July 28 - August 09, 2024 – 26th National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering!
Ankita Mohanty attended the 26th National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering (NX School), an intensive program designed to train graduate students in the effective use of neutron and synchrotron x-ray facilities. During this two-week event, Ankita gained valuable hands-on experience by participating in tutorials at both Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Argonne's Advanced Photon Source.
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart was invited for the 2nd time to deliver a guest lecture at the school introducing students to addressing research challenges by implementing a multi-modal X-ray synchrotron approach.
Prof. Karen was honored to be the guest lecture of the summer school at Argonne National
(Left) Karen with the organizers: Dr. Stephan Rosenkranz and Dr. Jessica McChesney.
(Right) Karen and Dr. Xiaoyang Liu,
former Cheng-Wiegart group member, now a scientist at Argonne National Lab., shared
a great conversation during the visit!
July 23, 2024 – EFRC m2M#S All Hands Meeting
Prof. Karen and Sanmi, along with the entire Centre of Mesoscale Transport (m2M#S) team, convened at Stony Brook for a two-day meeting filled with insightful scientific discussions and presentations.
From left to right: Adesanmi Adeniyi, Prof. Amy Marschilok (m2M#S EFRC Director),
and Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart.
May 13, 2024 - 2024 NSLS-II & CFN Users’ Meeting at Brookhaven National Laboratory
Congratulations to Yuxiang, Yichen and Varun for winning the best poster awards in the 2024 annual NSLS-II & CFN Users’ Meeting!
Congratulations to all the group members who presented posters during the User’s Meeting: Adesanmi, Ankita, Arthur, Cheng-Chu, Chirag, Dean, Richard, Varun, Xiaoyin and Yichen! Well done!
Congratulations to Prof. Chen-Wiegart and Ankita on being elected as CFN Users Executive Committee (UEC) members to serve the community!
(From left) Ankita Mohanty, Chirag Saharan, Yichen Gan, Karol Dyro, Adesanmi Adeniyi,
Cheng-Chu Chung, Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, Dr. Lutz Wiegart, Varun Kankanallu, Arthur
Ronne, Dean Yen, Dr. Yuxiang Peng, Xiaoyin Zheng, and Richard Lo.
(From Left) Richard Lo, Xiaoyin Zheng, Dr. Yuxiang Peng, Dean Yen, Arthur Ronne, Varun
Kankanallu, Dr. Lutz Wiegart,
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, Cheng-Chu Chung, Adesanmi Adeniyi, Karol Dyro,Yichen Gan,
Chirag Saharan, and Ankita Mohanty.
The award winning posters! (left) Varun presenting his work as part of the m2M#S;
(middle) Dr. Yuxiang Peng presenting his work as part of MSEE EFRC;
(right) Yichen presenting his work to scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
May 02, 2024- STEM Graduate Student Leadership & Life Design Fellowship Program
Ankita participated in the Career and Life Design for Graduate Students program at Stony Brook University. It offered a structured curriculum tailored to help graduate students design their life and career paths. She was also awarded a $700 scholarship for her participation. Prof. Karen was invited by the organizers as Ankita's thesis advisor to attend the CAR celebration. We shared a wonderful, inspiring evening with many other participants and organizers!
From left to right: Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, Prof. Mónica Bugallo (Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion at Stony Brook University) and Ankita Mohanty
March 03 – 08, 2024 – Conference & Research Presentations! TMS Annual Meeting
Congratulations to Ankita Mohanty and Dr. Yuxiang Peng for their presentations at TMS 2024 in Orlando, FL! Prof. Kraen Chen-Wiegart co-organized the “Materials and chemistry for molten salt systems” symposium.
Left: Ankita Mohanty presenting her poster!. Right: Dr. Yuxiang Peng gave an oral
especially thanking the collaborators from MSEE EFRC and NSLS-II!
Left: Ankita Mohanty, Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, and Yuxiang Peng
with the lead symposium organizer: Prof. Stephen Raiman (University of Michigan)
Right: Have a great conversation with MSEE members
(left to right): Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, Kaustubh K. Bawane (Idaho National Lab.),
Dr. Yuxiang Peng, Prof. Thornton, Katsuyo (University of Michigan), Simon M. Pimblott
(Idaho National Lab.)
December 13, 2023 – Our work is selected as a journal front cover!
Cheng-Chu Chung, Charles Clark, and Chonghang Zhao conducted a study on the formation of bicontinuous nanostructures through oxidation-driven thin-film solid-state metal dealloying. Their work was featured as the cover story in the journal Advanced Materials Interfaces, with the paper published online on September 19, 2023. Furthermore, the research was highlighted by the NSF program director in the News Blast. The study involved multimodal characterization techniques, which were carried out in partnership with the National Synchrotron Light Source – II (NSLS-II) and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN), at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Congratulations to all!
November 16, 2023 – Fall 2nd Annual Materials Science and Chemical Engineering Research Day at Stony Brook University
Prof. Karen and graduate students attended the 2023 Fall Research Day held by Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering at Stony Brook University and presented their research posters.
Congratulations to all the group members who presented posters during the Research Day: Adesanmi, Ankita, Arthur, Cheng-Chu, Richard, Varun, Xiaoyin and Yichen! Well done!
(From left to right) Richard Lo, Xiaoyin Zheng, Varun Kankanallu, Cheng-Chu Chung,
Adesanmi Adeniyi, Dr. Yuxiang Peng,
Arthur Ronne, Yichen Gan, Ping-Han Wu, Ankita Mohanty, Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart and
Dean Yen.
November 13, 2023 – Guest Lecture at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart was honored to give a guest lecture at UPenn on the subject of X-ray Imaging. This is part of the lecture series organized by Brookhaven National Laboratory for synchrotron X-ray sciences. Karen was excited to have the opportunity to interact with the students at UPenn and share the passion on X-ray imaging!
August 07-11, 2023 – 8th Annual Machine Learning for Materials Research Bootcamp
PhD student Cheng-Chu Chung attended a 4-day machine learning (ML) bootcamp for materials science at the University of Maryland. Organized by Prof. Ichiro Takeuchi, the program covered topics from Python and data preprocessing to advanced ML techniques, with contributions from scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Sandia National Laboratory. The intensive training equipped Cheng-Chu with practical skills to apply data-driven approaches in his research!
August 06-18, 2023 – 25th National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering!
