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Welcome Continuing Students

The Academic and Transfer Advising Services (ATAS) Office provides general academic advising to help you achieve your goals along your journey to graduation.

As you prepare for your upcoming year at Stony Brook, Academic and Transfer Advising Services is here to assist you in maximizing your academic experience. Undergraduate junior, senior, and transfer students in the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business, School of Communication and Journalism, and School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences are strongly encouraged to utilize Academic and Transfer Advising Services.



Tips to Stay on Track for Graduation

Click the arrow to scroll through the sections below and learn more.


Tip 1: Know Your Class Year

Class standing at Stony Brook is determined by credit count, not by how many years you have attended. If you have earned 0-23 credits you are a freshman (U1), 24-56 credits you are a sophomore (U2), 57-84 credits you are a junior (U3), and 85 or more you are a senior (U4).  


Tip 2: Meet with an Academic Advisor

Different students will have different advising units for different types of academic advising. Meeting regularly with advisors can help you stay on track for graduation. From general advising, to major advising and pre-professional advising, Stony Brook has you covered! Check out the Academic Resources page to see which advising unit you belong to.

Tip 2: Meet with an Academic AdvisorDifferent students will have different advising units for different types of academic advising. Meeting regularly with advisors can help you stay on track for graduation. From general advising, to major advising and pre-professional advising, Stony Brook has you covered! Check out the Academic Resources page to see which advising unit you belong to.... Academic Resources

Tip 3: Review your DegreeWorks Report

At least once each semester, review your degree works report on SOLAR. Go to “Student Records & Registration”, click “Degree Progress/Graduation”, and click “Degree Works”. Here you will see the status of your general education requirements (i.e. SBC, 39 upper division credits, etc.) Additionally, majors and minors have been added to the degree works report. 

Tip 3: Review your DegreeWorks ReportAt least once each semester, review your degree works report on SOLAR. Go to “Student Records & Registration”, click “Degree Progress/Graduation”, and click “Degree Works”. Here you will see the status of your general education requirements (i.e. SBC, 39 upper division credits, etc.) Additionally, majors and minors have been added to the degree works report. ... DegreeWorks

Tip 4: Register for Classes

Depending upon your major, select some SBCs and some major classes to create a good, balanced schedule. Full-time students must enroll in at least 12 credits. Strongly consider taking a winter class or summer classes to catch up or get ahead in your studies.


Tip 5: Declare a Major

If you have not yet declared a major, you will need to do so upon earning 45 credits, or by the middle of your sophomore year. If you do not know what you wish to major in, speak with an academic advisor. Faculty and staff major advisors in the academic departments help monitor your progress towards the completion of major and minor requirements.

Tip 5: Declare a MajorIf you have not yet declared a major, you will need to do so upon earning 45 credits, or by the middle of your sophomore year. If you do not know what you wish to major in, speak with an academic advisor. Faculty and staff major advisors in the academic departments help monitor your progress towards the completion of major and minor requirements.... Majors and Minors

Tip 6: Please be Advised

Check out the Stony Brook University's Advising Media for helpful tutorials for tools like SOLAR, DegreeWorks, and more!

Tip 6: Please be AdvisedCheck out the Stony Brook University's Advising Media for helpful tutorials for tools like SOLAR, DegreeWorks, and more!... Advising Media