Title Senator Jacob K. Javits Collection
Collection Number SC 285
Series 3: Subjects
Box 1
- Agribusiness. Food Conglomerates (Agriculture), 1973
- Agriculture Appropriations (Agriculture), 1962-1967. 3f.
- Agriculture, Miscellaneous (Agriculture), 1959-1963.
- Beef Research and Information Act (Agriculture), 1975
- Dairy Farmers (Agriculture), 1967
- Dairy Price Supports (Agriculture), 1963
- Emergency Price Supports (Agriculture), 1975
Box 2
- Farm Price Supports (Agriculture), 1960
- Farm Surpluses (Agriculture), 1962
- Feed Grain Legislation (Agriculture), 1963
- Feed Grain Prices (Agriculture), 1973
- Genesee River Basin (Agriculture), 1967
- Grain Inspection (Agriculture), 1976
- Grape Surplus (Agriculture), 1976
- Grapes (Agriculture), 1968
- Javits Record (Agriculture), 1979
- Meat Packer's Bonding Bill (Agriculture), 1976
- Mexican Farm Laborers (Agriculture), 1969
- Milk Price Supports (Agriculture), 1967-1980. 2f.
- Oak Orchard Watershed Project (Agriculture), 1976
Box 3
- Age Discrimination (Civil Rights), 1978
- American Forces Radio, Anti-Semitism (Civil Rights), 1973 {See also legal-size files}
- Anti-Semitism (Civil Rights), 1965-1972.
- Anti-Semitism, Blacks (Civil Rights), 1969-1972.
- Anti-Semitism, New York City Schools (Civil Rights), 1969
- Anti-Semitism, Saxbe, William B. (Civil Rights), 1974
- Peanut Price Supports (Agriculture), 1968
- Poultry Indemnity Bill, 1974
- Rice Production Act (Agriculture), 1976
- Tobacco Price Supports (Agriculture), 1975
- Wheat Bill (Agriculture), 1960
- Wheat Supplies (Agriculture), 1967
- World Food Supply Development and Research (Agriculture), 1967
Box 4
- Bakke Case (Civil Rights), 1978
- Biden-Roth Anti-busing Bill (Civil Rights), 1977
- Blackstone Rangers. Office of Economic Opportunity Hearings (Civil Rights), 1968 {See
also legal-size files}
- Bombings (Civil Rights), 1958-1959.
- Bonding of Minority-Owned Construction Firms (Civil Rights), 1968 {See also legal-size
- Busing (Civil Rights), 1972-1977. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
Box 5
- Civil rights in the 86th Congress, First Session. Report by Edelsberg, Herman, and
Brody, David A., 1959 December
- Busing (Civil Rights), 1975-1977. {See also legal-size files} 3f.
- Civil Rights, Background (Civil Rights), 1957-1965. 2f.
Box 6
- Civil Rights, Background (Civil Rights), 1968-1975. {See also legal-size files} 4f.
Box 7
- Civil Rights Act, Background (Civil Rights), 1966 {See also legal-size files} 2f.
- Civil Rights Act, Floor Folder (Civil Rights), 1965 {See also legal-size files} 2f.
Box 8
- Civil Rights Appropriations (Civil Rights), 1966 {See also legal-size files}
- Civil Rights Improvements (Civil Rights), 1978-1979. {See also legal-size files}
- Civil Rights of the Institutionalized (Civil Rights), 1979-1980.
- Discrimination (Civil Rights), 1961
- Dole-Biden Busing Amendment (Civil Rights), 1976
- Elementary and Secondary School Civil Rights Survey (Civil Rights), 1976
- Employment (Civil Rights), 1965-1969.
- Federal Aid to Education (Civil Rights), 1969-1970. 2f.
Box 9
- Group Libel (Civil Rights), 1963
- Hate Literature (Civil Rights), 1959
- Housing (Civil Rights), 1955-1967.
- Indian Affairs (Civil Rights), 1965-1975. 2f.
- Internal Security. New Rochelle, New York (Civil Rights), 1970
- Military Surveillance of Civilians (Civil Rights), 1973
- Minority Enterprise (Civil Rights), 1969
- National Commission on the International Women's Year (Civil Rights), 1977
- New York City Schools (Civil Rights), 1976-1978.