Varun Kankanallu participated in the 25th National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering (NX School), a comprehensive program that educates graduate students in the utilization of neutron and synchrotron x-ray facilities. Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart also gave a guest lecture there – and she was an attendee of the school in 2010! A full circle!
During this two-week event, Varun gained hands-on experience by conducting tutorials
at both Oak Ridge National Laboratory, as well as at Argonne’s Advanced Photon Source.
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart delivered a guest lecture at the school introducing students
to addressing research challenges by implementing a multi-modal X-ray synchrotron
Many thanks to the organizers for the amazing program!
Right picture (from left to right): Stephan Rosenkranz, Karen Chen-Wiegart, Jessica
McChesney, Chengjun Sun
August 02, 2023 – EFRC m2M#S All Hands Meeting!
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, Varun Kankanallu, Chang-An Lo and Xiaoyin Zheng and the entire Centre of Mesoscale Transport (m2M#S) team met in Stony Brook for a two-day meetings with great scientific discussions, tours and presentations!
July 23–27, 2023 – Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) 2023
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart was honored to be invited to deliver an invited talk in the symposium of “Microscopy and Microanalysis of Materials under Multiple Environmental Extremes” as part of the Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) 2023 conference held at Minneapolis!
July 10, 2023 – All-Hands Meeting for Molten Salts in Extreme Environment (MSEE) Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC)
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, Yuxiang Peng, Ankita Mohanty and the entire Molten Salts in Extreme Environment (MSEE) team met in Idaho National Laboratory for a two-day meetings with great scientific discussions, tours and presentations!
The MSEE EFRC team photo taken at Idaho National Laboratory
Left: (from left to right) Ankita Mohanty, Dr. Yuxiang Peng, Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart
and Dr. James Wishart, the MSEE EFRC director
Right: Yuxiang discussed his research with other MSEE members during the poster session
May 23, 2023 – MURI Kick-off meeting
Prof. Karen and the proposal team of the MURI project at a kick-off meeting to launch the project, May 2023 at MIT.
From left to right: George Barbastathis (MIT), Yang Shao-Horn (MIT),
Horacio Dante Espinosa (Northwestern U.), Chris Jacobsen (Northwestern U.) and Karen
May 19, 2023 – TOPAS School
Arthur Ronne, Cheng-Chu Chung, and Richard Lo traveled to the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) headquarters in Pennsylvania to learn about TOPAS software for X-Ray diffraction analysis!
May 17, 2023 – Graduation in 2023!
Congratulations to Xiaoyang Liu for graduating from Stony Brook University with a Ph. D in Material Science and Engineering!!!
April 24, 2023 - Poster award and invited talk! 2021 BNL NSLS-II & CFN Virtual users’ Meeting
Congratulations to Ankita for her poster ‘Chemical and Morphological Evolution of Hybrid Conversion Coatings in Low-earth Orbit Space Environment’ winning the poster award in the 2023 annual NSLS-II & CFN Users’ Meeting!
Congratulations to all the group members who presented posters during the User’s Meeting: Cheng-Chu Chung, Dean Yen, Xiaoyin Zheng and Arthur Ronne, Varun and Richard! Well done!
April 23 – 26, 2023 – Conference & Research Presentations! Fourth International Symposium on Nanoporous Materials by Alloy Corrosion
Congratulations to Cheng-Chu Chung and Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart for their presentations at Nanoporous Symposium 2023 in Lake Bostal, Germany!
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart and Cheng-Chu Chung during their conference presentations!
Left: Cheng-Chu Chung and Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart with two of the symposium organizers: Prof. Shan Shi, and Dr. Pierre-Antoine Geslin. Right: Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart and Cheng-Chu Chung reunited with prior collaborator Prof. Takeshi Wada and his colleagues Dr. Ruirui Song, and Yusuke Ohashi! (All names are from left to right.)
April 10-14, 2023 – Spring MRS Meeting 2023 at Sans Fransisco, California
Graduate student Ankita Mohanty attended the 2023 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit held by the Materials Research Society and presented her research on ‘Chemical and Morphological Evolution of Hybrid Conversion Coatings in Low-earth Orbit Space Environment’.
Congratulation to Ankita for winning the best poster award for the Symposium “Materials in Space” and receiving a $500 prize from MRS! Amazing work, Ankita!
March 19-23, 2023 – TMS Meeting
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart presented in the TMS meeting TMS 2023 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in San Diego, California.
December 15, 2022 – Graduation!
Congratulations to Charles Clark (M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering) for graduating from Stony Brook University!
Charles with Prof. Chen-Wiegart
December 09, 2022 – PhD Defense!
Congratulations to Xiaoyang Liu for successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis, entitled “Elucidating the Behaviors of Metals in Molten Chloride Salt via Multi-Modal Synchrotron X-ray Techniques”. Big congratulations, Dr. Liu!
Many thanks also to the committee chair: Dr. David Sprouster, the committee members: Prof. Gary Halada and Prof. Adrien Couet, as well as all the audience for celebrating Xiaoyang’s achievement together!
November 11, 2022 – Preliminary Examination
Congratulations to Xiaoyin Zheng for passing his preliminary exam, entitled “Multimodal X-ray imaging and microscopy with machine-learning augmented super resolution and advanced quantification”, and advancing to Ph.D. candidacy!
November 04, 2022 – Dean's Award for Excellence!
Congratulations to Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart – She is the recipient of the 2022 Dean’s Award for Excellence at the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Stony Brook University!
November 03, 2022 – Research Day
The Chen-Wiegart group members presented posters in the inaugural Research Day event of Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering at Stony Brook University!
Chen-Wiegart group members presenting posters, from left to right: Arthur Ronne, Karol
Dyro, Dean Yen
Prof. Chen-Wiegart along with the keynote speaker of the event and the departmental
and college staff and department chair!
Sepempber 16, 2022 – Preliminary Examination
Congratulations to Cheng-Chu Chung for successfully passing his preliminary exam, titled “Towards Validation of Dealloyed Thin-Film Nanostructure Predicted by Machine-Learning Models”, and advancing to Ph.D. candidacy!
August 17, 2022 – Preliminary Examination
Congratulations to Varun Kankanallu for successfully passing his preliminary exam, titled “Elucidating a dissolution-deposition reaction mechanism by multimodal synchrotron X-ray characterization in aqueous Zn/b-MnO2 batteries”, and advancing to Ph.D. candidacy!
