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Nominees and Candidate Statements for the Presidential Search Committee


A&S - Humanities & Fine Arts

Dahl, Christina

Professor, Department of Music

I began at SB as a grad student in 1989, and have served as a TA, a part-time faculty, an assistant, associate, full professor, Grad Director, and Chair within Music during the subsequent four decades. I am currently still serving as Chair of Music, and hold a lot of institutional history (and the memory of many presidents and provosts!) as a result of my different roles. CAS is a truly important part of our University, and representing the Arts and Humanities is critical in assessing a new President. It would be a privilege to serve on this committee, and would give the Arts (in particular) a voice in the choice.


Robinson, Benedict

Professor, Department of English

In addition to being chair of my department, I've served in a few university contexts that required thinking not as a representative of that department but as a representative of the humanities more broadly; that ability to set aside the interests of the immediate unit in the effort to see the larger picture seems important here. In terms of qualities that I would be looking for in a President, I would emphasize two in particular: 1) a commitment to transparency and faculty governance; and 2) a commitment to supporting the whole range of research and teaching appropriate to a full-service university.


Scheinfeld, Laurel

Associate Librarian, University Libraries

I've served on several search committees for SBU Libraries.I'm currently on the Faculty Executive Committee of the Libraries and a Senator to both University and A&S Senates.The most important qualities to me are dedication to DEI,positive vision/goals for Stony Brook's future,experience successfully leading organizations,commitment to shared governance & ability to clearly communicate with all stakeholders in all types of settings.I was impressed by President McInnis’ recent handling of campus protests and would like the next President to also prioritize campus safety while upholding rights of peaceful protestors 


Sharma, Shyam

Associate Professor, Program in Writing and Rhetoric

I have served the university as a member of College and University Senate, Chair of a Curriculum Committee, Co-Chair of Accreditation Process, and Director of Graduate Program. I have published widely, collaborated globally, led academic organizations, and received numerous academic awards. My international experiences could help me add perspectives on how our university can thrive. The next leader must deeply commit to public education, understand diverse research, inspire faculty and students, and unite the community during challenges. Having completed some tenures above, I am able to invest time in this mission.

A&S - Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Bahar, Ivet

Professor, Laufer Center for Physical & Quantitative Biology

I am a member of the NAS, and my mission is advancing research and education. Before SBU, I was founding chair and distinguished prof at the U of Pittsburgh. I served in the search committee for the Senior Vice Chancellor and Dean of SOM at the U of Pittsburgh. My top priority would be to elect a President that will seek excellence in research and education, maintain the flagship status of Stony Brook in NY, and aim at global leadership as a top-ranking university. This will require new initiatives to motivate faculty and increase resources/funding from both private foundations and federal agencies.


Citovsky, Vitaly

Distinguished Professor, Department of Biochemistry

Since I joined the SBU faculty in 1994, I have had an uninterrupted federally funded research program and continuously taught large undergraduate biology courses. I also served on various university-wide committees that affected diverse aspects of the SBU activities. Based on this experience, there are 3 aspects of the university function that I would like to share with candidates: dedication and commitment to SBU as a research institution, improving the quality (rather than quantity) of undergraduate education in STEM, and supporting the university faculty to think of SBU as their second home rather than a workplace.


Drees, Axel

Distinguished Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy

I would be honored to bring the voice of the faculty to the search for the next president of SBU. I served the university in many roles, including as department chair of Physics and Astronomy, Interim Dean of CAS, senator, and chair of CAPRA. I worked with many university leaders, and my experience is that the best outcomes are achieved when leadership and faculty work together. Only through shared governance and collaboration can we become the best we can. I would look for candidates who have outstanding credentials and a clear vision for SBU, and who are committed to achieving excellence together with the faculty.


Drivas, Theodore

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics

I am an assistant professor in the Mathematics department since 2021. My research is in a branch of mathematical physics - as such my work is interdisciplinary.  I have some connections with the physics and applied mathematics departments. Recently I received the NSF CAREER Award, a 2024 Stony Brook Trustees Faculty Award, a 2024 Mercator Fellowship and the 2024 Sloan Research Fellowship.  As I hope Stony Brook to be my long term home, I have a sincere and vested interest in the trajectory of the university. Although I do not have prior experience in this area, I hope that I could meaningfully contribute towards this.


