Campus Programs
Stony Brook offers a variety of programs, organizations and events to support our campus. See a non-exhaustive list of such offerings below.
"Speak Up, Speak Out!" Program
This bi-annual program brings the leaders of our cultural and ethnic-interest student
groups together to raise awareness, build relationships and foster collaboration.
Average participation: 60 student leaders representing 43 student groups.
Festival of Lights
This annual Stony Brook tradition celebrates the diversity of faiths, religious beliefs
and customs during the holiday season. The Festival is an intercultural program that
highlights the most widely observed holidays through presentations, performances in
song, dance, music and video, holiday displays, crafts-making and traditional ethnic
foods. The Festival of Lights is coordinated with the Interfaith Center and held in
conjunction with 15 spiritual/cultural student organizations. Participation: 250-300.
Black History Month (BHM)
Each February, Stony Brook University celebrates the African American/Black experience
with a wide range of academic/educational, cultural and social programs. BHM at Stony
Brook involves 25 events supported by the Black History Month Committee (24 students,
faculty and staff), 10 departments/offices and 19 cultural student groups. Participation:
BHM Opening Ceremony (200); BHM Closing Program (300).
"Journey Around the World" Multicultural Show & Food Tasting
"Journey Around the World" is an evening of cultural performances and a multi-ethnic
food tasting held annually to celebrate the cultural and global diversity represented
by our student population. The event features educational presentations, traditional
food sampling and cultural performances in song, music, dance and video. The event
is cosponsored with 15 cultural student organizations. Participation: 275.
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
In April, Stony Brook recognizes the culture and contributions of Asian Americans.
Student groups and campus departments highlight the heritage of Asian Americans through
programs, performances and discussions. Participation: 200-250.
Diversity Day
Diversity Day is a Stony Brook tradition that unites members of the campus community
from different backgrounds for a day of celebration and togetherness. Held every spring
semester during the annual Strawberry Festival, participants share the many dimensions
of their different heritages and lifestyles through music and dance performances,
creative arts and cultural trivia. Participation: More than 2,000.
UNITI Cultural Center
The Office of Multicultural Affairs provides administrative support and oversight
of the UNITI Cultural Center (UCC), a multicultural center promoting diversity and
inclusivity within the Stony Brook community. Established in 1978, the UCC has several
spaces that are used by Stony Brook's various student organizations and campus departments
for their cultural programs. The UCC facilities also include a comfortable study lounge
where students can relax while studying.
Stony Brook University Chapter of the Student African American Brotherhood National
Organization (SAAB)
The Office of Multicultural Affairs coordinates and manages Stony Brook’s Chapter
of SAAB, an institutional initiative that promotes the academic and personal success
of African American and Latino/ Hispanic American male students. SAAB primarily consists
of male students who have a strong commitment to academic achievement, leadership
development, brotherhood and community service. SAAB provides students with pathways
to other leadership opportunities on campus, including but not limited to serving
as Resident Assistants, Orientation Leaders, Student Ambassadors and representatives
on administrative committees. SAAB leaders also participate in the SAAB National Conference.
Since its inception in 2007, more than 170 students have participated in Stony Brook’s
SAAB Chapter.
SAAB Professional Leadership Institute (SPLI)
As the evolution of the SAAB Chapter’s signature program, the SAAB Professional Leadership
Series (SPLI) is a two-day conference that focuses on (but is not limited to) promoting
self-awareness and the professional and personal development of African American and
Latino male students at Stony Brook. Participation: 65.
Professional Leadership Series Dinner: Alumni Panel/Public Speaker
Every SAAB Chapter is mandated to have a signature program that highlights student
success. The Stony Brook Chapter of SAAB established a Professional Leadership Series
Program, that comprises a brunch and a dinner, held each fall and spring semester,
respectively. The dinner features Stony Brook University.
