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Jennifer Kim '24
BA English
Pronouns: She/her

Jennifer KimOn her major:
From a young age, I was privileged with my proximity to literature (which I wholly attribute to my older sister, who is the person that instilled in me a deep appreciation for the written word). After years of reading, I've come to realize a fundamental truth: our literature serves as condensed narratives of the human experience, connecting us to the world that surrounds us.

And in an era marked by increasing estrangement, I'd like to believe that English is the bridge back to each other... which is why I chose to major in English.

It has been both an honor and inspiring to have the opportunity to learn from professors who are so dedicated and passionate about English. They were incredible mentors who not only imparted knowledge in English but also helped broaden my perspective on the world and my place within it. It's reassuring to know that SBU remains just as dedicated to nurturing this art as well.

Plans for post-graduation:
After graduating, I hope to open a bakery with my older sisters and continue reading and learning... and, possibly, write a novel myself.