Ge, Shaoyu

Professor, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior

I have been a full professor in Neurobiology and Behavior at CAS, on this campus since 2008. I am vice chair and have held positions on many committees. Recently appointed as CAS leading professor, I bring a deep understanding of our campus. Over a decade and a half, I’ve witnessed the significant impact to our campus of SEVERAL presidents. These experiences, coupled with my on-campus roles, make me qualified and confident to contribute to the presidential search committee. I am committed to a thorough and collaborative process and look forward to serving.


Henkes, Gregory

Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences

I'm affiliated with the Turkana Basin Institute (TBI) and SoMAS. Additionally, I'm part of the Interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Anthropological Sciences, currently on its Executive Committee. Annually, I conduct fieldwork at TBI and maintain collaborations within SoMAS. These affiliations grant a unique perspective on pan-disciplinary climate science at SBU. Our next president must grasp the urgency of climate change, both physically and socio-politically, and recognize the opportunities to position SBU as a global leader in climate change research and communication. 


Hsiao, Benjamin

Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry

Hsiao served as Chair of Chemistry, held VPR and several leadership positions at SBU. Hsiao’s vision for the future president is who will continue the upward trajectory of SBU by keeping an eye towards excellence while holding a heart for opportunity and public service. A leader who is willing to recognize and promote from within, be a part of the community by being approachable and inclusive, and possess a strong ability to explore, identify and harvest the vast opportunities on Long Island and in NY, possess an ability to honor and keep our loyal donors engaged while attracting new ones.  


Reed, Kevin

Professor, School of Marine & Atmospheric Sciences

I have help to lead strategic, campus-wide efforts in climate change science and societal solutions, including co-leading the successful bid to build a center for climate solutions on Governors Island in Manhattan that is now the New York Climate Exchange, a new non-profit focused on open exchange and collaboration that empowers sustainable solutions to climate change for New York City and the world.  Given that this is a strategic focus of SBU in the coming years, I am well positioned aid the search in this strategic topic area.


Verbaarschot, Jacobus

Distinguished Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy

I have had an interest in the administrative issues of Stony Brook University, and have administrative experience as a Graduate Program Director of the Department of Physics and Astronomy for 10 years. I have also have been the Chair of the Graduation Council of which I have been a member for about five years. Currently, I am a member of the Provostial Assessment Council. I have had experience with four different presidents and can bring a long-time perspective to the committee. In particular, the issue of Graduate Education is important to me.

A&S - Social & Behavioral Sciences

Calvi, Pablo

Associate Professor, School of Communication & Journalism

I think this is a very important decision for the school and the faculty and I want to be involved.


Davila, Joanne

Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology

I am qualified to serve on this committee by virtue of numerous high-level service roles, including chair of the psychology department, former member of Interim Dean Drees’s Advisory Council, member of the recent search committee for the new Dean of CAS, former speaker of CASCA, former PTC chair, and former member of the A&S Senate Executive Committee. Attributes I will look for in a President include: (1) a focus on the good of the university and on maintaining and growing our strengths and (2) a willingness to understand, value, and consider/prioritize the voice of the faculty. 


Huddy, Leonie

Distinguished Professor, Department of Political Science

I am a life-long faculty member at Stony Brook University, distinguished professor of political science, and current chair of the department of political science. I have familiarity and deep understanding of the different university constituencies including undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, research faculty, tenured and TT faculty, and staff. I served as co-chair of the Academic Portfolio subcommittee as part of President McInnis' Strategic Budget Initiative and am very familiar with the challenges and opportunities currently facing SBU.  


Kelton, Paul

Professor, Department of History

With experience at three different universities, I have a comprehensive understanding of a research institution. I served seven years as department chair, two years as an associate dean, one year as a faculty fellow with student affairs, and two appointments on search committees for senior administrative hires. As a scholar of historical pandemics, I have an interdisciplinary perspective that combines the sciences and humanities. Transparency, reliance upon faculty and staff input, and energetic and proud advocacy for our excellent university are qualities our next president should demonstrate.


