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In The Spotlight

Poetry Reading: Laura Mariciano reads from her new book, Opening Ceremony, on March 10 in the Poetry Center (12:30 PM)

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Promise of a Greater Community

The Program in Writing and Rhetoric’s  RhetComp is open to all Stony Brook students interested in writing any genre. RhetComp promotes student expression by developing a sense of camaraderie among both Writing minors and students who enjoy writing,  providing an open and positive environment for peer review and critique, and serving as a platform for Stony Brook University students to promote their own writing. In addition, RhetComp will teach its members how to improve their writing and editing effectively with a variety of different contests, workshops, and exercises. Our goal is to empower student writers at Stony Brook, and to introduce their work to the larger academic community.

News & Announcements

  • Writing minor Laci Burton is the first SBU undergraduate selected for the National Humanities Leadership Council (NHLC) hosted by the National Humanities Center in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina (November 2022-June 2023).
  • Dr. Katherine Johnston's book,  Profiles and Plotlines,  has won the 2024 Book Prize by the Surveillance Studies Network.
  • Peter Elbow, former director of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric, dies at age 89. Read his obituary in the New York Times. 
  • Join us on March 10 to celebrate the publication of  full-time lecturer Laura Marciano's new poetry book, Opening Ceremony (12:30-1:50, Poetry Center, Humanities 2001).
  • Professor Leonard Cassuto presents his book Academic Writing as if Readers Matter in the Poetry Center (Humanities Building, 2nd floor) on October 15, 2024 at 12:30-1:50 PM.

Writing Internships and Opportunities 

New: MA in English/Writing and Rhetoric Concentration

PWR and the Department of English are proud to announce a new Master of Arts in English with a concentration in Writing and Rhetoric at Stony Brook University.



A Community of Writers

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