Christopher J. Percival
Associate ProfessorPh.D., Pennsylvania State University, 2013
Phone: +1-631-632-7382
Courses taught at Stony Brook include: ANP300 - Human Anatomy, ANP407 - Building Bones: Bone Development and Evolution, EBH302 - Human Genetics
Research Interests
My overarching research goal is to understand the genetic and developmental basis for variation in skull morphology. A combination of careful morphometric quantification, genetic analysis, and tissue level developmental biology can provide a more complete picture of how novel skull phenotypes develop. The mouse models that largely serve as the basis for my research are useful for generating large samples with known genotypes within controlled environments in order to quantify the genetics of normal variation. In addition, the manipulation of gene expression patterns during early head development allow us to identify the changes in craniofacial form associated with specific mutations. Because many fundamental developmental processes are shared between humans, primates, and mice, this research illuminates potential bases for morphological and functional variation within populations, between primate species, and across recent human ancestors.
For more details on Dr. Percival's research, please visit his lab website.