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Devin Lobosco '24
BS Biochemistry, BA Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Devin LoboscoWhere are you originally from?
I'm from Bayside, Queens

On Stony Brook:
Many of my friends from high school attended Stony Brook; I was told it was great and affordable for those interested in science and healthcare. I also wanted to attend somewhere I could dorm but still travel home when needed. Considering that and the scholarships I was awarded to attend, it was clearly the place for me.

On his major:
I entered SBU as a biochemistry major, since I was always fascinated by the sciences and had a strong interest in healthcare. In my second year, I decided to double major in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. I had taken a course for an SBC requirement, and really fell in love with interacting with the social sciences too, critically analyzing the world around me. 

Favorite class:
In my third year, I took a class with Professor Lisa  Deidrich called "Life / Death | Health / Justice." It was a small, seminar style class where we explored movies, books, articles and comics that explore injustice in the post-COVID medical field. The class was a ton of fun and really fueled my interest in public health.
Interests and accomplishments:
Outside of my academics, I've been a volunteer EMT for the past three years, and I recently became a training officer at Port Jefferson Emergency Medical Services. I'm very passionate about mental health and healthcare access;
I've been involved in a lot of advocacy in these areas both at Stony Brook and beyond. In my free time, I love to cycle, read and watch sci-fi, and listen to rock music. I've been playing the electric bass for many years, and I am constantly going to metal concerts.

Awards & Accolades:
I am proud to be a recipient of the Stony Brook Foundation Trustee Scholarship, as well as Stony Brook's National Merit Scholarship. In addition, I am a seven time recipient of SBU's Academic Achievement Award, and recently received the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Academic Excellence. 

Plans for post-graduation:
I will be taking a gap year before attending medical school starting in Fall 2025. During my gap year, I will be working on clinical research with the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, and continuing to serve my community as an EMT. 

Career Aspirations:
First and foremost, I aim to become a physician. I currently have a strong interest in emergency and trauma medicine. Beyond this, I aspire to be involved in leadership and advocacy in research, whether that is through research, administration in the hospital system or involvement with healthcare advocacy organizations.

Clubs or Organizations:
For the past three years, I have served in various roles within the Undergraduate Student Government, including being the president of USG this year. I am also a part of the Phi Delta Epsilon pre-medical fraternity, and have served as their mental health chair for the past two years. I am a former Center for Prevention and Outreach Minds Matter Intern, and Vice President of Service for the National Residence Hall Honorary. 
Favorite SBU memory:
Being able to help plan and put on some of SBU's biggest events and traditions with the Undergraduate Student Government was by far my favorite thing about SBU. It's hard to pick just one, but leading the planning of Stony Brook's Light the Brook celebration was unforgettable. We had the largest turnout ever, and put up more holiday lights around campus than ever, including a giant holiday tree that stayed up throughout the entire winter.