The Ombuds is an impartial and independent resource for any individual within the university community seeking assistance or information in pursuit of the resolution of a concern or problem related to their life or work at the university. Speaking with the Ombuds will increase your awareness of alternatives available to you for resolving work or academic related concerns. The Ombuds Office always strives to enhance an individual’s capabilities to deal effectively with situations on their own. If further assistance is requested, additional information can be gathered on your behalf and referrals can be made to other resources and support services.
As a designated neutral, the Ombuds will listen to all sides of an issue, and may
advise, refer, offer informal mediation, provide shuttle diplomacy, coach, counsel
or negotiate to assist in developing satisfactory resolutions. You, in consultation
with the Ombuds, decide which course of action is acceptable. Serving as a designated
third-party or neutral, the Ombuds is neither an advocate for any individual or point
of view, but rather as an advocate for fair process and equity. In considering any
given concern or inquiry, the Ombuds strives to consider the rights and interests
of all parties to facilitate positive resolution of conflicts and concerns.
The Ombuds Office functions independent of all other administrative and academic structures within the University. The office does not replace, but supplements other existing formal complaint handling resources.
The goal of the office is to help the campus community manage conflict constructively and cooperatively, and to support positive change. Managing conflict constructively stimulates innovation and growth. The Ombuds Office provides a versatile set of tools to enable visitors to resolve individual problems as they arise, de-escalate conflicts and minimize negative consequences for the institution, and identify broader systemic concerns and strategies for addressing them constructively.
At its most basic level, the Ombuds Office is the safe place to come to share your concerns, gather accurate and relevant information, and explore options and strategies for resolution.