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Administrative Staff

  • Amanda Flanagan
    Amanda Flanagan
    Department Administrator(631) 632-8300 Administrative supervisor and assistant to the Chair. Oversees all business operations, including HR, Budget Management, and Course Scheduling.
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  • Graceanne Rossano
    Graceanne Rossano
    Graduate Program Coordinator(631) 632-8340 Coordinates all matters related to the MS and PhD programs, including applications, RA/TA/GA appointments, enrollments, and graduation clearances.
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  • Samantha Robinson
    Samantha Robinson
    Undergraduate Program Coordinator(631)632-1329 Coordinates all matters related to the MEC major and minor, including academic advising, transfer course evaluations,   enrollments, and graduation clearances.
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Technical Staff



Department Fax Number: (631) 632-8544