August 15, 2022 – Keynote presentation!
Congratulations to Prof. Chen-Wiegart for delivering a keynote talk at the 2022 User Meeting of Advanced Light Source (ALS) that took place virtually August 15–17, 2022. It was an honor to speak to the user community of ALS!
July 12, 2022 – Our research is selected on Idaho National Laboratory Tweet Highlight!
Work conducted by students Xiaoyang Liu on molten salt corrosion was highlighted by Idaho National Laboratory’s Tweet. This work as part of the Brookhaven-led Molten Salts in Extreme Environments Energy Frontier Research Center (MSEE EFRC) in collaboration between Stony Brook University, Idaho National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This work highlights the time-dependent microstructure and chemical evolution during molten salt corrosion correlative quasi in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy and in situ synchrotron X-ray nano-tomography.
See the full story:
Link to the scientific article:
June 30, 2022 – Keynote presentation!
Congratulations to Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart for delivering her first conference keynote talk at the 5th International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures (ICTMS) held in Grenoble, France. It was an honor to speak in the conference and to interact with the international audience in the fields! Special thanks to the invitation from the conference co-organizers, Prof. Eric Maire (Université de Lyon) and Prof. Sabine Rolland du Roscoat (Université de Grenoble Alpes)!
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart with Prof. Eric Maire (Université de Lyon) at the ICTMS conference
site in Grenoble, France
June 22, 2022 – Renate W. Chasman Award!
Congratulations to PhD candidate Xiaoyang Liu as one of the recipients of the prestigious Renate W. Chasman Award in 2022! The Chasman Award encourages women to pursue careers in the science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) fields and honors the memory and scientific contributions of Renate Chasman (1932-1977), a notable physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Xiaoyang received the award and delivered a research talk during the annual award ceremony held by Brookhaven Lab.
See Here for the News:
About Renate W. Chasman:
May 23, 2022 – Julian Baumert Ph.D. Thesis Award Honorable Mention: Chonghang Zhao
Julian Baumert PhD Thesis Award has been established in memory of Julian David Baumert, a young Brookhaven physicist who was working on x-ray studies of soft-matter interfaces at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS). The annual award, which was initiated in 2008 will be presented to a researcher who has recently conducted a thesis project that included significant measurements at NSLS-II. Chonghang Zhao, one of the top three candidates, received an honorable mention and a $500 cash prize.
Award Announcement during the NSLS-II/CFN Users Meeting, 2022
May 23, 2022 - Poster award and invited talk! 2021 BNL NSLS-II & CFN Virtual users’ Meeting
Congratulations to Karol Dyro for his poster ‘Comparative characterization of LTO based inks via operando coherent X-ray scattering with consequences for 3D printed battery structure formation’ winning the poster award in the 2022 annual NSLS-II & CFN Users’ Meeting!
Arthur Ronne gave an invited flash talk at the ‘Microscopes 101: Techniques, Applications, and Access in Energy Sciences’ Workshop on the topic ‘Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and Imaging for Layered Oxide Na-ion Battery Cathode Materials’.
Congratulations to all the group members who presented posters during the User’s Meeting: Charles Clark, Cheng-Chu Chung, Dean Yen, Xiaoyang Liu, Xiaoyin Zheng and Arthur Ronne!
February 27 - March 03, 2022 – TMS 2022 Frontiers of Materials Award & Symposium Organization
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart received the 2022 Frontiers of Materials Award from The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), on the topic of Data-Driven, Machine-Learning Augmented Design and Novel Characterization for Nanoarchitectured Materials.
Additionally, Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart served as the lead organizer of the symposium “Self-organizing Nanoarchitectured Materials” at the Minerals, Metals & MaterialsSociety (TMS)2022 Meeting and Exhibition (Anaheim, CA). As part of the award she received from TMS, she also had the honor of organizing a special award symposium session on the award topic.
Left two: Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart with the co-organizers of the symposium: Prof.
Ian McCue (Northwestern University), and Prof. Erica Lilleodden (Fraunhofer IMWS).
Right: Karen received the award from the 2021 president of TMS, Dr. Ellen Cerreta,
during the Award ceremony: March 2nd, 2022, Anaheim, CA
The award ceremony video is available online
February 27 – March 03, 2022 – Conference & Research Presentations! TMS Annual Meeting
Congratulations to Xiaoyang Liu, Cheng-Chu Chung, and Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart for
their presentations at TMS 2022 in beautiful Anaheim, CA!
(left to right) Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, Xiaoyang Liu, and Cheng-Chu Chung during
their conference presentation!
Have a great conversation with experts in materials science community!
(left to right) Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, Xiaoyang Liu, Cheng-Chu Chung, Prof. Peter Voorhees, and Prof. Jonah Erlebacher
January 26, 2022- Preliminary Examination
Congratulations to Arthur Ronne for successfully passing his preliminary exam, titled “Mechanistic Study of Novel Cathodes for Sodium-ion Batteries Using Synchrotron X-ray Techniques”, and advancing to Ph.D. candidacy!
Dec 18, 2021 – New Publication!
Congratulations to Xiaoyang Liu for her co-authored paper ‘Visualizing time-dependent microstructural and chemical evolution during molten salt corrosion of Ni-20Cr model alloy using correlative quasi in situ TEM and in situ synchrotron X-ray nano-tomography’ being published in Corrosion Science!
December 2, 2021 – New Publication!
Congratulations to Cheng-Hung Lin, Xiaoyin Zheng, Nicole Zmich, and Xiaoyang Liu for their article "Dimensionality effect of conductive carbon fillers in
LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 cathode" published in Carbon!
Carbon, 2022;
November 14, 2021 – Our research is selected as a journal front cover!
This work was conducted by Chonghang Zhao, Xiaoyang Liu, Cheng-Hung Lin, and a M.S. student Lin-Chieh Yu, which studied the design of the nanoporous metal thin film via the solid-state interfacial dealloying process. The paper was highlighted as a journal front cover in the journal Nanoscale journal, published online on August 10, 2021. The multimodal characterization was in collaboration with the National Synchrotron Light Source – II (NSLS-II) and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Nanoscale, 2021;
September 22, 2021 – Our research is selected as a BNL webpage highlight!
