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College of Business Graduate Student Advisory Board

The Dean's College of Business Graduate Student Advisory Board provides a forum for MBA and MS students in the College of Business to provide feedback to the Dean and other administrators in the College of Business.  This is accomplished through ongoing meetings and open dialogue.  The information provided by these students assists in driving change and they act as a sounding board for new initiatives.  

Peter Caravousanos

peter c

Peter Caravousanos is currently a student in the MBA program with a concentration in operations analytics. He received his BS in Architecture from the New York Institute of Technology and has since developed as a cross disciplined, dexterous strategic leader with multiple professional designations and certifications including NYS Registered Architect (RA), Certified Construction Manager (CCM), and a Project Management Professional (PMP) with approximately 30 years’ experience in project / program delivery.   Translating mission and strategy into teams, and outcomes has led to numerous, prominent positions and leadership assignments throughout his career. Peter brings to the Dean’s Advisory Board his diversity of thought, innovation, strategic creativity, and willingness to facilitate engagement across student body and the School of Business toward optimized initiatives, planning and outcomes.


Natalia Fernandez

natalia fernandezNatalia graduated from Stony Brook University in 2021 with her BS in Business Management with specializations in marketing and operations management. She is currently a part time MBA student and works as an estate manager. Throughout her diverse career she has had the opportunity to experience different industries. She is fortunate enough to be trilingual, speaking English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Natalia loves to travel and learn about different cultures around the world. Natalia is an avid learner and hopes to experience different opportunities throughout her career that can uplift communities. In her free time she enjoys music and visual arts. Her newest endeavor is learning how to play the ukulele.


James Ferraiuolo

james Ferraiuolo deans' advisory boardJames is an MBA student who currently work at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) as an Environmental Technician. His responsibilities in this role include coordination with contractors to ensure the completion of routine sample collection, review and revision of standard operating procedures, and collection of environmental samples to ensure compliance with relevant regulatory standards. Prior to BNL, he worked at J.R. Holzamer P.E., LLC (JRH) as an Environmental Scientist involved in aspects of project management. He also worked for the Town of Babylon as an Environmental GIS Analyst where he was responsible for management of spatial data for multiple infrastructure projects.  At each step of his career, he has been exposed to multiple leadership opportunities. This exposure is what prompted him to apply for the MBA program at SBU.  Furthermore, he feels that being an active and dedicated member of the Dean's Advisory Board will allow him to further cultivate his passion for leadership, and ultimately, allow his to grow as a leader. 

Kayla Yousefzadeh

kayla yousefzadeh, graduate advisory boardKayla is a full time student in the MBA program. Kayla graduated from Stony Brook University in May 2023 with her Bachelors in Business Management with specializations in Accounting and Marketing, and a Minor in Communications and Innovation. While an undergrad at Stony Brook University, Kayla was involved in many organizations around campus. Kayla served on the Dean’s College of Business Undergraduate Student Advisory Board, she was the President of the Jewish Student Association, and a teaching assistant for various undergraduate business courses. This past summer Kayla was fortunate enough to intern with the Finance Department at Effy Jewelry, and she cannot wait to put what she learned to use when she graduates with her MBA in May of 2024. In her free time, Kayla enjoys playing tennis, spending time with family and friends, and trying new restaurants!