Choosing a major can be difficult
Selecting an academic major can be a difficult decision for many students. Students
may be undeclared for one or more reasons:
- Interest in so many majors, it's difficult to choose just 1 or 2
- Interest in a major that does not have a clear career connection
- Fear of choosing the wrong major
- Concern about disappointing parents
- Pursing a competitive major but not making competitive progress
- Have no particular interest in the courses offered through the department
Ask yourself these questions
In order to move toward major declaration, ask yourself these key questions:
- What are my interests?
- What are my academic strengths?
- How will this major prepare me for my future endeavors?
There is not one set approach to answer these questions. Rather, it is a process that
will require your active participation to gather information, speak with academic
advisors and career specialists to help you find the “best fit” for you.
Begin to seek information now so that your choice of a major will be based on solid
facts rather than guesses. Remember, you are not alone in deciding what direction
to take in your academic career.
Focus on the following
As you progress through each section focus on the following:
- Be honest about your interest.
- Be realistic about academic goals.
- Understand your values and what is important to you.
- Consider an academic major that offers the types of classes that you do well in.
- Gain a better understanding about each major in which you are interested.
Remember: Select a major that will enhance your academic strengths through classroom
instruction, internships and research experiences.