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- Biography
Gallya Lahav is a Professor of Political Science and a recipient of the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. She holds graduate degrees in political science from the London School of Economics and the Graduate Center, City University of New York. Lahav was a visiting research affiliate at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University, New York University, and the Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy). She was named visiting chair Professor of Mobility at the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM) at the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland (2010) and has participated as visiting faculty in the International MA Program on Migration at Tel-Aviv University, Israel, since its founding (2013). During her last sabbatical in 2022, she was a visiting researcher at the Immigration Policy Lab at Stanford University and the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at the University of California San Diego. In addition to her recent book, Immigration, Security and the Liberal State (with Anthony M. Messina), published by Cambridge University Press. she has been working on climate migration, child migration, and the impact of public health threats on migration. Additionally, she received a Fine Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (FAHSS) grant for "Gendered Pathways to Leadership in Far Left and Far Right Parties" (2023), a study she worked on alongside Professor Stanley Feldman and the University of Pennsylvania PhD student Lauren Palladino.
- Research
Lahav teaches and writes on the politics of international migration and European integration. Her articles have appeared in several books and journals on international relations and comparative politics. Among peer-reviewed journals, her work has appeared in Comparative Political Studies, the American Journal of Political Research, Political Behavior, the Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Global Governance, Ethnic and Racial Studies, and West European Politics.
Her research specializes in Comparative Political Behavior, and has pedagogical interests in European and EU politics, Immigration and Refugee Politics, Extreme-Right Politics, Public Opinion, Political Culture. Currently, she is working with co-worker Professor Oleg Smirnov on estimating the impact of climate change, primarily the role of the drought factor, on possible human displacement migration patterns. Additionally, she is preparing a book manuscript Migration, Security, and the ‘Liberal’ State: the Politics of Immigration Regulation in the United States and Europeon the impact of linking migration with national security (through media portrayal and discourse) on public perceptions and policy in the United States and Europe.
- Recent Publications
RECENT Publications - Articles
Lahav, Gallya. “Threat and Immigration Attitudes in Liberal Democracies: The Role of Framing in Structuring Public Opinion.” Immigration and Public Opinion, edited by Gary Freeman, Randall Hansen, and David Leal, Routledge (2013).
Lahav, Gallya. " Mobilizing against mobility: Immigration politics in a new security world." Critical Mobilities. Lausanne: EPFL 123152 (2013).
Lahav, Gallya, Anthony M. Messina, and Joseph Paul Vasquez. " Were political elite attitudes toward immigration securitized after 11 September? Survey evidence from the European Parliament ." Migration Studies 2.2 (2014): 212-234.
Bloom, Ben-Nun, Pazit, Arikan, Gizem, and Lahav, Gallya. " The effect of perceived cultural and material threats on ethnic preferences in immigration attitudes ." Ethnic and Racial Studies 38.10 (2015): 1760-1778.
Lahav, Gallya. " The Global Challenge of the Refugee Exodus." Current History 115.777 (2016): 10-16.
Lahav, Gallya, and Arie Perliger. " Immigrant integration, political radicalization and terrorism in Europe: some preliminary insights from the early millennium (2000–2010) ." Handbook on Migration and Social Policy (2016): 265.
Lahav, Gallya and Luedtke, Adam. “Immigration Policy, in "The Europeanization of Immigration Policies: An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation." Springer International Publishing (2016): Chapter 8 105-119.
Lahav, Gallya. “Climate Change, Drought and Potential Environmental Migration Flows under Different Policy" (with Oleg Smirnov, John Orbell, Minghua Zhang, Tingyin Xiao).International Migration Review (2023).
Lahav, Gallya. "Understanding Global Migration." Edited by James F. Hollifield and Neil Foley. Perspectives on Politics in Cambridge University Press (2023). Issue 2, vol 1. 783-786.
RECENT Publications - Books
Lahav, Gallya. “Immigration and Politics in the New Europe: Reinventing Borders.” Cambridge University Press(2004).
Lahav, Gallya, “The Migration Reader: Exploring Politics and Policy-making” (with Anthony M. Messina). Lynne Rienner, Publishers, Boulder, CO(2005).
Lahav, Gallya and Guiraudon, Virginie “Immigration Policy in Europe: The Politics of Control.” Routledge, London and New York (2007).
Lahav, Gallya, "Taking Stock: Current Trends and Advances in the Comparative Politics of Immigration," Polity Special Issue (with Anthony Messina) (July 2021)
Lahav, Gallya, Anthony. M. Messina. "Immigration, Security, and the ‘Liberal’ State: the Politics of Immigration Regulation in the United States and Europe." Cambridge University Press (2023).
- Teaching
Lahav specializes in Comparative Political Behavior, and is an expert on International Migration (within a comparative political and IR frameworks). She has pedagogical interests in Immigration and Refugee Politics, Identity politics, Extreme-Right politics, European and European Union politics, Public Opinion, Political Culture, and the Politics of International Security
Undergraduate: POL 103: Introduction to Comparative Politics POL 309: Politics of the European Union POL 310: Politics of International Migration and Refugees POL 392: Comparative Politics of Western Europe POL 401: Seminar on International Migration in International Relations POL 404: The Politics of Immigration in the West: Film, Media and Popular Culture Graduate : POL 567: Culture, Values and Public Opinion: Cross-National and Comparative Approaches - News