Work conducted by students Xiaoyang Liu, Arthur Ronne, Lin-Chieh Yu and Cheng-Hung Lin on molten salt corrosion forming bicontinuous porous structures was highlighted on the Brookhaven National Laboratory’s website! The paper was published in Nature Communications on Jun. 9. As part of the work, a video showing the 3D morphological evolution of the metals in molten salt with X-ray nano-tomography is available online at Brookhaven National Laboratory’s YouTube channel. The work is as part of the Brookhaven-led Molten Salts in Extreme Environments Energy Frontier Research Center (MSEE EFRC) and features the collaboration between Stony Brook University, Brookhaven National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This work utilized the Full-Field X-ray Imaging (FXI) beamline and the Beamline for Materials Measurement (BMM) at National Synchrotron Light Source – II (NSLS-II).
See Here for the full story:
Paper link:
Screenshots from BNL news post, see link for more details
September 16, 2021– New Publication!
Congratulations to Cheng-Hung Lin, Chonghang Zhao, and Lijie Zou for their article "Probing Kinetics of Water-in-Salt Aqueous Batteries with Thick Porous Electrodes" published in ACS Central Science!
ACS Central Science, 2021;
August 09, 2021 PhD Defense!
Congratulations to Chonghang Zhao for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis, entitled “Bi-continuous nano-/meso- metallic thin film structure by solid-state interfacial dealloying”. Big congratulations, Dr. Zhao!
Many thanks also to the committee chair: Prof. Dilip Gersappe, the committee members: Dr. Mingzhao Liu and Dr. Xiaojing Huang, as well as all the audience for celebrating Chonghang’s achievement together!
August 05, 2021 - PhD Defense!
Congratulations to Cheng-Hung Lin for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis, entitled “Revealing Morphological and Chemical Evolution of Li-ion and Beyond Li-ion Batteries by Synchrotron X-ray Characterizations”. Big congratulations, Dr. Lin!
Many thanks also to the committee chair: Prof. Esther Takeuchi, the committee members: Prof. Guihua Yu, Dr. Jianming Bai and Dr. Mingyuan Ge, as well as all the audience for celebrating Cheng-Hung’s achievement together!
May 20, 2021 - Graduation in 2021!
Congratulations to Chonghang Zhao (Ph. D in Material Science and Engineering) ,Cheng-Hung Lin (Ph. D in Material Science and Engineering), Arthur Ronne (M.S. in Chemical and Molecular Engineering), Dean Yen (M.S. in Material Science and Engineering), Lin-Chieh Yu (M.S. in Chemistry) for graduating from Stony Brook University! Special thanks to Cheng-Chu Chung for serving a photographer!
From left to right: Chonghang Zhao, Cheng-Hung Lin, Arthur Ronne, Dean Yen, Lin-Chieh
Yu, and Cheng-Chu Chung
May 19, 2021 – Poster award! 2021 BNL NSLS-II & CFN Virtual users’ Meeting
Congratulations to Xiaoyang Liu for her poster ‘Multimodal In Situ X-ray and Electron Microscopy Reveals Temperature-Dependent Corrosion Mechanisms of Ni-20Cr Alloy in Molten Salt’ winning the poster award in the 2021 annual NSLS-II & CFN Users’ Meeting!
The poster showed the morphology evolution of alloy in molten salt studied by in situ X-ray nano-tomography and transmission electron microscopy as part of the Molten Salts in Extreme Environments (MSEE) Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC)
May 17, 2021 – Research Presentations! 2021 BNL NSLS-II & CFN Virtual Users’ Meeting
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart and Xiaoyang Liu gave invited flash talks in Facility User Educational Workshop during the 2021 annual NSLS-II & CFN Users’ Meeting. They presented on topics of ‘Nanoporous Materials Design and Fabrication for Catalyst Applications’ and ‘3D Evolution of Alloys in Molten Salt Applications for Energy Storage’ We thank for Dr. Mingyuan Ge and Dr. Lisa Miller for the invitation and organization!
May 17-20, 2021 – Research Presentations! 2021 NSLS-II & CFN Joint Users' Meeting!
Congratulations to all the group members who presented posters during the 2021 National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS – II) and Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) Users' Meeting at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)! All the posters can be viewed on the Poster Wall of the meeting under ‘Materials Science’.
Chen-Wiegart group members presented the posters in 2021 CFN – NSLS-II virtual users
meeting at Brookhaven National Laboratory. (Top to bottom) Chen-Hung Lin, Chonghang
Zhao, Xiaoyang Liu, Arthur Ronne, Cheng-Chu Chung, Karol Dyro.
April 20-22, 2021 – Research Presentation! Autonomous Discovery in Science and Engineering
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart delivered an invited talk in workshop on “Autonomous Discovery in Science and Engineering”. She spoke on the subject of “Towards understanding solid-state thin film dealloying phenomena using autonomous synchrotron X-ray characterization”.
The workshop was organized by The Center For Advanced Mathematics For Energy Research Applications (CAMERA) and supported by the US Department of Energy Office of Science. Cheng-Chu Chung also attended the workshop and enjoyed the presentations! The group also contributed to the workshop report.
March 5, 2021 - News article! Stony Brook Women Faculty: Inspiring the Next Generation
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart is featured in a recent news article of Stony Brook University News for the Women's History Month. The article recognizes woman faculty members who have been inspiring role models: “Stony Brook Women Faculty: Inspiring the Next Generation”
January 19, 2021 – New Publications!
Congratulations to Xiaoyang Liu for her article ‘Unraveling the Formation Mechanism of a Hybrid Zr-Based Chemical Conversion Coating with Organic and Copper Compounds for Corrosion Inhibition’ published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces!
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021;
November 30, 2020 – Preliminary Examination!
Congratulations to Xiaoyang Liu for passing the preliminary examination and advancing to Ph.D. candidate! She presented her thesis proposal on ‘Mechanism Study on Surface Coating and Interaction between Molten Salt and Alloy’. Well done, Xiaoyang!
(left) The front page of the presentation; (right) Xiaoyang Liu and Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart
November 19, 2020 – Research Presentation! Materials Science & Engineering, UIUC
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart delivered an invited talk for the Hard Materials Seminar in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Karen spoke on the topic of “Revealing Complex Materials Structure by Synchrotron X-rays”. The talk was hosted virtually via Zoom and attracted over 100 attendees. We are grateful for Prof. Nicola Perry for the kind invitation and hospitality!