Student African American Sisterhood (SAAS)
Chartered on November 4, 2016, the Stony Brook Chapter of the Student African American Sisterhood National Organization, Inc. (SAAS) is a new campus initiative to promote the academic growth, personal development,
and success of underrepresented female students. The Stony Brook Chapter of SAAS includes a leadership team of six students and student
chapter members, all supported by an Executive Council and SAAS Mentors. The Executive
Council and SAAS Mentors are Stony Brook faculty and staff who volunteer their time
and resources to support the chapter.
Black and Latino Alumni (BLA) Network
The Office of Multicultural Affairs promotes alumni engagement with emphasis given
to members of this alumni affinity group based in New York City. The Office of Alumni
Relations and the Career Center help facilitate opportunities for current students
to connect with BLA Network members for career development and mentoring.
Presidential Mini-Grant: Multicultural Competency Training
The Office of Multicultural Affairs is providing leadership in the development and
implementation of a Diversity Certificate Program designed to foster the multicultural
competence of Stony Brook students. This effort is funded by a grant of $3,000 from
the Office of the President.
Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM)
The Office of Multicultural Affairs has a representative on Stony Brook’s HHM Committee.
Held each October, HHM focuses on the Latino Community, provides educational opportunities
and presents many diverse aspects of Latino culture to the University. Hispanic and
Latino Americans have made distinguished contributions to the United States in all
major fields such as the military, music, literature, philosophy, sports, business
and economy, science and politics. Such contributions are highlighted and celebrated
throughout the month.
LGBTQ* Awareness Training
Available to groups, departments, organizations, classes, etc. who are interested
in introductory and/or cultural competency information regarding LGBTQ* people and
experiences. Trained groups include: Orientation Leaders, Resident Assistants, Apartment
Resident Assistants, University Police Department, Career Center, Counseling and Psychological
Services, Student Health Services, School of Social Welfare Faculty, The Graduate
School/Professional Development Faculty/Staff, Undergraduate College Instructors,
Financial Aid and Scholarship Services, HEA 502, HWC 308, HEA 523, IAP 391, LGBTA
and SBU StandUP Charter.
Student Organization Program Advising
In conjunction with Student Activities, LGBTQ* Services provides program advising
for student organizations that do programming for, about or in conjunction with LGBTQ*
communities. Student organizations include: LGBTA, Graduate Queer Alliance, SBU StandUP
Charter, The Next Generation and the up-and-coming Trans Alliance.
Safe Space Program
This is a two-part ally development workshop series grounded in social justice that
guides participants in becoming effective and active allies to LGBTQ* communities.
During the 2015-16 academic year, 381 participants were trained.
LGBTQ* Campus Life
LGBTQ* offers weekly programming to provide a consistent opportunity for community
building through discussion and education on relevant topics. Wherever possible, Stony
Brook faculty, staff and alumni are included to provide a sense of belonging to the
University. Topics include career development, resume building, financial literacy,
HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness, LGBTQ* histories, healthcare, racial justice, identity
discussions, alcohol and other drugs, Coming Out Day, queer studies and privilege/oppression.
Study Jam
LGBTQ* students are given this weekend opportunity to study together in a semi-structured
atmosphere to emphasize the need for dedicated study time.
Programming Around National Days/Months of Observance
LGBTQ* Services recognizes Coming Out Day, Transgender Day of Remembrance, Transgender
Day of Visibility, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Sexual Violence Awareness Month,
Pride Month and more.
Welcome Events
We provide opportunities for students to start the semester building community with
new and old friends. 60-100 people attend each semester.
Rainbow Fall Feast
A dinner banquet to celebrate the chosen families created on campus before the Thanksgiving
break. Participation: ~100 annually.
Lavender Graduation
A graduation ceremony to celebrate LGBTQ* and ally students and their mentors. Participation:
50 at inaugural event.
