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Becoming a Workshop Leader

Thank you for considering to volunteer as anOLLI Workshop and Workshop Leader 
OLLI at SBU workshop leader!

Without you the OLLI at Stony Brook University Program would not be as successful as it is today.

This page is designed to help give OLLI members an understanding of the process of becoming a workshop leader and the responsibilities it entails.


Workshop Leader Benefits

  1. Workshop Leaders and Co-Leaders are invited to attend the end of the semester celebration at no charge
  2. Workshop Leaders are entitled to $150 for supplies per workshop that they lead
  3. Access to the comprehensive OLLI at SBU Workshop LeaderHandbook & Zoom  Training Guide
  4. Workshop Leaders may apply for funding through the Ruth Pasternack Application
  5. Workshop Leaders may choose to invite guest speakers to present during their    workshop


Access to Following Resources 


  1. Netflix
  2. Hulu
  3. Wondrium
  4. The Met Opera on demand
  5. Master Class
  6. Peacock
  7. Foreign Policy Association
  8. OLLI's library of DVD's and books
  9. Licensed SBU Zoom account



Please Contact:

Mary Hance, Curriculum Committee Co-Chair

Ella Nyc, Curriculum Committee Co-Chair