- Passports (Civil Rights), 1958-1966. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
- Record of the Republican Party (Civil Rights), 1963
Box 10
- Record of the Republican Party (Civil Rights), 1963
- Riot Investigations (Civil Rights), 1967-1969.
- School Desegregation (Civil Rights), 1968-1975.
- Senate Campaign (Civil Rights), 1956 {See also legal-size files}
Box 11
- Sex Discrimination (Civil Rights), 1975
- Shehitah. Animal Slaughter in Preparation of Kosher Foods (Civil Rights), 1958-1965.
- Small Business Administration, Subversive Activities (Civil Rights), 1967
- Student Demonstrators (Civil Rights), 1971
- United Nations, International Women's Year. Marion Javits, Princess Ashraf Pahlavi
(Civil Rights), 1974-1976. {See also legal-size files} 3f.
Box 12
- Voting Rights (Civil Rights), 1957-1976. {See also legal-size files} 4f.
- Weston, Illinois, Housing. 200 Billion Electron Volts Accelerator Project, Brookhaven
National Laboratory (Civil Rights), 1967
- Women's Issues (Civil Rights), 1977-1978.
Box 13
- Amtrak Radio-Telephone Frequencies (Communications), 1975
- ATS-16 Satellite (Communications), 1974
- Broadcasting Ethics (Communications), 1959-1960.
- Communications Satellites (Communications), 1961-1962. 2f.
- Community Antenna Television (Communications), 1960
- Women's Issues (Civil Rights), 1977-1978.
Box 14
- "Let Freedom Ring" Broadcast (Communications), 1965
- Equal Time Provision (Communications), 1959-1962. {See also legal-size files} 3f.
- Federal Communications Commission Rates for Puerto Rico (Communications), 1975-1976.
- Non-Commercial Broadcasting (Communications), 1967
- Space Communications and Satellites (Communications), 1961
- Watertown Times (Communications), 1979
- WNET Television (Communications), 1979
- WNYR Radio (Communications), 1980
Box 15
- Balance of Trade, 1979
- American Stock Exchange. Options Trading (Economy), 1974
- Burns, Arthur F. Watergate Money (Economy), 1972-1973.
- Balanced Budget Amendment (Economy), 1979
- Banking (Economy), 1979-1980.
- Banking and Currency (Economy), 1964-1968. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
- Banking Commission Bill. S 2298 (Economy), 1976
- Budget Cuts (Economy), 1969
- Business Manifesto (Economy), 1972
- Business Meals Deduction (Economy), 1978
- Carryover Basis for Inherited Property (Economy), 1979
- Charitable Contributions (Economy), 1966
- Cigarette Taxes (Economy), 1967
Box 16
- Commission on Federal Expenditures (Economy), 1964
- Commodities Futures Trading commission (Economy), 1977-1978.
- Construction of Fishing Vessels (Economy), 1963
- Consumer Legislation (Economy), 1968
- Consumer Protection Assistance Act (Economy), 1968
- Counter-cyclical Assistance (Economy), 1980
- Defense Contracts. Gordon Rule (Economy), 1973
- Department of Consumer Affairs (Economy), 1969 {See also legal-size files}
- Depreciation Schedules (Economy), 1970
- Disclosure Requirements for Issuers of Municipal Bonds (Economy), 1977
- Dollar Devaluation (Economy), 1971-1973.
- Domestic Economy (Economy), 1970-1973.
- Domestic Enterprise Bank. "DEBBIE" (Economy), 1967-1974. {See also legal-size files}
Box 17
- Domestic Enterprise Bank (Economy), 1967-1976. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
- Economic Planning Act (Economy), 1975-1976. {See also legal-size files}
- Economic Policy (Economy), 1970
- Economic Report of the President (Economy), 1970
- Economic Stabilization Act (Economy), 1971
Box 18
- Export Policy. President's Export Council, 1979-1980.
- Emergency Employment (Economy), 1975
- Emergency Loan Guarantees to Business (Economy), 1970-1974.
- Employer Educational Assistance Program (Economy), 1977-1978. {See also legal-size
- Exemption Status of Public-Interest Law Firms (Economy), 1970
- Expenditure Ceiling (Economy), 1972 {See also legal-size files}
- Fair Credit Billing (Economy), 1973
- Fair Credit Reporting Bill (Economy), 1969
- Federal Budget (Economy), 1972-1977.
