Message From the Vice President and Chief Security Officer
March 8, 2022
Stony Brook has embraced enterprise risk management as an integral strategic business
process; solidifying risk, compliance, and enterprise security as pillars of the organization
to further our missions.
As a flagship institution, we will set the new standard. We are the risk champions and thought leaders, working to integrate other areas informing strategy, minimizing hazards, influencing uncertainties, and managing opportunities while safeguarding our people, our property, and the environment. SBU will no longer be risk-averse but rather risk-aware as it becomes more knowledgeable about the potential costs and benefits of a course of action. We can use this intelligence and our collective learned experiences, to design strategies that nimbly navigate exposures that could derail our future success and take advantage of new opportunities that will propel us forward.
As we continue to rapidly evolve, new risks will emerge, known risks will take new forms, and crises will inevitably unfold. We accept that they will not have all the answers but our team is committed to embracing challenges, finding solutions, advancing excellence, and achieving our aspirations, together.
– Lawrence M. Zacarese
Vice President and Chief Security Officer