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Grigori Enikolopov, PhD

The main focus of our lab is on neural stem cells and the signaling landscape of their niche and, more recently, on neural circuitry that mediates social conflict.  Our effort is also directed at stem cells in non-neural tissues, with a particular focus on those tissues and organs that are involved in the physiological and behavioral responses of the organism. Our lab has also been studying the biological functions of nitric oxide and redox signals, working to understand how diffusible signaling molecules regulate stem cell maintenance, differentiation, and interactions with their environment.  We also work to generate new genetic tools for tracking multiple signaling events in cells and tissues. Our studies’ main goal is to elucidate the molecular logic of stem cell control and stem cells’ involvement in behavior; I also consider these studies as an entry point for designing therapeutic interventions to alleviate the effects of aging or disease.

My background is in neurobiology, molecular biology, and developmental biology.  Throughout my career, I built several research groups, trained graduate students, postdocs, and visiting scientists, collaborated with diverse research groups, published my work in leading scientific journals, and received over 40 large multi-year grants from federal, state, and private sources. My group generated several animal models that became standard for the field and are used in hundreds of laboratories worldwide.  Through the last 20 years, my group published over 100 papers on stem cells, signaling, brain function, and behavior, many of them in leading journals.


Phone: 631-632-4436
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