Box 19
- Federal Budget (Economy), 1978-1980.
- Federal Domestic Development Bank Act. S 3983 (1974) (Economy), 1967 1974. {See also
legal-size files} 2f.
- Federal Economic Council (Economy), 1958-1959.
- Federal Excise Taxes (Economy), 1961-1963.
- Federal Expenditures in New York State (Economy), 1960-1962.
- Federal Rent Controls (Economy), 1971
- Federal Riot Reinsurance (Economy), 1979
- FICA Exemptions (Economy), 1977
- Financial Amendments Act. Citicorp Floating Rate Notes for Small Investors (Economy),
- Flood Insurance (Economy), 1973
- Foreign Banking in the United States (Economy), 1974
Box 20
- Inflation. Wooldridge, Dean E. "An Almost Painless Inflation Control Scheme." (article),
- Foreign Currencies (Economy), 1965
- Foreign-Earned Income of United States Corporations. Accumulated Surplus Rule (Economy),
- Freight Rate Reduction (Economy), 1978
- Gold Points (Economy), 1968
- Government Bonds. Interest Rates (Economy), 1959-1960. {See also legal-size files}
- Grant-in-Aid Programs. STAMINA Conference (Economy), 1965
- Great Lakes Diversion (Economy), 1959
- Great Lakes Region Steel (Economy), 1978
- Great Lakes Task Force (Economy), 1974
- Impoundment (Economy), 1973
- Incomes Policy (Economy), 1970
- Industry Committees (Economy), 1971
- Inflation (Economy), 1971
- Interest Equalization Tax. Foreign Direct Investment Program; Goldman, Sachs, and
Company (Economy), 1969
- Interest on Bonds Sold to Finance Utilities Construction (Economy), 1970 1976. {See
also legal-size files}
- International Monetary Reform (Economy), 1975
- Investment Credit for Less Developed Nations (Economy), 1964
- Japanese Trade (Economy), 1969
Box 21
- Javits Tax Reform (Economy), 1971 {See also legal-size files}
- Job Tax Credit Bill (Economy), 1971-1976.
- Jobs Creation Bill (Economy), 1971-1972.
- Joint Economic Committee Hearings. Questions for Hearings Witnesses (Economy), 1973-1975.
{See also legal-size files}
- Winter Olympic Games, Lake Placid, New York, Committee (Economy), 1979 1980.
- Liquidity of Penn Central Railroad (Economy), 1970 {See also legal-size files}
- Loopholes Amendment (Economy), 1971
Box 22
- Marketable Rights (Economy), 1968
- Minority Enterprise Development Legislation (Economy), 1979
- Miscellaneous (Economy), 1970-1978. 2f.
- National Priorities (Economy), 1965-1970.
- National Productivity Act (Economy), 1971 {See also legal-size files}
- New York City Assay Office (Economy), 1979
- New York City Blackout Relief (Economy), 1977
- New York City Financial Crisis (Economy), 1975 {See also legal-size files}
Box 23
- New York City Financial Crisis (Economy), 1975-1978. {See also legal-size files} 4f.
Box 24
- New York City Financial Crisis (Economy), 1975-1980. {See also legal-size files} 4f.
Box 25
- New York City Financial Crisis (Economy), 1975-1980. {See also legal-size files}
- New York City Project (Economy), 1973
- New York Congressional Delegation (Economy), 1959-1960.
- New York State Commerce Department (Economy), 1960
- New York Stock Exchange. Rule 440 A.11 (Economy), 1972
- North Atlantic Free Trade Area (Economy), 1969
- Notes on Stockholding Laws. Staff Member's Notebook (Economy), 1977-1978.
- Off-Board Stock Sales. Security and Exchange Commission, Rule 390 (Economy), 1977
- One Bank Holding Companies (Economy), 1969-1971.
Box 26
- Phase III (Economy), 1973
- Phase IV (Economy), 1973
- Pooled Real Estate Trusts (Economy), 1978
- Price Stabilization Board (Economy), 1970-1971. {See also legal-size files}
- Productivity (Economy), 1977
- Productivity Council (Economy), 1961-1963. {See also legal-size files}
- Public Service Employment (Economy), 1974
- Public Works Projects. New York State Projects, including: power, dams, bridges, etc.
