Drawing & Painting Studios

Studio spaces for drawing and painting courses are provided.
Design Studio

This studio is primarily used for ARS 205: Foundations: Idea and Form.
SINC Site computer labs

In the Staller Building, there are two public computer labs managed by the IT Department: the Fine Art Lab and the Hybrid Lab. For more details, please refer to this link here
Lecture Rooms

Lecture rooms for Art History & Criticism courses are available.
Print Studios

Studios for intaglio (etching, drypoint, engraving), relief (woodblock, line block), monoprint, and lithograph printmaking are provided.
Metal & Wood Shops

The metal and wood shops are accessible to students enrolled in sculpture art courses.
Bronze Casting Foundry

The metal shop features a bronze casting foundry exclusively for advanced sculpture courses.
Lighting Studio

Photography and video art course students have access to the Lighting Studio.

Two darkrooms available for Black & White film photography course students.
Maker Space

Students with instructor permission can access the Maker Space for art courses.

Tabler Studios is an on-campus recording and rehearsal space for Stony Brook Students
and faculty. Featuring a professional control room and an acoustically isolated tracking
room, Tabler Studios offers endless creative opportunities.
Check here to reserve the Tabler Studios
Checkout Room

Students enrolled in digital art courses have access to our digital equipment.
MFA Headquarter Common Area

Multipurpose space available for the MFA program at the South Campus.
Studio Space

Studio spaces are available to individual students in the MFA program.