Become a Sponsor of AEC 2018 and take your place among the elite companies engaged in energy research and development.
Have your company take its place among the industry’s leading corporations and organizations as a sponsor of AEC 2018, and gain some very significant advantages.
An international audience of energy industry buyers, influencers and policy makers
On average, about 70% of attendees are from industry, utility or government/regulatory agencies, and 30% from research and education.
The past five conferences have brought representatives from:
- 38 separate countries on six continents
- As many as 34 U.S. States
Additionally, when the conference has been held in New York City, past participation has included:
- 5 National Labratories
- As many as 765 different organizations
- U.S. military organizations and the Department of Homeland Security
The roster of past conference sponsors is a list of the industry’s leading corporations and research centers, and many have already committed their support to AEC 2018. Does your organization’s deserve to stand among them? Aside from establishing your commitment to the future of energy, sponsorship comes with some very significant advantages.
Your company’s sponsorship of AEC 2018 will:
- Immediately reinforce of your dedication to America’s energy future and make it known to a major share of the industry’s most important opinion leaders.
- Receive public recognition for your sponsorship in conference literature and signage.
- Place your organization’s logo and special sponsor profile in the Conference Program guide, and on the Conference website with a link to your company’s website.
- Maximize your company’s visibility in all public relations and marketing initiatives.
- Provide enhanced awareness among government officials, investors, and potential technology partners.
…and secure many more exclusive benefits that increase with your level of sponsorship.
AEC 2018 will allocate exhibit space on a priority basis to those who will be physically displaying innovative products and systems. Show floor space is limited and will be assigned on a “first come, first served” basis.
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