(Economy), 1967-1968.
- Publishers' Deductions (Economy), 1974
- Puerto Rican Economic Summit (Economy), 1976
- Put and Call Options (Economy), 1959-1960.
- Quality Stabilization Act (Economy), 1962-1964. {See also legal-size files}
Box 27
- Railroads Excise Tax (Economy), 1961-1962.
- Regulation of Escheat (Economy), 1973-1974. {See also legal-size files}
- Report on Mainland China (Economy), 1971-1972. {See also legal-size files}
- Republican Economic Policy (Economy), 1979-1980. 2f.
- Reserve Creation and Development Assistance (Economy), 1969
- Revenue Act (Economy), 1971 2f.
- Revenue Sharing (Economy), 1971-1976. {See also legal-size files}
- Revenue Sharing Bills (Economy), 1972
Box 28
- Revenue Sharing Proposals (Economy), 1974
- Securities and Exchange Commission. Small Investors (Economy), 1971-1978. 2f.
- Senior Citizens Tax Credit (Economy), 1977
- Small Business Administration (Economy), 1961
- Small Business Procedures (Economy), 1980
- Sonnenberg Gardens (Economy), 1980
- South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (Economy), 1972 1974.
- Saint Lawrence Seaway (Economy), 1957-1960. 2f.
Box 29
- State and Local Government Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards (Economy),
- Stock Market, Margin Requirements (Economy), 1970
- Tariff Commission (Economy), 1974
- Tariff Schedules for Inhalers (Economy), 1965
- Tax Amendments (Economy), 1976
- Tax Bill (Economy), 1968
- Tax Credits. Campaign Contributions, Tuition, Housing Rehabilitation (Economy), 1967
- Tax Deductions for Artists (Economy), 1974-1977.
- Tax Reduction Act (Economy), 1975 {See also legal-size files}
- Tax Reduction and Simplification Act (Economy), 1976-1977. {See also legal-size files}
Box 30
- Tax Reform (Economy), 1967-1975. {See also legal-size files}
- Tax Revision Bill. HR 10612 (1976), HR 11920 (1976) (Economy), 1975-1976. {See also
legal-size files} 3f.
Box 31
- Taxes (Economy), 1959-1977. {See also legal-size files} 7f.
Box 32
- Technical Corrections Act (Economy), 1977
- Theater Development Fund (Economy), 1976
- Transfer of Regional Internal Revenue Service to Boston (Economy), 1963
- Travel Promotion (Economy), 1959-1960. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
- Treasury Funds (Economy), 1970-1971.
- Truth in Lending (Economy), 1967 {See also legal-size files}
- Truth in Packaging Bill (Economy), 1966
- Tuition Remission (Economy), 1976-1977.
- Tuition Tax Credit (Economy), 1977
Box 33
- Academic Facilities and Scholarship Act (Education), 1961 {See also legal-size files}
- Actor's Equity. Alien Actors (Education), 1961
- Arts (Education), 1960-1961.
- Arts Foundation (Education), 1949-1965. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
- Arts Memoranda (Education), 1963
- United Technologies-Carrier Corporation Merger (Economy), 1978
- Urban Task Force (Economy), 1978-1979.
- Value-Added Tax, Statements (Economy), 1972
- Voter Education Project. Atlanta, Georgia (Economy), 1975
- Wage and Price Control Legislation (Economy), 1971 {See also legal-size files}
- Wage and Price Stabilization (Economy), 1970
Box 34
- Capitol Building Extension. Nixon Administration Activities (Education), 1969
- Common Market in Education (Education), 1968-1969.
- Critical Edition of the Works of Maimonides (Education), 1979-1980.
- Cultural Exchange (Education), 1959-1961.
- Department of Education Organization Act (Education), 1979 {See also legal-size files}
- Department of Education Organization Act, Conference (Education), 1979
- District of Columbia Schools (Education), 1962
Box 35
- Education (Education), 1962
- Elementary and Secondary Education (Education), 1962-1963.
- Federal Aid to Arts (Education), 1961-1963.
- Federal Aid to Higher Education (Education), 1961-1963. {See also legal-size files}
- Federal Aid to Private Schools (Education), 1961
- Federal Aid to School Construction (Education), 1959-1960.