Lahav, Gallya

Professor, Department of Political Science

As one of the consistently few women in our Department of Political Science, I’m committed to diversity. I have been on the Executive committee of the International Academic Programs, on the Globalization programs initiative, the Tiger Teams. I have also been active in promoting SBU internationally. I seek a candidate that is open to cultural & interdisciplinary exchange & diversity of all kinds.  Relevant SBU experience including the hire of former Provost Kaler, &

President Kenny taskforce,  SBU Southampton curricular committee, and a BOE of Hillel SBU. Academic institutional experience at private, elite, & public.


Larson, Richard

Distinguished Professor, Department of Linguistics

"I have been a faculty member at SBU for 35 years. I served as chair of my department (Linguistics) for a total of 9.5 years, and as President of the Stony Brook university Senate for 4 years. I am therefore well acquainted with university operations. I have worked with administration from the Dean's level up to the President. I have served on a Provostial search committee. 

The chief qualities I look for in a President include: (a) commitment to shared governance and creation of a culture of collaboration. rather than one of compliance; (b) commitment to Stony Brook for the long term, rather than as a career move. "


Martin, Lawrence

Distinguished Professor, Turkana Basin Institute

I have been a faculty member at Stony Brook for 39 years and have served in senior academic administrative roles for 31 of those years (Dean Grad Sch 1993-2012, Associate Provost 2001-2012, Director of the Turkana Basin Institute 2007 to date). I have served four SBU Presidents and worked very closely with the last three of them in support of the development of TBI and fundraising. My deep knowledge of Stony Brook and broad knowledge of standards of excellence at leading research universities in the US, UK and Europe position to contribute to the process of selecting the next President of Stony Brook University.


ENG - Engineering & College of Business

Bai, Jiaru

Assistant Professor, College of Business

In the past 7 years, I've served on 6 search committees for associate deans, faculty, and staff. I'm also on the societal impact committee for the College of Business, aligning initiatives with the University’s strategic plans and forging health sciences partnerships. 


In selecting our next president, I advocate for prioritizing qualities such as visionary leadership, exceptional communication skills, a commitment to fostering interdisciplinary research with practical significance, collaborative and inclusive environments, and initiatives to enhance healthcare access in underserved areas.


Celli, Paolo

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

I don’t have experience beyond faculty searches; yet, what makes me a unique candidate is that I am a true “academia geek”: I love the ins and outs of academia and could spend hours discussing academic gossip. I therefore have a natural tendency to dig deep into the candidates’ background and to identify potential red flags. I would like a president that is a great listener and yet can make unpopular decisions if needed; I want someone that has the potential to fall in love with our University and location, and to give us continuity in leadership (> 4 years).


Das, Samir

Professor, Department of Computer Science

While the flagship designation and new initiatives like the Climate Exchange have provided new optimism to the campus, our infrastructure is crumbling and research facilities are sorely lacking. A significant step towards improving facilities and research horsepower is needed to be a real flagship for a state that has the highest per capita GDP in the nation. We will be looking for a President who can lead us in this direction. We also would like to see that the President is focused on creating programs that improve the employability of our graduates, given the national conversation on the value of college education.


Green, David

Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics

I have broad experience in both graduate and undergraduate education, holding leadership roles in the former.  As an interdisciplinary scientist, I have close interactions with both the Life Sciences and CEAS.  I believe an effective President must lead by building buy-in and active participation from the faculty, rather than by top-down directives.  Equally importantly, the President must have a vision that represents the importance of a *University* in which strengths and reputation in the arts, social sciences and humanities are valued equally to the sciences and engineering.


Luo, Fang

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

I have been leading the new power electronics program and has been leading/participating in different campus initiatives. 


Mitchell, Joseph

Distinguished Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics

I have been a tenured faculty member at SBU since 1991 and currently serve as Chair of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (since 2014), with research affiliation in Computer Science, as my expertise is algorithms. I have served (over 20 years) on the Undergraduate Council, including as chair. I co-chaired the 2015 search for the Dean of CEAS. I teach every semester (including large undergraduate lectures) and have received the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching (as well as for Scholarship and Creative Activities).