November 4, 2020 - Image Contest Award! 11th Annual CFN Image Contest 2020
The photographs taken by Chonghang Zhao, “Multilayer thin films on the substate” won the 1st place in Scientific and Technical
category and “CFN reflected in water” won the 1st place in My Life in CFN category! Amazing! Congratulations, Chonghang!
(left) “Multilayer thin films on the substate” (right) “CFN reflected in water”
October 4-9, 2020 – Conference & Research Presentations! ECS PRiME Annual Meeting
Congratulations to Cheng-Hung Lin and Xiaoyang Liu for their research presentations at the ECS PRiME 2020 Digital Meeting organized by the Electrochemical Society.
Welcome slides presented in the PRiME 2020 Digital Meeting by (top) Cheng-Hung Lin, (bottom) Xiaoyang Liu.
July 10, 2020 – Our research is selected as a journal cover and a highlight to U.S. DOE by NSLS-II!
The work conducted by Ph.D. students Cheng-Hung Lin and Chonghang Zhao studying the sodiation mechanism of titanium disulfide (TiS2) for Na-ion batteries was selected as science highlight to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II). The paper was also highlighted as a journal cover for Journal of Materials Chemistry A, published online on July 7, 2020. The multimodal characterization was in collaboration with National Synchrotron Light Source – II (NSLS-II) as well as Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
J. Mater. Chem. A., 2020;
July 1, 2020 – New Publication!
Congratulations to Lijie Zou and Chonghang Zhao for their article "3D Morphology of Bimodal Porous Copper with Nano-Sized and Micron-Sized Pores to Enhance Transport Properties for Functional Applications" published in ACS Applied Nano Materials!
ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2020;
May 22, 2020 - Undergraduate Graduate Olivia Chen Receives Research Award!
Congratulations to Olivia Chen for receiving the Award of Excellence in Research at the Materials Science and Chemical Engineering Departmental Graduation Ceremony of 2020! This award acknowledges the research opportunities she has participated in during her undergraduate studies from her research internships at NASA and in industry, to the 3-D printing battery project with the Chen-Wiegart Group.
May 22, 2020 - Graduation! Class of 2020!
Congratulations to Olivia Chen (B.E. in Chemical and Molecular Engineering) and Jason Cheng (M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering) for graduating from Stony Brook University!
April 17, 2020 – New Publication!
Congratulations to Chonghang Zhaofor co-author an article "Ink-Substrate Interactions during 3D-Printing Revealed by Time-Resolved Coherent X-ray Scattering" published in Materials Today Physics!
Mater. Today Phys., 2020;
April 14, 2020 – New Publication!
Congratulations to Cheng-Hung Lin, and Chonghang Zhao for their article "Operando structural and chemical evolutions of TiS2 in Na-ion batteries" published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A!
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020;
April 2, 2020 – New Publication!
Congratulations to Arthur Ronne for his co-authored paper “Versatile compact heater design for in situ nanotomography by transmission X-ray microscopy” being published in Journal of Synchrotron Radiation!
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2020;
March 26, 2020 – New Publication!
Congratulations to Arthur Ronne for his paper “Revealing 3D Morphological and Chemical Evolution Mechanisms of Metals in Molten Salt by Multimodal Microscopy” published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces!
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2020;
March 6, 2020 – New Publication!
Congratulations toCheng-Hung Lin, Ke Sun, and Chonghang Zhao for their article "Systems-level investigation of aqueous batteries for understanding the benefit of water-in-salt electrolyte by synchrotron nanoimaging" published in Science Advances!
Sci. Adv., 2020;
February 27, 2020 – Conference & Research Presentations! TMS Annual Meeting
Congratulations to Arthur Ronne, Chonghang Zhao, and Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart for their presentations at TMS 2020 in beautiful San Diego, CA!
February 20, 2020 – New Publication!
Congratulations to Chonghang Zhao for co-author an article "Revealing 3D Morphology in Nanoporous Gold using 3D X-ray Fresnel Coherent Diffractive Imaging Tomography" published in Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage.
J. Electrochem. En. Conv. Stor., 2020;
February 18, 2020 – New Publication!
Prof. Chen-Wiegart's article "Multimodal Synchrotron Approach: Research Needs and Scientific Vision" published in Synchrotron Radiation News.
Synchrotron Radiat. News, 2020;
January 28, 2020 – New Publication!
Congratulations to Yu-Chung Lin, Xiaoyang Liu, and Chonghang Zhao for their article "Unveiling 3D Morphology of Multiscale Micro-Nano Silver Sintering for Advanced Electronics Manufacturing by Ptychographic X-ray Nano-Tomography" published in Advanced Engineering Materials!
Adv. Eng. Mater., 2020;
January 15-16, 2020 – EFRC m2M/t's annual all-hands meeting
Cheng-Hung Lin and Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart presented their research work at the annual all-hands meeting of Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties (m2M/t), a U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science funded Energy Frontier Research Center. The event was held at Charles B. Wang Center, Stony Brook University with all partner institutions and scientific advisory board members in the center.
January 6, 2020 – Our research on BNL webpage highlight!
The work conducted by Ph.D students Chonghang Zhao and Cheng-Hung Lin on solid state interfacial dealloying of thin films was highlighted on the website of Brookhaven National Laboratory as one of the Top-10 Science and Technology Achievements of 2019!
See here for the full story, in “Understanding Thin Films for Future Applications”:
December 17, 2019 – New Publication!
Congratulations to Lijie Zou, Chonghang Zhao, Qingkun Meng, Xiaoyang Liu, and Cheng-Hung Lin for their article "Designing Multiscale Porous Metal by Simple Dealloying with 3D Morphological Evolution Mechanism Revealed via X-ray Nano-tomography" published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. Well done!
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020;
December 12, 2019 - Faculty of the Year Award 2019!
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart received the unofficial 'Faculty of the Year Award 2019' for our department, Materials Science and Chemical Engineering at Stony Brook University, voted by the graduate students! From Karen: “It truly means a lot - Students' recognition and appreciation are the best and most precious!!”
Karen receiving the gift from the graduate student representative, Nicholas Olynik,
from the Stony Brook Graduate
Student Materials Science and Chemical Engineering Council during our department's
end-of-the-year party in 2019.
November 20, 2019 – Our research on BNL webpage highlight!
