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EDL Application Information

Admissions Criteria

All of the following are required for admission into the Educational Leadership program:

  • Master's degree. Your official transcript must indicate the conferral of a master's degree, with a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
  • New York State Permanent or Professional Teaching Certification, plus three years of full-time teaching, administrative, supervisory, or pupil personnel service experience, excluding civil service.
  • Two letters of recommendation. Two recommendation letters from school supervisory personnel or administrators who have a thorough knowledge of whether you have the temperament and disposition to become an effective leader.
  • Personal statement. All applicants must submit a  750-1000 word personal statement that should be a reflection of your ability to approach graduate-level work successfully, using creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research.

    Your personal statement must be your own original work. and should address the following:

    • What is your purpose in pursuing this post-master's advanced graduate certificate?
    • How have you prepared yourself for this field of study? (Include any relevant professional experience.)
    • Specifically, how will this degree/certificate assist you in advancing both your professional and personal goals?
    • Describe your research and study interests and any other aspects of your background, skills, or qualifications that would aid the Admissions Committee in evaluating your motivation for graduate study.

In those cases where the departmental admissions committee deems it desirable, personal interviews with departmental representatives may be requested.

Application Deadline

 April 15


Apply Now


This program admits students three terms per year – Fall, Spring, and Summer.  Completed application packages received after the deadline date will be considered for the following term.

Online Students:

  • Fall: July 15
  • Spring: December 1
  • Summer: April 15

Teacher Center Cohort Students Only:

  • Fall: July 15
  • Spring: January 15
  • Summer: April 15


Application Portal

Use our Application Portal to create an account and submit the following:

  • Your biographical and demographical  information
  • Educational history
  • Teaching certification verification
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement   
  • $100 nonrefundable application fee


Start Your Application



Visit the website of the institution that granted your master's degree and request to have your official transcript sent to the School of Professional Development electronically (PDF format).  Enter the following email address when prompted on your institution's order form. 

Do not send transcripts to the Graduate School or Undergraduate Admissions. 

We cannot accept transcripts from applicants directly.

In rare cases and only with approval, should official transcripts be sent by mail to:

School of Professional Development- Educational Leadership
S-114 Social & Behavioral Sciences
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794 - 4310 (must include the last four digits)

Next Steps

The School of Professional Development (SPD) must be in receipt of completed applications by the published deadline for the requested term of admission to be reviewed by the EDL Admissions Committee.

You  may expect to hear from SPD via email regarding an admissions decision within two business weeks after receipt of the completed application.

The email will direct you to the Application Portal for the decision. 

If you are offered admission,  you will be prompted to respond before you can be matriculated.

Need Help?

Check out our  frequently asked questions, email the Educational Leadership program or call us at 631-632-7759.