Orlov, Alexander

Professor, Department of Materials Science & Chemical Engineering

My credentials relevant to this search are in interdisciplinarity, engagement with policy makers and journalists, international perspective, fundraising and education.  I can represent the interest of university as a whole given my faculty affiliations with CAS, CEAS and SOMAS, while also being a Senator. The attributes for the next president include excellence in administration, commitment to shared governance, commitment to DEI, strong fundraising record, high ethical standards and outstanding communication skills. I can relate to many of them as I am leading some of the largest scientific societies and companies. 


Rahmati, Amir

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

As an Assistant Professor in the CS department, I bring a deep commitment in academic excellence, innovative research, and student success. My experience in interdisciplinary collaboration and fostering an inclusive learning environment positions me to contribute effectively to the committee. I seek a President who embodies visionary leadership, demonstrates a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, and can foster collaboration across all departments. A successful candidate will prioritize academic integrity, strategic growth, and community engagement, ensuring Stony Brook University's continued growth & success.


Takeuchi, Esther

Distinguished Professor, Department of Materials Science & Chemical Engineering

I can effectively represent the broad interests of SBU and have led or served on several important search committees.  The President is the outward looking face of the University and must be skilled at building connections externally with SUNY Central, potential funders, the community, as well as NY State and its agencies.  Internally, the President sets the tone and must maintain and build support from multiple constituencies including students, faculty, staff, and administrators.  Leaders with authenticity and transparency will inspire a sense of trust and cooperation.  


HSC - Schools of Health Professions, Nursing, & Social Welfare 

Benz Scott, Lisa

Professor, School of Health Professions

I am an alumna of Stony Brook University (Arts & Sciences, BA, 1994), trained at top research institutions for my advanced degree and post-doctoral fellowships (PhD Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene & Public Health; MS, Purdue University) and have dedicated the last 22 years of my academic career as a tenured full professor and administrator at Stony Brook Health Sciences (School of Health Professions, and Executive Director, Program in Public Health). I have served the University community as a member of several senior searches for Deans as well as the VP for Research. I seek a president that has vision, energy, equity


Dunn Navarra, Ann-Margaret

Associate Professor, School of Nursing

Dr. Navarra is Associate Professor, Associate Dean, Nursing Research and Innovation. She also holds the position of Chair, Department of Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Studies. Prior to joining Stony Brook University, she held the rank of Associate Professor with tenure at NYU. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, President-Elect for the Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS), and Ambassador for the Friends of National Institute of Nursing Research (FNINR). Dr. Navarra is well poised to serve on the Presidential Search Committee, given her robust leadership experience in nursing and healthcare. 


Lamberg, Eric

Professor, School of Health Professions

I have been a member of the SBU community for 20 years.  I have been a faculty, chair of the PT department, and served in administrative roles for the School of Health Professions.  I am keenly aware of the challenges and opportunities that present themselves for our students, faculty and staff as well as community stakeholders.  I have also been able to serve on many committees that have "crossed" Nicolls road and understand the importance of synergy for the Health Sciences and West Campus.


Monahan, Kathleen

Associate Professor, School of Social Welfare

I am an Associate Professor in the School of Social Welfare. I am currently on the Board for the Faculty Student Association (FSA) (since September 2022)

I have also served as a University Senator, At-Large (1996 – 1999) and then again from 2012-2018. I was also on the University Senate, Executive Committee Member 2012 - 2018 and served as the Secretary/Treasurer University Senate from 2014 – 2018 (2, 2-year terms) which met with the University President, Provost and Vice President. I have also served on a variety of search committees within the HSC and the School of Social Welfare. This committee is tasked with identifying a leader who will forward the mission of this top-tier research university and I would like to be a part of this endeavor.

