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Samantha Aguirre '24
BA Sociology, BA Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Pronouns: she/her

Samantha AguirreOn Stony Brook:
I live nearby, s
o SBU was always on my radar during high school. I chose to study here because it fit a lot of what I was looking for in my college experience. I'm really grateful to be getting my bachelor's degree from SBU! 

On her majors:
I have really enjoyed my experience with both majors (sociology and women's, gender, and sexuality studies). I chose these majors because both are centered around understanding people, looking more deeply into the systems and institutions under which we live, and searching for ways to improve our societies for all people. I have learned so much from my professors and these departments.

Favorite Class:
One of my favorite classes was a WST class called "Feminist (Other)Mothering" taught by Dr. Mary Jo Bona. In this class we read literature to explore the concept of othermothering, a phrase I had not encountered before. I enjoyed this class and learned a lot, and I am grateful I was able to take it with Dr. Bona.

Clubs and Organizations:
I am on the Executive Board of The Stony Brook Press, the student-run culture magazine on campus, and I have been very proud to represent this organization as the associate editor and to help create the work that we do. I feel grateful to be part of the publication's 45 year legacy on campus.

Greatest Achievement:
I feel that my greatest achievement in college has been the personal growth I have experienced the past four years. I began college in the midst of the pandemic, and I, like all my peers, had to adapt to the changed academic environment and learn how to be a college student in atypical and challenging circumstances. I am grateful for how far I have come as a person since my first semester here.

Plans for post-graduation:
I plan to explore what careers are out there! I am not quite sure what I want to try first, but I am excited, open-minded, and eager to work, meet new people, and gain experience and knowledge. 

Advice for potential Seawolves:
Go into college with an open mind, and see what is out there! I took part in involvement fairs and other events that led me to great experiences and opportunities to be involved on campus, and to new friendships. Explore your interests and see who might share them!