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How do I apply to the BFA in Creative Writing?

    You have to be accepted to BOTH Stony Brook University AND the Creative Writing Program in order to get into the BFA. Here’s what you’ll need for both:

    For your Stony Brook application
    For your Creative Writing supplement (uploaded to SB application)
    • The Common, SUNY or Coalition app
    • Statement of purpose
    • High school transcript(s)
    • Writing sample
    • SAT or ACT scores
    • Letter of recommendation


    student in galleryPhoto by Star Black

    High school students, you’ll submit your Stony Brook application, due January 15, and then apply to the major in a supplement. In your Stony Brook application, select "Creative Writing" as your intended major. Once you submit your application, you'll receive an application acknowledgement email from Stony Brook with log-in information to a Stony Brook portal. This portal is where you will upload your statement of purpose and writing sample. Have those already saved, together in one PDF document. Log into the portal, then choose "CW Supplemental" on the drop down menu to upload the document. You'll also be prompted to type in the name of one of your recommendation writers, in case you're submitting more than one letter. Type in the recommender who knows your writing best. Questions? Email us at

    Transfer students, you, too, apply to us along with your Stony Brook application, due March 1 for fall admission and November 1 for spring admission. Follow the directions above.

    Current Stony Brook students, you’ll apply with the Creative Writing supplement, an application form, and a letter of recommendation. Apply via email, by November 1 for spring admission and March 1 for fall admission. Save your application form, below, statement of purpose and writing sample together as one PDF. Please name this document with your last name and “CWApp”, like this: “SheehanCWApp”.  Send it as an attachment to an email with “Creative Writing Application” in the subject line to Ask your recommender to send their letter to the same email address.

    *Honors College and University Scholars program: While you're in the zone, and if you are the rock star we suspect you are, we highly recommend you apply to the Honors College and/or the University Scholars program, both of which are eminently compatible with our curriculum. Honors students are expected to write a thesis. So are creative writing BFAs. University Scholars (invited to apply based on GPA and SAT scores; you can submit a supplementary essay for priority consideration) take EXP+ courses. So do creative writing BFAs. Application deadlines for both of these programs are synched with general admissions to the university.
