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Daniel Rodriguez '19
BA Hispanic Languages and Literature
Teacher Education Program

Daniel RodriguezWhere are you from originally?
I was born and raised on Long Island. Although my family moved constantly, I always felt like I was from Lindenhurst since that's where I graduated from.

Why Stony Brook University?
When I was a junior in high school, we took a trip to the University as part of a lab project for AP biology. That experience left a strong impression on me. I also admired the prestige that graduates of Stony Brook enjoyed.

On the College of Arts and Sciences:
The best aspect of the College has been the quality of the professors.

On his major: 
Upon returning to school, my experience as a dance studio owner and instructor helped me realize my passion for education. As a member of a Puerto Rican family, I felt it was important for me to recapture the language of my culture. While I have always spoken Spanish to some degree, I acknowledge that my proficiency was lacking. This combination naturally led me to want to teach Spanish.

On his mentors:
To be honest, many of my professors have extended themselves to help me achieve my goals. To begin with, Professor Aurelie Vialette went out of her way to help me organize a fundraiser to benefit those affected by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Professor Javier Uriarte has consistently supported me by urging me to apply for scholarships and the graduate program. Professor Lilia Ruiz-Debbe has been a great supporter of mine as well. In addition to these amazing professors, I must also include classmates, including Belinda Castiblanco, who have also taken time to help me achieve my goals.

On this favorite classes:
My favorite course was Linguistics for Second Language Acquisition, because I believe that the work I was able to produce as part of my final project has helped me identify the direction that I would like my studies to go in.

On his greatest achievement:
My greatest achievement is without question being able to set an example for my daughters as a student.

Fast facts:
I am a father of three, two of whom have been born since I began. I am a partner in a dance studio; run a nationally competitive breakdance team, and also belong to the Stony Brook University Breaking Club. I also founded a camp!

My immediate goal is to find employment at a local high school. Long-term, I plan to continue working towards a master's degree and eventually a PhD.

Advice to incoming Seawolves?
Learn to love the process instead of only focusing on the end result.