LGBTQ* Leadership Roundtable
The LGBTQ* Leadership Roundtable is a bi-weekly meeting of leaders from organizations
that do work for, about or in conjunction with LGBTQ* communities on campus to foster
coalition building, networking and collaborations. Student leaders that have attended
include representation from: LGBTA, Graduate Queer Alliance, Stony Brook’s StandUP
Charter, The Next Generation, Trans Alliance, Student Athlete Advisory Committee,
Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance and USG.
AIDS Peer Education
Addresses issues of HIV transmission and risk reduction, including identifying opportunities
to discuss risk and promote risk reduction, and supporting the process of behavior
change. The core of the preparation is a two-course, two semester sequence for which
students earn a total of 6-credits.
Calendar to Promote Diversity and Inclusion
Promotes inclusive communities by raising awareness around a diverse set of identities
and issues, while striving to maintain a socially just environment for students, staff,
and faculty
Diversity Peer Education
Diversity Peer Educators are taught how to educate their respective communities on
a variety of diversity issues during this 3-credit internship.
Tunnel of Oppression
An interactive tour of identities that seeks to raise awareness about issues of oppression
by presenting content grounded in real world, lived experiences. Participants move
through spaces filled with images, scenarios and videos that reflect examples of social
injustice. The experience ends with a guided debriefing session led by professional
staff members.
Diversity Programming Grant
This grant supports campus-wide events that are intended to bring awareness to and
celebrate the monthly diversity themes established throughout the academic year. Each
month is devoted to recognizing and honoring the culture, traditions, contributions
and struggles of identity groups that have historically experience oppression.
Cultural Events in the Undergraduate Colleges
The Stony Brook University Citizen's Police Academy will give participants an in-depth understanding of the functions and responsibilities of the University Police Department. The 8-week course introduces participants to basic law enforcement concepts and allows them to participate in various interactive scenarios. Learn more about the academy here.
Coffee With a Cop's mission is to break down the barriers between police officers and the community they serve. Community members and University Police officers come together for coffee and conversation in informal settings on campus.
Bi Annual Postdoc Advertisement
Twice a year we work with the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs to run an ad intended
to reach out to a diverse pool of candidates looking for postdoctoral opportunities.
Departments are encouraged to participate by posting their current or upcoming opportunities
on our website for candidates to be redirected to from the Advertisement.
Upon request from departments, Recruitment has worked to help create entry traineeships.
This is an opportunity for graduating students to gain practical experience needed
to be considered for professional level opportunities. The traineeships help to create
a more diverse feeder pool for the entry-level professional positions since they are
being fed by our diverse graduating student body.
One of the best tools we have in recruitment is HERC. HERC is the Higher Recruitment
Consortium, of which Stony Brook is a founding member. HERC is a non-profit consortium
of over 700 colleges, universities, hospitals, research labs, government agencies
and related non- and for-profit organizations. Consortium members share a commitment
to hiring the most diverse and talented faculty, staff and executives. They have some
great diversity tools that they utilize on our behalf. Each year they hold a Diversity
Conference, which we are able to send staff to.
High School Recruitment Programs: College Fairs, College Nights, Private Visits
Over 200 college fairs, college nights and high school visits in targeted communities
conducted annually.
Campus Visit Programs
Student led campus tours and information sessions incorporating student leaders from
multicultural clubs and organizations (60 conducted in 2015).
College Awareness Workshops and Programs
Science Technology Entry Program (STEP), Health Opportunities Program (HOPE), HCARE,
GEAR UP, Native American Scholarship Program, All The Way Program scholarship, LA
VISION sponsored by the Latin American Fraternities/Sororities, Society of Hispanic
Engineers (SHEP) Precollege Day, COLLEGE 101 sponsored by EOP and the Student African
American Brotherhood, National Society of Black Engineers Engineering Day.
Outreach Through Community Based Organizations
College Access Consortium of NY, CBO counselors and administrators invited to all
counselor and student events hosted in NYC.
Community College Partnerships
Recruitment visits to SUNY and CUNY community colleges, CSTEP partner school campus
visits and workshops.
