School District Business Leadership (SDBL)
Post-Master's Advanced Graduate Certificate
Now Available 100% Online
The course of study is designed to help candidates acquire content knowledge in the organizational areas that are the foundation for successful practice as a school district business leader. The program combines classroom-based theory with extensive field experience and a rigorous capstone internship.
Content Areas
Who Can Become a School District Business Leader
There are two types of professionals who would benefit from this program and qualify to sit for the certification exams.
- Business Professionals. Business professionals from the private or public sector who are not licensed educators can bring their skills and acumen into the school district environment without prior teaching or school leadership experience. Candidates on this track will need to complete the full 36-credit certificate program to qualify for the certification exam.
- School Leaders – Accelerated Track. Educators who possess New York State Permanent or Professional School District Administrator (SDA) or School District Leader (SDL) certificate may meet the educational prerequisite to be eligible to apply to the SDBL accelerated track. The accelerated track only requires 15 credits of coursework to complete the remaining requirements for this program. Prior to admission, these candidates should set up an advising appointment with the Program Director to determine their remaining course requirements.
Application DeadlineMay 1FOR SUMMER 2025 |
Important Program Links
Ready For Your Next Step?
The application deadline for Summer 2025 is May 1.
Attend an Info Session
Learn about the program and meet program leaders.
Program of Study
This certificate program consists of 36 credits, distributed among the areas listed below. If you are a current School Leader pursuing the accelerated-track option, your program of study will be determined in conjunction with the program director.
9 credits
EDL 501 Educational Leadership Theory I
EDL 502 Educational Leadership Theory II (prerequisite EDL 501)
EDL 515 School District Leadership
18 credits
CES/MBA 514 Collective Bargaining and Arbitration in the Public Sector
EDL 520 School Finance
EDL 525 Managerial Accounting for the School Business Official
EDL 528 School Law
EDL 571 School Business Administration
EDL 572 School Personnel Management
3 credits
Each student is required to conduct an individual research project on a topic of special academic interest or professional relevance. The topic must be approved by and completed under the direction of the faculty member teaching this course. Successful completion requires a grade of "B" or better to graduate; a student who earns a lower grade will need to repeat the course. No transfer credit or substitutions permitted.
Prerequisite: Completion of 24 EDL program credits.
6 credits
Prerequisite: Students must complete a minimum of 27 credits (all foundation and required courses, and an elective) before enrolling in these courses. Read more about the Internship Experience.
EDL 565 School Business Internship
EDL 566 School Business Internship Seminar
Please Note: There are field hours embedded in each course through authentic activities. Assignments will be given that would require collaboration with administrators in a public school district. This is in addition to the full semester and summer portion of the Internship.
Examination and NYSED Workshop Requirements
In addition to their graduate course work, all candidates for certification must pass a required New York State qualifying test prior to issuance of a license after graduation from this program. They also must complete required NYSED workshops for certification. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor the TEACH website to ensure that they are taking the appropriate workshops and examinations.
Connect with an Admissions Advisor
Send us an email to, give us a call at 631-632-7759, or fill out our form.