The work conducted by Ph.D students Chonghang Zhao and Cheng-Hung Lin on solid state interfacial dealloying of thin films was highlighted on the website of Brookhaven National Laboratory! The paper published was also highlighted as a journal cover for Materials Horizons, published online on Nov.18. A video as part of the work is also available online at BNL’s YouTube channel. The multi-modal characterizations were in collaboration with National Synchrotron Light Source – II (NSLS-II) as well as Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
See here for the full story:
November 14, 2019 – Conference & Research Presentations!
Congratulations to group members - Arthur Ronne, Chonghang Zhao, Cheng-Hung Lin, Lijie Zou and Xiaoyang Liu who presented their research projects during the Early Career Researcher Symposium (ECRS) 2019 at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)! Well done!
Left to right: Cheng-Wiegart Group members – (left to right) Prof. Qingkun Meng, Xiaoyang Liu, Lijie Zou, Chonghang Zhao, Cheng-Hung Lin and Arthur Ronne – participated and presented in Early Career Researcher Symposium 2019 at Brookhaven National Lab.
Left: Arthur Ronne presented his work on the study of molten salt – metal interaction. Right: Lijie Zou presented her work on 3D porous Cu characterizing by X-ray Nano-Tomography.
November 7, 2019 – Collaboration between SBU and BNL!
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart hosted a visit for Stony Brook University Office of Proposal Development and College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) to Brookhaven National Laboratory.
The group visited the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II)
and The Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN)
August 25-28, 2019 – Conference & Research Presentations! Molten Salt Symposia at the American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2019 Meeting
A big thanks to Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart for co-organizing a joint Symposium on Molten Salt Chemistry with Dr. Joanna Mcfarlane & Dr. Kristian Myhre from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Dr. James Wishart from Brookhaven National Laboratory and Dr. Ruchi Gakhar from Idaho National Laboratory, at the 2019 Fall ACS Meeting. The symposium was jointly organized by the Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (NUCL) Division and the Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (I&EC) Division. Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart also gave an invited oral presentation and Arthur Ronne presented a poster.

August 20-23, 2019 – Conference & Research Presentations!
Congratulations to the visiting scholar Prof. Qingkun Meng for his research presentation and Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart for her invited presentation at 11th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (MetFoam 2019) in Dearborn, MI organized by the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS).
August 12– 13 , 2019 – All-Hands Meeting for Molten Salts in Extreme Environment (MSEE) Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC)
Arthur Ronne, Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart and the entire Molten Salts in Extreme Environment (MSEE) team met up in Oak Ridge National Laboratory for a two-day meeting of scientific discussions, talks, tours, and presentations.
July 29 – 30, 2019 –Conference & Research Presentations! Poster Presentation at the 2019 EFRC PI Meeting
Congratulations to Arthur Ronne for his poster presentation at the 2019 Energy Frontier Research Centers Principal Investigator’s Meeting, an invite-only conference attended by about 650 scientists from the Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) and the US Department of Energy. The meeting gathered senior members and early career scientists from more than 100 institutions to discuss about the science for our energy future.
July 29, 2019 – Workshop participation!
Prof. Chen-Wiegart was invited to participate in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)- International Space Station National Laboratory (ISSNL) co-sponsored workshop, “Materials Science in Space”, held at Atlanta, GA.
July 24-25, 2019 – Courses on Tomviz and ParaView software at Kitware Inc.
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart and her students – Cheng-Hung Lin, Chonghang Zhao and Xiaoyang
Liu visited Kitware Inc. at Clifton Park, NY to participate in the courses on open-source
software - Tomviz and ParaView. Prof. Chen-Wiegart is in collaboration with Kitware Inc. to further develop TomViz
to suite the needs of synchrotron X-ray imaging and tomography data analysis.
July 22, 2018 – Workshop participation!
Prof. Chen-Wiegart was invited to participate in the National Science Foundation (NSF) - Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) co-sponsored workshop “Materials in Space”, held in San Francisco, CA.
July 29, 2019 – Best Overall Video at 2019 Energy Frontier Research Center Principal Investigator Meeting
Congratulations to Arthur Ronne, Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart and the entire MSEE team for their work on the “Salt for the Earth” video which won “Best Overall” in the Life at the Frontiers of Energy Research Video Contest at the 2019 EFRC PI Meeting!
June 19-21, 2019 – Conference & Research Presentation!
Prof. Chen-Wiegart was invited to present at The Hamburg Collaborative Research Center SFB 986, annual workshop on "Tailor-Made Multiscale Materials Systems", Hamburg, Germany, June 19-21, 2019. Her talk subject was on: “Synchrotron X-ray Multi-Dimensional & Multi-Modal Study: Multiscale Materials System by Dealloying”
June 19, 2019 – New Publication!
Congratulations to Chonghang Zhao and Cheng-Hung Lin for their article "Bi-continuous pattern formation in thin films via solid-state interfacial dealloying studied by multimodal characterization" published in Materials Horizons.
Mater. Horiz., 2019,
May 26-30, 2019 – Conference & Research Presentations!
Congratulations to Cheng-Hung Lin and Xiaoyang Liu for their research presentations and Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart for her invited presentation ‘Multi-Modal and Operando Synchrotron Investigation of Energy-Storage Materials’ in Symposium I05 – Heterogeneous Functional Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage 2 at the 235th ECS Meeting in Dallas, TX organized by the The Electrochemical Society.
(left) Oral presentation by Xiaoyang Liu , (middle) group photo of Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart,
Xiaoyang Liu , and Cheng-Hung Lin (right) Oral presentation by Cheng-Hung Lin at the
235th ECS Meeting in Dallas, TX .
May 24, 2019 – Graduation !
Congratulations to Bryan Conry for his graduation and receiving bachelor degree!
(left) Bryan Conry and Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, (right) Bryan Conry was receiving
his degree in the graduation ceremony of College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
at Stony Brook University.
May 20-22, 2019 – Conference & Research Presentation!
Congratulations to all the group members who presented posters during the 2019 Annual Users Meeting of Center For Functional Nanomaterials and National Synchrotron Light Source – II at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)!
Prof. Chen-Wiegart presented in “Molten Salt Properties, Structures and Interfaces Under Extreme Environments” and “Data Challenges and Frontier of Analysis Techniques in X-ray Microscopy” workshops as an invited speaker, and also organized “Multi-modal Synchrotron Approach – Research Needs and Scientific Vision” workshop in the 2019 CFN –NSLS-II users meeting.
