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AGEP-T FRAME Conference Travel Support


The AGEP-T FRAME Program is committed to providing support for scholars to attend and participate in professional conferences. Current scholars can apply for a maximum of $1,200 annually which may be divided to cover expenses for up to two conferences.   

A call for applications will be issued bi-annually and a priority deadline established. Applications received by the priority deadline date will be given immediate consideration for conference support. All applications received after the priority deadline date will be reviewed and considered on a rolling basis, based on the availability of funds.



Application Process

All applications should be submitted online. Complete instructions and link to the online application are provided below. In addition to the application, the following items must be submitted via email to the

  1. Copy of your invitation to present work at the conference
  2. If you are not presenting, a 1-3 paragraph addendum explaining the importance of your attendance at this conference 
  3. One-paragraph summary/abstract of your proposed presentation
  4. Email or letter of support from your advisor
  5. Updated CV 


For More Information Contact

Karian Wright, Program Manager

(631) 632-1336



Important Links

Application Guidelines - Follow this link for complete application guidelines and instructions 

Online Application - Follow this link to the online conference travel application

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AGEP-T (Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate – Transformation) is funded by the National Science Foundation.