HSC - Schools of Medicine & Dental Medicine

 Bilfinger, Thomas

Professor, Department of Surgery

I am a tenured professor in the RSOM with 35 years of SBU service. As a Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon I have served in many capacities at the RSOM including division chief. I believe a president has to have a deep understanding of academic healthcare. The relationship of the president with the RSOM and the Hospital, the biggest income producer within the SBU system and the largest employer on LI, will define the presidency. The RSOM and Stony Brook Medicine need immediate full attention if they don’t want to become irrelevant on LI. Decisive and immediate decisions are needed in the country’s most competitive environment. 


Caruana, Alison

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology

I am involved in resident and medical student education as an associate program director for the neurology department in addition to serving as QA director for the stroke program and serve on a few hospital committee so I feel I encompass multiple areas representing the school of medicine and SBUH.


Enikolopov, Grigori

Professor, Department of Anesthesiology

I propose my candidacy for the Presidential Search Committee. My experience leading a successful, continuously funded basic science research lab within a clinical medicine department provides me with a valuable perspective on the complex duties awaiting the future President: managing a large enterprise with indispensable and intertwined components: education, scientific research, physician training, healthcare, and overall University functioning. I will seek a President fully committed to these vital aspects of University life, understanding the delicate balance required for their seamless integration and advancement.


Feit, Andrew

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology

I have been at Stony Brook for 2 years.  I am currently the Secretary of the RSOM Faculty Senate and will be the next President of the RSOM Faculty Senate as of September1.  Prior to Stony Brook, I was in a private practice for 22 years where I served as chairman of the department for 8 years.  I was involved in many search committees.  I have a strong passion for the University and I feel I will provide lots of experience to this committee.  As Secretary and soon to be President I feel I have a strong relationship with the faculty at the School of Medicine and will bring a good understanding of the needs of needs.


Fontanini, Alfredo

Professor, Department of Neurobiology & Behavior

I served in roles supporting research, education and faculty governance. I am a department chair, and I lead the Senate committee on academic planning and resource allocation. My service across campus has given me a broad understanding of SBU and the importance of RSOM.

The next President will be critical in establishing SBU as one of the nation’s leading public universities. SBU needs a President committed to the long-term growth of its academic, research and clinical missions, a leader who advocates for external support, but also shares our culture (e.g. excellence, inclusion, community) embracing shared governance.


Fuhrer, Jack

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases

I am a Class of 1973 alumnus of SBU, and have been a member of Faculty of Medicine since 1988 when I returned here to direct the HIV program. Over the past 35 years, I have interviewed a number of individuals for leadership positions, have served on search committees for Deans of HSC schools, and have been the Dean for Admissions for the RSOM. In my Dean's role, I have read countless CVs and  interviewed numerous applicants for medical school. I believe I have the skill set to evaluate candidates for the University President's position. Most important qualities include integrity, intelligence, thoughtful, sensitivity.


Gonzalez, Adam

Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health

Qualities: Joined SBU in 2012; well versed in the operations of SBU and Stony Brook Medicine; an Associate Professor with Tenure; hold various leadership roles including Vice Chair-Behavioral Health, Director-Physician & Faculty Well-Being, Chair-RSOM Faculty Diversity Ambassadors Council, and Co-Chair-Stony Brook Medicine LGBTQ* Committee. I recently completed the SUNY Hispanic Leadership Institute, which prepares fellows for president/executive leadership roles. Desirable presidential qualities include effective communication/critical thinking/decision-making abilities, empathy, and appreciation/promotion of DEIB.


Liang, Jerome

Professor, Department of Radiology

I am eager and grateful for the opportunity to serve the search committee. I have 4-year research experience at Duke University, where I initiated my first NIH-sponsored project after earning PhD in 1987 and completing 1-year postdoctoral training at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. SBU appeals to me due to its environment, which is reminiscent of Duke's, including its basic and health sciences schools and University Hospital. I joined SBU in 1992 with my NIH-sponsored project and have since enjoyed a fruitful research career. I have a deep understanding of the research landscape and the specific needs at SBU.


Mofakham, Sima

Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery

I am an Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery (applying for tenure this cycle) affiliated with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. I have a very productive lab in neurosurgery with medical and Ph.D students. I am the Director of Research for the Neurosurgery Department and Associate Director for Scholars in BioMedical Sciences. I served at Tiger Teams to build core collaboration groups across east and west campuses. I was one of the three finalists for the Discovery Prize.