Early Awareness Programs
College Awareness programs conducted for elementary and middle school students in
Amityville Schools, William Floyd Schools, Roosevelt and Huntington Schools.
Guidance Counselor Programs
Stony Brook Manhattan counselor workshops, participation in SUNY Operation Inform
programs for NYC counselors and Campus Visits Programs for guidance counselors.
Phone-A-Thon and Online Chats
Utilizing student leaders and student organizations to encourage campus visits in
March and April.
Spring Yield Events
Visit a Class, Admitted Student Day, EOP Admitted Student Reception, Multicultural
Yield reception/NYC Yield receptions.
Health Careers Academic Readiness and Exploration (HCARE)
Our program provides high school students with an interest in the field the science,
math and English skills needed to attend the many 2- and 4-year programs offered on
Long Island. We are also partnered with Suffolk County Community College to promote
the Joint-Admissions agreement, which guarantees acceptance to a four-year SUNY college.
In support of students’ college readiness, we currently have over 300 students in
11th and 12th grade enrolled in Method Test Prep (MTP), an online SAT Preparation
course supported by in-school tutoring. During the 2011 and 2012 Summer Academy, student-participants
SAT math and reading comprehension skills both increased 48 percent from pre-test
to post-test results.
Health Occupations Partnership for Excellence (HOPE)
Coordinated through Stony Brook University Hospital's Department of Community Relations,
the HOPE (Health Occupations Partnership for Excellence) program promotes and fosters
the development of promising high school students from underserved, racially and ethnically
diverse communities, and strives to support them in pursuing a college education and
future careers in the health care industry. Activities span two academic years and
provide education, mentorship and volunteer opportunities. Participating districts
include Brentwood, Longwood and Wyandanch.
New York Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (NY STEM)
The program has the primary goal of enhancing students’ learning of STEM. It meets
its goal by providing a residential STEM summer program for students on the Stony
Brook University campus and academic year enrichment experiences. Activities are planned
to motivate students, letting them experience the fun and excitement that accompany
discovery, team-based projects and presentations and effective communications in a
supportive environment. Students become part of a community that includes teachers
in the schools, University faculty and staff, along with undergraduate and graduate
students as mentors and program counselors.
Students learn that knowledge of STEM is essential for virtually every field, and they learn to design their own projects. Also, they become aware of several areas of research: Rapid prototyping for "three dimensional printing" of objects designed with or visualized by computer programs, the study of the effects of pressure by the use of high-pressure apparatuses designed to simulate conditions deep within the earth, and the use of accelerators for research in nuclear physics.
STEP/BNL Summer of Science
Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP)
STEP (Science and Technology Entry Program) is a New York State Education Department
effort that began in 1986 to encourage and prepare more historically underrepresented
and economically disadvantaged middle and high school students for entry into scientific,
technical, health and health related professions, including many areas where licensure
is required. The program at Stony Brook offers enrichment experiences through the
exposure to the University's rich academic resources.
Through STEP, middle and high school students are offered academic enrichment, tutoring, supportive counseling, laboratory experiences, and opportunities to explore scientific research. Highlights of the program include a network of STEP clubs and advisors at participating schools and a residential summer program at the Stony Brook University campus. In addition, in the fall and spring, STEP offers a SAT preparation course, courses for college credit and internship opportunities.
WISE Precollege Program
WISE High School challenges high school women who show academic promise and interest
in science, math, and engineering by engaging participants in unique experiences at
Stony Brook University (SBU), and other facilities such as Brookhaven National Laboratory
and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. WISE High School is a three-year after-school program
involving new students each fall from local participating high schools. The goals
are to expose the girls to the variety within science through hands-on experience.
