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Ledger of Unidentified New York Merchant, 1819-1830

Collection Number
SC 495

OCLC Number


Stony Brook University acquired the letter from Antipodean Books, Maps & Prints in 2024. This acquisition was made possible from the Dorothy J. and Ronald W. Siegel Rare Book Fund.

Extent, Scope, and Content Note 
1 ledger; 32 cm x 20 cm; approximately 121 pages; entries dated between 1819 and 1830.
Hardcover. An early unidentifiable New York merchant, with entries for purchases of sugar, tea, rum, shrub, tobacco, bitters, flour, etc. and nautical supplies for ships including the U.S. Navy.

Arrangement and Processing Note
Processed by Kristen J. Nyitray and Lynn Toscano, January 2025.
Finding aid by Kristen J. Nyitray, January 2025.


Restrictions on Access
The collection is open to researchers without restriction.

Rights and Permissions 
Stony Brook University Libraries' consent to access as the physical owner of the collection does not address copyright issues that may affect publication rights. It is the sole responsibility of the user of Special Collections and University Archives materials to investigate the copyright status of any given work and to seek and obtain permission where needed prior to publication.  

Ledger of Unidentified New York Merchant, 1819-1830, Special Collections and University Archives, Stony Brook University Libraries.

Historical Note
This ledger bears the book binder ticket, "Sold by C. Brown, Stationer & Binder, No. 348 Water-street, New-York." 

One of the most interesting entries in this ledger is for the firm of Daggett & Kensett. They feature regularly through out the journal and eventually developed a process for canning seafood (salmon, oysters and lobsters) in 1819, and in 1825, Ezra Daggett and Thomas Kensett were granted the first U.S. patent for food storage in cans. Our merchant appears to act as a bank & supplier for them. Amongst the provisions supplied to them are "Cash for Tin $53.63" in 1822, and "12 barrels vinegar" in 1823.

The merchant also supplied ships in the US Navy. Payment of cash & supplies appear on the left side of the ledger, with long lists of US Navy ships & Captains on the right side of the ledger, with payments. An April 3rd 1823 entry reads "Apl 3rd 1823 to Nov. 30th 1824 provisions sold US Navy received by US Navy received by Dept .... $4350.30."

The merchant obviously had a good business, with deposits at the Franklin Bank, the Bank of America & Bank of the United States, at times over $12,000.

Other clients include Mrs Susan Raymond, Pease Fowler, James Fowler, James Pinings, John C. Franklin & Co (coffee Importers) Capt. B. Cary, E. Brainard, Tomlinson Brinkerhof, Alfred Churchill, Nathan Jackson, Alexander M. Hamilton, Capt. Wm. Bunnell, Asaph Hall, Chatham 1823, possibly the father of Asaph Hall (October 15, 1829 - November 22, 1907) the American astronomer who discovered the moons of Mars in 1877.

Ships & captains listed include Capt. Williams, Ship London Trader; Capt. Cartwright, Ship Columbia, Ship Franklin, Brig Emily, Capt Gifford, Ship Liverpool, Brig Magnet, Capt. Gordon, Ship Hercules, Ship Monroe, Brig Georgiana Davis, Ship Corinthian, Ship Morrisson, Ship Manhattan, Ship Hannibal, London Trader, Howard, Meteor, Midas, Lewis, Paris , Brig Comet, Sloop Eagle, sloop Leander Willcox & Brig Greyhoun(d).

Account books
Merchants New York (State) New York 19th century
New York (N.Y.) Commerce 19th century
Shipping New York (State) New York 19th century
Ships Equipment and supplies