Helen A. Harrison
Director, Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center, East Hampton. 20th century American art.
M.A. Case Western Reserve University
Email: Helen.Harrison@stonybrook.edu
Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center
830 Springs-Fireplace Road East Hampton, NY 11937-1512
Phone: (631) 324-4929
Fax: (631) 324-8768
Helen A. Harrison, a former New York Times art critic and National Public Radio commentator,
is the author of numerous articles, exhibition catalogs, and essays in scholarly and
popular journals. Her books include Hamptons Bohemia: Two Centuries of Artists and Writers on the Beach (with Constance Ayers Denne), Such Desperate Joy: Imagining Jackson Pollock, monographs on Larry Rivers and Jackson Pollock, and three mystery novels set in
the art world. She was the curator of the Parrish Art Museum and Guild Hall Museum
and a guest curator at the Queens Museum before becoming director of the Pollock-Krasner
House and Study Center, www.pkhouse.org , the former home and studio of Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) and Lee Krasner (1908-1984),
two of the foremost abstract expressionist painters. The National Historic Landmark
site, which belongs to the Stony Brook Foundation, is located in East Hampton and
is open to the public from May through October. Stony Brook students, faculty and
staff are admitted free, and are welcome to visit in the off-season by appointment.
The Study Center art reference library is open during Stony Brook Southampton library
hours, and the research collections are available to Stony Brook students, faculty
and other researchers by appointment: call 631-324-4929. We will also be pleased to
answer research inquiries by phone or email.