Thank you for Joining us at our First Open House!
Dr. Farhadzadeh (center, in red) discussing experiments he's conducting in the wave tank.
Last week, many of our Civil Engineering students attended our first open house. It was exciting to see everyone's enagement and interest in Civil Engineering research and discuss a variety of topics. Dr. Burgueño, our Department Chair, said later of the event, "I felt really proud to see our students show up voluntarily to learn more about their department, and to see our faculty enthusiastically explain their research. It was very nice."
We hope the open house has given students another perspective on the CIV department and its faculty. Students probably realize now how involved their instructors are in research activities to develop solutions for pressing problems in our living environments as well as defining what the future might look like. That is our goal in Civil Engineering: to develop knowledge and technologies that improve our quality of life now and tomorrow.
If you are interested in any of the ideas and activities that were discussed during the open house, you can be a part of them too! Consider the event an introduction. Reach out to your professors, learn more and get involved.
Dr. McDonough describing her current research and the equipment she uses to gather data.

Dr. Yazici with Dr. Qin explaining Smart Civil Infrastructure Systems to students .

Dr. Moutsanidis describing his computational research.

Dr. Krstic (left) and Dr. Mao (right) discussing their research foci.