Chen-Wiegart group members presented the posters in 2019 CFN –NSLS-II users meeting at Brookhaven National Laboratory. (Left to right) Chen-Hung Lin, co-author Dr. S. Petrash (Henkel Corp.) and Xiaoyang Liu, Arthur Ronne, Bryan Conry, Olivia Chen, Lijie Zou, (Top to bottom) Qingkun Meng, Chonghang Zhao.
The Chen-Wiegart Research Group at NSLS-II/CFN Users Meeting.
April 24, 2019 – Undergraduate Research Symposium!
Congratulations to Olivia Chen and Bryan Conry for their poster presentation at the Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities in Student Activities Center (SAC), Stony Brook University, organized by the URECA (Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities) Program. Olivia presented her work on 3D printing batteries under the guidance of Ph.D. student, Cheng-Hung Lin, and in collaboration with Brookhaven National Laboratory. Bryan presented his team work for the senior project. Well done!
(left) Group photo of Olivia Chen, Bryan Conry and Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, (right)
Group members with Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart.
March 27, 2019 - Conference & Research Presentations!
The WISE Research Showcase was an event hosted by the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Honors program. Olivia Chen, group member, presented her poster on the Additive Manufacturing of Batteries to industry sponsors, professional engineers, and WISE students. It was an event that celebrated the achievements of WISE students and women in STEM at Stony Brook University.
Olivia Chen presenting her poster at the WISE Research Showcase was an event hosted by the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Honors program of Stony Brook University.
March 14, 2019 – New Publication!
Congratulations to Xiaoyang Liu for her article "Environmentally Friendly Zr-Based Conversion Nanocoatings for Corrosion Inhibition of Metal Surfaces Evaluated by Multimodal X-ray Analysis" published in ACS Applied Nano Materials.
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2019.
March 10-14, 2019 – Conference & Research Presentations!
Congratulations to Lijie Zou for her research presentation at the TMS 2019 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in San Antonio, Texas organized by the TMS Meeting Services. Well done!
Feburary 24-28, 2019 – Conference & Research Presentations!
Congratulations toChonghang Zhao for his research presentation and Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart for her invited presentation at the Third International Symposium on Nanoporous Materials by Alloy Corrosion. Well done!
January 31, 2019 - Karen Chen-Wiegart Highlights SBU Research at Chancellor’s SOTUS Address
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart represented Stony Brook University at the 2019 Chancellor’s State of The University System (SOTUS) Address in Albany, NY. SUNY Chancellor Kristina M. Johnson delivered her second State of the University System address on January 31, 2019 from the Albany Capital Center. She showcased the group’s research in collaboration with Brookhaven National Laboratory and The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Full story on Stony Brook University’s News Website:
October 1, 2018 – Welcome New Group Members!
Welcome Arthur Ronne, Ke Sun, Olivia Chen and Bryan Conry joining the group! Arthur is joining the DOE EFRC Molten Salts in Extreme Environments project. Ke is joining the DOE EFRC Center for Mesoscale Transport Properties. Olivia will be working with Cheng-Hung Lin on 3D printing battery, in collaboration with BNL. Bryan will be working with Chonghang Zhao on oil paint composites in collaboration with the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Welcome!
September 24, 2018 – Conference & Research Presentations!
Congratulations to Cheng-Hung Lin and Xiaoyang Liu for their research presentations at Stony Brook University (SBU)- Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Workshop on Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing Research.
Poster presentations from Cheng-Hung Lin (top) and Xiaoyang Liu (bottom) at the SBU-BNL Workshop on Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing Research.
August 17, 2018 – Graduation !
Congratulations to Xiaoyang Liu and Yu-Chung Lin for their graduation and receiving master degree!
(Left) Group photo of Xiaoyang Liu, Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, and Yu-Chung Lin, (Right) Xiaoyang Liu and Yu-Chung Lin .
August 8, 2018 – New Publication!
Congratulations toChonghang Zhao for his article "Imaging of 3D morphological evolution of nanoporous silicon anode in lithium ion battery by X-ray nano-tomography" published in Nano Energy.
Nano energy, 2018.
August 3, 2018 - Research Symposium for REU Program
Congratulations to Kevin Kucharczyk for his research presentation ‘Viscoelastic Ink Design for 3D Printing Batteries’ in CIE Summer Research Internships 2018, NSF REU: Nanotechnology for Health, Energy
& the Environment & NIH IMSD-MERGE at Wang Center, Stony Brook University. The National
Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports
active research participation by undergraduate students.
From left to right: Chonghang Zhao, Cheng-Hung Lin, Kevin Kucharczyk, Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, Xiaoyang Liu, and Yu-Chung Lin.
June 3-5, 2018 – Workshop!
Prof. Chen-Wiegart is attending Young Investigators Workshop organized by the Division Of Materials Research, Direct For Mathematical & Physical Science, National Science Foundation!
May 30, 2018 – Welcome New Group Member!
Welcome Kevin Kucharczyk, a Summer Undergraduate Student joining via NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program – the REU site at Stony Brook University: Nanotechnology for Health, Energy and the Environment!
Group dinner to welcome the new group member, Kevin!
May 28, 2018 – New Service Role!
Prof. Chen-Wiegart was elected to serve on the Users’ Executive Committee (UEC) of Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The CFN UEC represents the scientific user community at the CFN.
May 24, 2018 – Invited Research Presentation!
Prof. Chen-Wiegart was invited to deliver a research seminar at the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate of Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Dayton, OH.
May 21-23, 2018 – Conference & Research Presentation!
Congratulations to all the group members who presented posters during the 2018 Annual Users Meeting of Center For Functional Nanomaterials and National Synchrotron Light Source – II at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)!
Prof. Chen-Wiegart also presented in “Characterization of Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems: Advanced Spectroscopy, Microscopy and Diffraction Techniques” workshop as an invited speaker.
(Left to right) Chen-Hung Lin and co-author Dr. E. Stavitski (BNL), Chonghang Zhao,
Lijie Zou, Yu-Chung Lin, Xiaoyang Liu and co-author Dr. S. Petrash (Henkel Corp.)
(Left) the Chen-Wiegart Research Group at NSLS-II/CFN Users Meeting, (Right) Group member Cheng-Hung Lin discussing his research with collaborator.
May 13-17, 2018 – Conference & Research Presentations!
Congratulations to Cheng-Hung Lin and Xiaoyang Liu for their research presentations at the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle, WA organized by the The Electrochemical Society. Well done!