BIOPREP: Biology Partnership in Research and Education Program
Lab Techniques & Computer Skills that will be covered: Isolation of DNA Inoculation
of bacterial cultures, Mini preps from bacterial cultures Restriction enzyme digests,
Ligation of DNA Bacterial transformation, Preparation of solutions Polymerase chain
reaction (PCR), Restriction fragment length polymorphism, Pubmed literature searches,
Gel electrophoresis (agarose and polyacrylamide) Genome database searches, Protein
expression & purification Bioinformatics tools and Western blotting PowerPoint presentations.
Hearst Foundations STEM Scholars Transfer Scholarship Program
Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)
The goal of the Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) is to promote
academic excellence and to provide support services for its participants. The mandate
of this New York State Education Department-funded program is to increase the numbers
of underrepresented minority and income-eligible college students pursuing degrees
in scientific, technological, health, and health-related fields of study, including
many areas where licensure is required.
Educational Opportunity Program for Advancement on Individual Merit (EOP/AIM)
The purpose of the Educational Opportunity Program is to fulfill New York State’s
commitment to provide access to higher education for economically disadvantaged students
who possessed the potential to succeed in college, but whose academic preparation
in high school has not fully prepared them to pursue college education successfully.
The primary mission of the EOP is to facilitate the recruitment, enrollment, retention,
and graduation of these students. This is accomplished by providing EOP/AIM students
with an array of educationally related support services.
The Stony Brook University Initiative for Maximizing Student Development: Maximizing
Excellence in Research for Graduate Education (IMSD-MERGE) Program aims to increase
the number of underrepresented and disadvantaged students (URM) completing highly
productive biological and biomedical science degrees at Stony Brook University, and
prepare them for seamless advancement into successful research careers.
Robert Noyce Scholarship Program
SUNY Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program at Stony Brook
is part of SUNY LSAMP, a statewide alliance of the four university centers and smaller
colleges within the geographical area of each university center. The SUNY LSAMP program
was funded in 1996 and has been funded for three successive five-year cycles. The
program is designed to increase the numbers of traditionally underrepresented minority
students who pursue degrees in STEM majors and now has a further goal of encouraging
LSAMP students to pursue graduate degrees. LSAMP does not support students who are
intent on pursuing professional degrees such as an MD.
The core of the LSAMP program at Stony Brook is a four-year curriculum that is also an integral part of the CSTEP program. It offers a semester by semester program of courses and seminars to enhance students' academic, research and life skills. The SUNY LSAMP headquarters is located on the Stony Brook campus, and in 2006 SUNY LSAMP received NSF funding to undertake an alliance-wide research project designed to identify "best practices" and provide a national model for similarly designed programs. Areas of particular interest for the research project are gauging the effectiveness of tutoring and workshops, academic success courses, advising and mentoring, and the decision making process through which students decide to pursue graduate degrees.
WISE College Program
The Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program seeks to increase the number of
women in science, math and engineering fields through outreach, recruitment and retention
efforts. Combining the vast resources of a major university with the close bonds of
a small community, the WISE College Program enables undergraduate women to work closely
with peers and faculty to form friendships and to achieve a solid background in their
field. The WISE Precollege Program reaches out to local schools to inspire young women
to choose to pursue science math and engineering degrees.
WISE Scholars for Medicine Initiative
The Scholars for Medicine Program is an integrated eight-year B.A./M.D. course of
study offered to exceptional high school students. While completing undergraduate
studies, students participate in medical school classes and activities. Admission
to the medical school is contingent upon achieving a minimum G.P.A. of 3.4, and above
average MCAT scores.
Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP)
AGEP-T is the new National Science Foundation grant committed to increasing diversity
in the academy in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). AGEP-T
is focused on building strategic alliances of institutions and organizations to develop
programs that will increase the success of underrepresented minority students in STEM
through graduate education, postdoctoral training and academic STEM career preparation.
LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate (BD)
The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Bridge to the Doctorate
program is funded by the National Science Foundation to increase the number of underrepresented
minority students admitted into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM) graduate programs. The program is designed to provide support for these students
as they complete their master’s degree coursework and transition into doctoral programs,
ultimately increasing the number of underrepresented minority scientists in academic,
scientific and technology professions.
