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Arts and Sciences Senate Agenda 
November 18, 2014

Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes from October 
President’s Report

3:35-4 Kane G. and Peter S. Online Curriculum

4-4:10 Dorit K. changes to General Policies on Teacher Education Faculty Line

4:10 Trevor S. - PTC departments language

4:25 Sacha K. - department bylaws

4:55 new business - anatomy


A&S Senate 
October 21, 2014

I.  Approval of tentative Agenda:  approved.

II.  Approval of minutes from September:  correct VI:  student employment, not student work: approved.

III.  PTC Changes (T. Sears)

  • Need to expand the committee because of the amount of cases.
  • Propose to split PTC into two parts.  A PTCJ (promotions from Assistant to Associate Professor with tenure) and a PTCS (promotions from Associate to Full Professor and new appointments with tenure). 
  • Doubles what is already in existence and will have the same constituencies in both parts except the PTCJ will have one member who is at the Assistant Professor level.
  • The bylaws are pretty much the same as at the last senate meeting.  There was a lot of discussion on-line about whether the Libraries and Journalism should have extra representation because their cases are different.  It was felt this was not appropriate and that the Libraries and Journalism would be represented as part of the normal six person members (except PTJC with a seventh member).

Motion was made for splitting these into two separate motions for separate voting:  All in favor, none opposed.

Discussion regarding changes:

Change in 2. i. (in bold):  the humanities, fine arts and libraries or journalism.
Change in 2. Iii (in bold):  (the natural sciences, such that one is from biological sciences and one from physical sciences and math).

Change “and” to “or” in the last para. Of the HFA Constituencies.

Motion made to accept changes:  All in favor, none opposed.  Motion passes

Vote will take place at the November meeting.

IV.  Present changes to the Academic Home of the Educational Leadership Program (D. Kaufman)

  • The Educational Leadership Program use to reside in the Center for Excellence and Innovation in Education.  Eli Seifman was the Director.  When Dr. Seifman left, it then moved to the Department of Technology and Society in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, hence the need to change the location on the document.

Motion was made to accept this change:  all in favor, none opposed.  Motion passes.

Norm Goodman questioned the language regarding “faculty” in the document.  It needs to be more precise.  Dean Kopp would like to meet with Dr. Kaufman and discuss the document.  This will be tabled until the next A&S Senate meeting.

V.  Dean’s Report (S. Kopp)

  • Symptoms of the PTC process:  the easiest cases for promotion and tenure tend to sail through every step of the process.  The most challenging ones need more debate, letters, discussion in the PTC, etc. and then on  to the Dean, Provost and President.
  • There is no time-line which leads to rushing the cases.  We need a clear calendar so that it is not rushed. 
  • We need clear written steps for the PTC process.  We should try to create a calendar by which each of the steps have to happen.
  • Steps should include making sure that there has been a thorough teaching evaluation of the candidate, making sure the department has gone through the complete process and making sure the requests for external letters actually go out by a certain date.  Would like the Dean’s office and the PTC to finish its business by a certain date.  Suggest that the end date for the university be in May and not August.
  • When faculty come off cycle, give them a choice to go a semester early or a semester late. 
  • Interested in feedback on the PTC process from the A&S Senate.
  • Curriculum flow:  there are a lot of curricular decisions that we make because of academic interest and budgetary implications.   For instance, CEAS needs six more calculus classes so CAS gets involved.  Now we need more faculty to teach these courses.  There was a suggestion to consult with the Undergraduate Council.  Need to know the capacity and can CAS follow through.
  • Strategic plan:  There is a university strategic plan.  Has perfectly good things in it:  we will be a first choice destination for students, we will support diversity, etc.  The Provost has a strategic plan for academic affairs built on five pillars:  faculty, graduate education, undergraduate education, research & scholarship and global engagement.  Does not address all the questions that are uniquely important to the A&S College.
  • Are there specific needs that we have that don’t pertain to the professional schools?  Are there additional questions we have about our role in support of the university’s strategic plan?  Do they address all the needs of the college?
  • A strategic planning committee is being formed for the college.  Have asked department chairs to recommend two people.  This group will lead us through the process.
  • Will be gathering input and survey data from the constituencies.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Submitted by:

Laurie Cullen