(left) Oral presentation by Cheng-Hung Lin and (right) Poster presentation by Xiaoyang Liu at the 233rd ECS Meeting, Seattle, WA.
May 02, 2018 – Our research on BNL webpage highlight!
The work conducted by Ph.D students Chonghang Zhao and Cheng-Hung Lin was highlighted on the website of Brookhaven National Laboratory! The work was in collaboration with the Sustainable Energy Technologies Department as well as NSLS-II at Brookhaven Lab.
See here for the full story:
April 05, 2018 – Conference & Research Presentations!
Congratulations to Yu-Chung Lin and Chonghang Zhao for their research presentations at the 2018 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit organized by the Materials Research Society. Well done!
(left) Poster presentation by Yu-Chung Lin, (middle) group photo of Yu-Chung Lin, Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart and Chonghang Zhao, (right) oral presentation by Chonghang Zhao at MSR Spring 2018 Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
March 20, 2018 – Professor Karen Chen-Wiegart receives the prestigious NSF CAREER
The story was highlighted at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering’s
NSF CAREER Award: Professor Karen Chen-Wiegart Advancing Metallic Nano-Materials with
X-ray Methods and Nanotechnology at Brookhaven Lab
See the full story here, written by Adrian Hurtado, edited by Chris Maio and Ricarda Laasch.
The story was also highlighted at Brookhaven National Laboratory, as well as at the Stony Brook University’s Homepage’s Stony Brook Matters.
March 6, 2018 – Our Research on the News!
Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart and her work in collaboration with the Metropolitan Museum of Art was reported in the News!
See here for the news article, reported by Daniel Dunaief – also available in print!
March 1, 2018 – Welcome New Group Member!
Welcome Qingkun Meng joining the group as a Visiting Scholar! He is visiting from the School of Materials Science & Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, where he is an Assistant Professor.
Jan. 3, 2018 – Welcome New Group Member!
Welcome Lijie Zou joining the group as a Visiting Scholar! She is visiting from the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, where she is a Ph.D. Candidate.
Group dinner to welcome Lijie joining the group after a beamtime at NSLS-II!
November 2, 2017 – Conference & Research Presentations!
Congratulations to Chonghang Zhao, Cheng-Hung Lin, Xiaoyang Liu and Yu-Chung Lin for their oral presentations at the Brookhaven National Laboratory Early Career Researcher Symposium 2017. Well done!
(from left to right) Top: Cheng-Hung Lin, Chonghang Zhao, Group members with the Symposium Organizer; Bottom: Xiaoyang Liu, Group members with Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, Yu-Chung Lin.
November 1, 2017 – Invited Research Presentation!
Prof. Chen-Wiegart presented an invited departmental seminar in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of Florida, Gainesville, FL as well as in the “Novel Trends in Synchrotron and FEL-Based Analysis Focus Topic Symposium” at Tampa, FL. She speaks about Multi-modal and Multi-dimensional Synchrotron Investigation of Functional Materials.
(Left) New Engineering Bldg. at University or Florida (Image Credit, (Right) Prof. Chen-Wiegart visits the campus.
October 11, 2017 – New Publication!
Ph.D. students Cheng-Hung Lin and Chonghang Zhao in Prof. Chen-Wiegart’s group teamed up with scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory to study lithium-sulfur batteries using multi-modal synchrotron techniques at National Synchrotron Light Source II. A new article “Operando Multi-modal Synchrotron Investigation for Structural and Chemical Evolution of Cupric Sulfide (CuS) Additive in Li-S battery” is published in Scientific Reports.
Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 12976 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41598-017-12738-0
September 16, 2017 – Research Presentation!
Prof. Chen-Wiegart Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China as well as in the
“International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams – MetFoam 2017” in Nanjing.
She presents the latest results from the group on functional materials, including
3D characterizations of nano-/meso-porous metals.
(Left) Prof. Chen-Wiegart at Wuhan University of Technology. (Right) Prof. David Dunand from Northwestern University and Prof. Chen-Wiegart at MetFoam2017 Conference. Prof. Dunand was Prof. Chen-Wiegart’s Ph.D. thesis advisor as well as the advisory board member of the MetFoam conference.
September 4, 2017 – New Publication!
Ph.D student Chonghang Zhao in Prof. Chen-Wiegart’s group utilized cutting-edge synchrotron X-ray nano-tomography techniques to study the formation of three-dimensional structure of nano-porous metals by a novel liquid metal dealloying method. A new article “3D Morphological and Chemical Evolution of Nanoporous Stainless Steel by Liquid Metal Dealloying” is published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (39), pp 34172–34184 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b04659
May 15, 2017 – Research Presentation!
During the 2017 Annual Users Meeting of Center For Functional Nanomaterials and National Synchrotron Light Source – II at Brookhaven National Laboratory, M.S. students and Ph.D. Students from Prof. Chen-Wiegart’s group presented poster presentation to show case their research projects in energy storage, anti-corrosion nano-coatings, nanoporous metals and 3D structure for electronics packaging. Prof. Chen-Wiegart co-organized a workshop “Multi-dimensional and Multi-modal X-ray Imaging and Analysis” and also presented in “Nano-mechanics: From Material Fabrication to In-Operando Characterization” workshop as an invited speaker.
(From left to right) Ph.D. Student Cheng-Hung Lin presents a poster on energy storage research, M.S. Student Xiaoyang Liu presents a poster on anti-corrosion nano-coating, Ph.D. Student Chonghang Zhao presents a poster on new nanoporous metals, M.S. Student Yu-Chung Lin presents on 3D structure for electronics packaging.
Feb. 10, 2017 Welcome New Group Members!
Welcome new group members, M.S. students Xiaoyang Liu & Yu-Chung Lin!
Jan. 19, 2017 Chen-Wiegart Research Group @ Stony Brook University!
Welcome to Chen-Wiegart Group at Stony Brook University with initial group members: Prof. Karen Chen-Wiegart, PhD students Chonghang Zhao & Cheng-Hung Lin!
May 2016 M.S. Thesis!
Congratulations to Chonghang Zhao and Hua Jiang for completing their M.S. Thesis!
Mar 2015 M.S. Projects at Brookhaven National Laboratory!
Welcome New Group Members – MS students Chonghang Zhao and Hua Jiang to join the M.S. projects at Brookhaven National Laboratory