Catherine Sherman
Assistant Dean for University Honors Programs, Division of Undergraduate Education
Start Date: January 23, 2023
Catherine Sherman was new to Stony Brook when she became assistant dean for the Honors
College, University Scholars, and the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program
in January, but her experience working in higher education spans more than 20 years.
Backed by a bachelor’s degree in English, master’s degrees in writing and counseling,
and a PhD in counseling and supervision, she’s well equipped to helm our esteemed
University Honors Programs.
“I've been an instructor, an advisor, an administrator,” she says, referencing her former positions at colleges and universities in Pennsylvania and Ohio. “And now I get to broaden that lens with the vision and intention of unifying our honors programs to build that community of scholars and increase opportunities for everyone involved.”
Catherine’s leadership style centers around one core objective – service. She’s always looking for ways to support students, faculty and staff so they can fulfill their aspirations and optimize their programs. Whether she’s reviewing curriculums or allocating funds, she’s committed to nurturing Stony Brook’s honors programs on an individual and collective basis.
Oversight is a big part of the job, but Catherine transcends mere observation to provide visionary guidance and actively build relationships with people on campus. This way, she says she can align long-term planning with each program’s goals and help forge mutually beneficial partnerships within the honors community and beyond.
“Ultimately, it’s about student success and enriching the educational experience,” she explains. “And I think that really is a collaborative process.” She greatly looks forward to deepening her connections with the dedicated faculty and staff who support Stony Brook’s honors students. As for the students themselves, her door is always open – as are her ears to heed feedback and suggestions.
“Student voice matters,” Catherine says. “We've had focus groups across the programs, and we're doing senior exit surveys for a couple of them. We've been intentional about soliciting input, and part of my role is to facilitate these conversations.”
With her devotion as clear as her peaceful demeanor, Catherine fully immerses herself in her work and describes it as “animating.” She loves the communal nature of the job, which holistically harnesses her skills and suits her interests. At the same time, she makes sure to maintain a healthy work-life balance and encourages others to do the same.
“I have this phrase – ‘sufficient for the day,’” she says. “After a long and busy workday, we deserve to acknowledge our efforts and step away until the next day. Wellness and well-being are so important to help us be our best selves and do our best work.”
In Catherine’s case, wellness is found among plants, pets and fresh air. Apart from being an avid runner, she’s a big fan of exploring the outdoors with her husband Steve. They also share two pugs named Olive and Rose – a nod to Catherine’s green thumb, no doubt.
“I'm a serious plant person,” she chuckles. “Not just indoor plants, but also outdoor gardening. I make fun of myself because if anyone has a plant that needs a new home, I will take it off their hands, no questions asked.”
So far, Catherine has been loving the outdoor spaces she’s found on Long Island and looks forward to exploring more beaches and parks now that summer is near. Currently living in Lake Grove while she gets familiar with the area, Catherine has a feeling that somewhere close by, she and Steve will find the perfect place to call home.