A cohort of twelve students is selected for the Bridge to the Doctorate program from NSF LSAMP programs from across the country. Each Bridge to the Doctorate fellow receives a $32,000 annual stipend for two years, a full tuition scholarship, fee coverage, and health insurance. Fellows are also given specialized academic support in the way of tutoring and writing and exam workshops. Further, fellows are encouraged to attend conferences and participate in community building activities to stimulate their academic and professional development. The Center for Inclusive Education, which manages the program, works closely with the fellows as they complete their first two years of graduate study.
Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD)
The Stony Brook University Initiative for Maximizing Student Development: Maximizing
Excellence in Research for Graduate Education (IMSD-MERGE) Program aims to increase
the number of underrepresented students (URM) completing highly productive biological
and biomedical science degrees at Stony Brook University, and prepare them for seamless
advancement into successful research careers.
National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science,
Inc (GEM Consortia)
The mission of The National GEM Consortium is to enhance the value of the nation's
human capital by increasing the participation of underrepresented groups (African
Americans, American Indians, and Hispanic Americans) at the master's and doctoral
levels in engineering and science.
Through collaborative relationships between universities and industry, GEM's program provide graduate student fellows with academic and internship experience to best prepare students for careers in engineering and science. GEM's program activities go beyond financial support by engendering student success in academic and professional environments. GEM has a solid success record in implementing effective programs to increase the recruitment, retention and graduation of minority students.
Robert Noyce Scholarship Program
This scholarship is available for those pursuing teacher certification in mathematics
and science.
W Burghardt Turner Fellowship
The Dr. W. Burghardt Turner Fellowship is a Graduate Fellowship Program for eligible
underrepresented students whose immediate academic plans include obtaining graduate
or professional degrees in a variety of disciplines at Stony Brook University. The
fellowship is one of the many programs coordinated by the Center for Inclusive Education
at Stony Brook University and is funded by the SUNY Office of Diversity, Equity and
Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (IRACDA)
The purpose of the NIH IRACDA program is to develop a diverse group of highly trained
biomedical and behavioral scientists to address the nation’s biomedical, behavioral
and clinical research needs. The program promotes consortia between research-intensive
institutions (NY-CAPS' RII is Stony Brook University) and partner institutions (NY-CAPS'
Partners can be found here) that have a historical mission and a demonstrated commitment
to providing training, encouragement and assistance to students from groups underrepresented
in the biomedical and behavioral research enterprise of the nation.
The IRACDA NY-CAPS program combines a traditional mentored postdoctoral research experience with an opportunity to develop academic skills, including teaching, through workshops and mentored teaching assignments at a partner institution. The program is intended to facilitate the progress of postdoctoral candidates toward research and teaching careers in academia. We also provide a resource to motivate the next generation of scientists at partner institutions and to promote linkages between Stony Brook University and our partner institutions that can lead to further collaborations in research and teaching.
Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate: Transformation (AGEP-T)
AGEP-T is the new National Science Foundation grant committed to increasing diversity
in the academy in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). AGEP-T
is focused on building strategic alliances of institutions and organizations to develop
programs that will increase the success of underrepresented minority students in STEM
through graduate education, postdoctoral training and academic STEM career preparation.
Faculty Diversity Program
The Faculty Diversity Program is designed to assist campuses with the recruitment,
retention, and promotion of outstanding scholars from different backgrounds, including
individuals from groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education.
Under this highly competitive program, state-operated campuses compete for salary
support and start-up packages to recruit outstanding scholars who have attained a
record of distinction. The Faculty Diversity Program provides state-operated campuses
with a percentage of the faculty member’s salary for three years. Effective with the
2011-2012 award cycle, the total amount that will be allocated for each faculty member
appointed under this initiative will increase to $145,000.
