ECE Faculty Selected as Finalists for Discovery Fund Prize
Emre Salman, Assistant Professor in ECE Department, was selected as one of the four
finalists for the Stony Brook Discovery Fund Prize. He and Milutin Stanaćević, Associate
Professor within the same department, proposed a novel method for performing computation
in energy-autonomous systems that “harvest” power from ambient sources. The proposed
method significantly enhances energy efficiency by recycling electrical charge in
a unique way that particularly fits wireless power harvesting systems. The finalists presented
their ideas on December 11, 2014 to a review panel of external judges where the winner
was announced.
The Discovery Fund is Stony Brook University’s response to a nationwide call to augment public funding of university research with philanthropic support. The Fund was created by the Stony Brook Foundation, a nonprofit corporation whose mission is to raise and manage private philanthropic gifts, grants, and funds to advance the goals of Stony Brook University. The Discovery Fund is one of 15 such funds supported by universities in the Science Philanthropy Alliance who are working together to increase private investment in fundamental research. For more information, visit