pursue careers as secondary math and science teachers (grades 7-12). This program provides awards to students attending school at the undergraduate and/or graduate degree level in exchange for five years of full-time employment as secondary education math or science teachers.

For further information please refer to the web site at Higher Education Service Corporation.

 Useful links

New York State

NYS Math and Science Teaching Incentive Scholarships

Board of Regent requirements for NYS Teacher Certification


National Science Education Standards

Information regarding Certification Examinations 

Individuals seeking a New York State certificate for teaching a science (biology, chemistry, earth science, physics) must achieve qualifying scores on a set of assessments called the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations (NYSTCE) as part of the requirements for certification.  Visit this page for information regarding all aspects of the New York State Certification examinations. The academic knowledge you will need in various subject fields including earth sciences to teach in New York State can be found in NYSTCE Test Frameworks.

Previous Earth Science Regent Exams can be found at

Science Teacher Associations

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)  

National Earth Science Teachers Association

Science Teachers Association of New York State  

The Suffolk County Section of the Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS)

National Association of Geoscience Teachers

Relevant Stony Brook University sites

Distributed Teacher and Leader Education

Master of Arts in Teaching: Science

Institute for STEM Education (I-STEM)

Stony Brook University Science Teacher Outreach Programs

Long Island Geologists

Science Open Nights (Geology, Astronomy, Physics, and Ecology & Evolution)