SUNY Center for Professional Development's New Faculty Peer Mentoring Program
The SUNY New Faculty Peer Mentoring Program is designed to support the work of new
tenure track colleagues in their first two years across the State University of New
York. This Peer Mentoring Program offers new faculty an opportunity to talk about
vital issues as teachers, scholars and advisors.
Diversity Professional Leadership Network (DPLN)
DPLN is a competitive one-year program for underserved students, with a focus on juniors
and seniors. Participation in the program is based on how well student career interests
and grades align with recruiting needs of employer partners. A comprehensive professional
development program series covers workforce preparation and leadership development.
Participating employers provide a Professional Buddy/mentor for their students, offering
mentoring, advice, a job shadow, and an opportunity to interview for competitive internships
within the organization.
Early Career Success Program
This one-year program prepares economically disadvantaged and underrepresented students
for the business world by providing practical leadership training and career guidance
from an employer’s perspective. Employers provide programming, mentoring, and site
visits. Target populations are freshmen and sophomores.
Collaboration with Diversity-Related Student Groups
Student diversity organizations partner annually with the Career Center to develop
and enhance career related programming. We co-host a variety of educational programs,
networking events, and information sessions to connect employers with these diverse
student leaders. Topics rotate, and cover issues like: Women in Leadership, Diversity
in the Workplace, LGBTQ Career Concerns, Professional Etiquette and Fashion, and community
engagement. We also prepare students for professional conference attendance, such
as Ascend, NABA, NSBE, SASE, SHPE, & SWE.
Connections to Diversity Recruitment Organizations
The Career Center has long standing relationships with national diversity internship
programs which connect students to paid internships in a variety of industries with
Fortune 500 companies in New York and throughout the country.
SEO – Sponsors for Educational Opportunity
HACU – Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities
T. Howard Foundation
Company Tours
We arrange site visits with student groups to showcase employer diversity recruiting
initiatives and increase awareness.
Connections to SBU Alumni
The Student and Alumni Networking Mixer is coordinated by a team of Career Center
& Office of Alumni Relations staff. We invite alumni, friends, and parents who represent
a variety of career fields and serve as mentors. Students have the opportunity to
learn about alumni career experiences and start the process of developing a network
of support. Over the past six years, there has been increased participation from a
diverse population, with over 80 mentors and 100 students who attended in 2016.
Employee Diversity Affinity Groups
The Career Center connects with employer organizations who have employee diversity
affinity groups as a way to enhance employee stewardship and professional development.
Student mentorship, joint community service projects, creation of scholarship funds,
and leadership development programs are just some examples of collaboration.
Arts & Cultural Programing: Monthly Exhibitions
The Charles B. Wang Center organizes a monthly exhibition entitled Explore History: Objects from Asia. Started in 2014, this exhibition shares objects contributed by Stony Brook students, faculty and staff to highlight Asian and Asian American cultures, histories and experiences. Each object’s contributor shares an explanatory narrative, enhancing the educational value of the exhibition.
Asian countries represented by objects in the exhibition include Bangladesh (T-Shirt), China (Moon Cake Molds, Shaoxing Wine), India (Grandmother’s Indian Masala Brick), Iran (Women’s Veils, Iranian New Year’s Table), Japan (Pre-war Beer Posters, Wrapping Clothes, Letter from Japanese Internment Camp, Kyoto Garden), North Korea (Children’s Comic Books), South Korea (Oil Signs from 1930s, Three Birth Spirits), Pakistan (Prayer Rug), Singapore (Tiger Balm), Thailand (Puppets), Turkey (Coffee Pot) and Vietnam (Coffee Brewer).
In addition, seasonal art exhibitions and performing arts at the Wang Center cover great distances and leap across time from ancient China to medieval Japan and contemporary Iran.
Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA)
The Black Faculty and Staff Association's (BFSA) mission is to serve as an advocate
for equality in our University setting. The organization shall promote and provide
opportunities for networking among individuals and groups to articulate mutual concerns
and advance educational, and employment opportunities for faculty, staff, and students
alike. For more information contact Dr. Aldustus Jordan.