I believe the most essential characteristics of a president are their vision for the institution and their leadership skills.


Prives, Joav

Professor, Department of Pharmacology

I have been on the Stony Brook faculty for over 40 years. During this period I have served under and  interacted with 3 university presidents and 5 Medical School Deans. I have acquired extensive familiarity with this university , focused ideas for good governance, and deep respect for Stony Brook and its future potential. If called upon, I will be more than happy to devote my long experience and energy to this important undertaking.


Rizzo, John

Professor, Program in Public Health

I have nearly 40 years of research experience during which time I have served on numerous search committees. Having worked in both academic and non-academic settings, I understand the importance of a leader who can communicate the relevance of academia to the broader community. I have  conducted estimates of the economic impact of Stony Brook University so I am keenly aware of the importance of the university for Long Island overall and I would look for a president who understands and appreciates this role.for the university as well.


Singer, Daniel

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine

As a former volunteer, student, resident, and fellow who trained at Stony Brook, I know what makes Stony Brook great. As a fellowship director in the Emergency Department, my involvement in graduate education, research, and clinical work has given me the ability to understand our hospital motivations by department. As the youngest member of the executive committee, I represent the perspective of the young junior faculty who are on the front lines of the hospital. My insight is unique and I would hope to help choose a president who is in tune with the young and hungry physicians.


Swanson, Trish

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics

Dr. Swanson is Chair of the SDM Faculty Council, and is a Clinical Assistant Professor pursuing promotion to Clinical Associate Professor. She attended the SDM for her prosthodontics residency and has represented Stony Brook SDM favorably in her short academic career.  Articulate and learned, she would represent the SDM well on the Presidential Search Committee.  As the majority of faculty at the SDM are clinical and not on tenure track, please evaluate her skillset in serving on this important committee.


Thanassi, David

Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology

I have been a faculty member for 24 years and an academic leader as Chair of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, one of the most research-intensive departments in the University. I have had a productive career leading to Fellowship in the American Association for the Advancement of Science. I have witnessed how the University benefits from thoughtful leadership, as well as how leadership decisions can have negative consequences. I seek a President who values communication and engagement, works to strengthen departments and invest in faculty, staff, and students, and views the University as their main focus.


Tsirka, Stella

Distinguished Professor, Department of Pharmacology

I have served in administration (inaugural (past) Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, current RSOM Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs, Director of the Center for Hellenic Studies and graduate program director  for many years, thus have a good sense of our campus, faculty and students from all sides. 

I am looking for a president with a vision for the growth of the campus, believes in shared governance and controlled decentralization of authority, interacts both with the students and the faculty in formal but also informal settings, and enjoys being at Stony Brook University and communicating with our surrounding community.


Wackett, Andrew

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine

I have been on the Faculty of the RSOM since 2001. I am currently a Clinical Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, the Vice Dean for the School of Medicine, the Director of the Clinical Simulation Center and the Course Director for several medical school courses. Stony Brook University is my home and the success of the institution is my greatest priority.


Walker, Stephen

Associate Professor, Department of Oral Biology & Pathology

I am active in campus governance, having served 15 years on the Senate Administrative Review Committee, 6 years on the Senate Executive Committee, and been an active department senator for 15 years. The next president must be vested in and promote the entire campus—East and West—and every type of scholarly activity—arts, social sciences, and sciences. They must focus on the infrastructure of dilapidated buildings, like the “temporary” south campus buildings. The presidential search committee must seriously consider excellent internal candidates who know our problems, strengths, and people. Consider me to represent you


Washington, Sierra

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

I am an OBGYN clinical faculty who also is the Director of the Stony Brook Center for Global Health Equity. I work closely with the EVP for Health Science Campus on our school wide global Health Initiatives. I also serve on my department DEI committee and in this role I assisted in drafting our recent strategic plan. I am a Racial-Minority female in a surgical speciality and a single parent who works with underserved populations both at home and abroad. I bring a unique perspective regarding equity, minorites, inclusion and global health.