The Asian American Faculty Staff Association (AAFSA)
The Asian American Faculty Staff Association (AAFSA) mission has been to promote and
enhance the well-being of Asian American faculty, academic professionals, and staff
members through active representation and participation in the affairs of Stony Brook
University and the community at large. For more information contact Joan M. Miyazaki.
Union Universitaria Latinoamericana (UUL)
The Union Universitaria Latinoamericana (UUL) was developed to promote Latino Culture within Stony Brook and to also advocate for
the Latino employees within the Stony Brook setting.
President’s ADA Advisory Committee
ADA and Technology Committee
Afghan Student Community (ASC)
African Student Union (ASU)
Alliance Française de Stony Brook (French Alliance Stony Brook)
Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi)
alpha Kappa Delta Phi (aKDPhi)
Alpha Omega Epsilon (A.O.E.)
American Sign Language Club
Arabic Language and Culture Club
Asian Students Alliance (ASA)
Autism Awareness Club (AAC)
Bengalis Unite (BU)
Black Womyn's Association (BWA)
Blackworld Newspaper
Brothers and Sisters in Christ (B.A.S.I.C)
Cantonese Club (CTC)
Capoeira Club
Caribbean Student Organization (CSO)
Center for Womyns Concerns (CWC)
Chabad Student Club
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship (Chi Alpha)
Chinese Association at Stony Brook (CASB)
Chinese Christian Fellowship (CCF)
Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA)
Christian Student Services (CSS)
Christians on Campus (COC)
CIAO (Cultural Italian American Organization) (CIAO)
Commuter Student Association (CSA)
Commuter Student Services & Off-Campus Living (CSS&OCL)
De Taali
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
Educational Opportunity Program Student Association (E.O.P.S.A)
Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA)
Graduate Queer Alliance (GQA)
Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha, Inc.
Hillel Student Club
Hindu Students Council (HSC)
Hui O Hawai'i
Indian Graduate Student Association (IGSA)
International Christian Organization (ICO)
International Student Organization
International Student Organization (ISO)
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF)
Iranian Graduate Student Association
Japanese Students Organization (JSO)
Korea Campus Crusade For Christ (KCCC)
Korean Christian Fellowship (KCF)
Korean International Student Association (KISA)
Korean Student Association (KSA)
Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc.
Latin American Student Organization (LASO)
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Alliance (LGBTA)
LGBTQ* Services (LGBTQ)
MALIK Fraternity, Inc. (MALIK)
Minority Association of Pre-Medical Student (MAPS)
Muslim Students Association (MSA)
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
Native American Student Organization (NASO)
Newman Club
Nu Alpha Phi Fraternity, Inc. (NAΦ; Nappies)
Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Orthodox Christian Fellowship
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. (Sigmas)
Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (Phiotas)
Philippine United Student Organization (PUSO)
Pi Delta Psi Fraternity, Inc. (PDPsi)
Pi Lambda Phi (Pilam)
Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Senoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc. (SLU)
Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc. (Sigmas)
Sikh Student Association
Society of Asian Scientists &Engineers (SASE)
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
South Asian Student Alliance (SASA)
Stony Brook Transgender Alliance
Student African American Brotherhood (SAAB)
Students Helping Honduras
Taiko Tides
Taiwanese Students Association (TSA)
The Himalayan Club (THC)
Turkish-American Student Association (TASA)
Union Universitaria Latinoamericana - Hispanic Faculty and Staff Association
Unity Cultural Club (UCC)
Veteran Student Organization (VESO)
Vietnamese Student Association (VSA)
Stony Brook University resides on the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands
of the aboriginal territory of the Setauket or the Setalcott tribe.
We acknowledge federal and state recognized tribes who live here now and those who
were forcibly removed from their homelands. In offering this land acknowledgement,
we affirm indigenous sovereignty, history, and experience.