- Federal Aid to Students (Education), 1962 {See also legal-size files}
- Federal Depository Libraries (Education), 1965
Box 36
- Fine Arts (Education), 1949-1959. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Commission (Education), 1966-1967.
- Higher Education Act (Education), 1965
- Minimum Foundation for Public School Education, Floor File. Cooper- Javits Education
Bill, S 8 (1960) (Education), 1960-1961. {See also legal-size files}
Box 37
- Automobile Fuel Economy (Energy), 1979
- Brookhaven National Laboratory (Energy), 1971
- Building Temperature Restrictions (Energy), 1980
- Conservation Bill (Energy), 1975
- Crude Oil Equalization Tax (Energy), 1978
- National Defense Education Act (Education), 1960-1961. {See also legal-size files}
- Old Metropolitan Opera House (Education), 1966
- Prisoners' College. City University of New York (Education), 1974
- Title IX (Education), 1975
- United States Pavilion. 1964 World's Fair; Caton-Rose Institute of Art (Education),
- United States-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Theater (Education), 1961 1963.
Box 38
- Department of Energy Audit (Energy), 1979
- Department of Energy Reorganization Act. Conference on House and Senate versions of
Department of Energy bills (Energy), 1977-1978. {See also legal-size files} 4f.
Box 39
- Department of Energy Reorganization Act. S 826 (1977) (Energy), 1977 1978. {See also
legal-size files} 2f.
- Department of Energy Reorganization Act, Statements (Energy), 1977
- Emergency Standby Energy Authority (Energy), 1974
- Employment (Energy), 1978
- Energy (Energy), 1973-1977. {See also legal-size files}
Box 40
- Energy (Energy), 1973-1977. {See also legal-size files}
- Energy Corporation of the Northeast (Energy), 1977-1979. 2f.
- Energy Crisis (Energy), 1979-1980. 2f.
- Energy Legislation (Energy), 1973-1974.
- Energy Memoranda (Energy), 1979
Box 41
- Energy Memoranda (Energy), 1979 3f.
- Energy Mobilization Board (Energy), 1979
- Energy Research and Development Administration (Energy), 1973-1974. {See also legal-size
files} 2f.
Box 42
- Energy Research and Development Administration (Energy), 1974 2f.
- Energy Studies (Energy), 1974
Box 43
- Energy Tax Proposals (Energy), 1974 {See also legal-size files}
- Energy Transportation Security Act (Energy), 1974
- Entitlements Program (Energy), 1978
- Federal Energy Emergency Administration (Energy), 1973-1974. {See also legal-size
files} 2f.
- Federal Power Commission. Morris, Robert, Nomination (Energy), 1971-1973.
- Fuel Assistance (Energy), 1979-1980.
- Fuel Consumption Tax (Energy), 1973-1974.
- Gasohol (Energy), 1977-1978.
Box 44
- Gasoline Crisis (Energy), 1979
- Gasoline Rationing (Energy), 1979
- Great Lakes Basin Compact (Energy), 1966-1970.
- Great Lakes Diversion (Energy), 1958-1959.
- Home Heating Oil Conservation (Energy), 1978
- Home Heating Oil Hearings (Energy), 1979
- Impact Assistance Bills (Energy), 1978
- Impact Assistance Memoranda (Energy), 1977-1978.
- Impact Assistance Research (Energy), 1978
- Impact Assistance Statements (Energy), 1978
- Javits Record (Energy), 1980
- Kemeny Commission Report. Nuclear Energy (Energy), 1979
Box 45
- Legislation (Energy), 1979
- Liquified Natural Gas (Energy), 1974-1976.
- Middle Distillates (Energy), 1977-1978.
- Miscellaneous. Research and Development, Home Fuel Assistance Programs, Conservation
(Energy), 1979-1980.
- National Fuels Facilities (Energy), 1974
- Natural Gas Act (Energy), 1978
- Natural Gas Deregulation (Energy), 1973-1976. 2f.
- New York State. Koch, Edward I., Carey, Hugh (Energy), 1978-1980.
Box 46
- New York State Alliance to Save Energy (Energy), 1977-1978.
- New York State Nuclear Power (Energy), 1974-1980.
- Niagara Power (Energy), 1957-1958.
- Northeast Allocations (Energy), 1979
- Nuclear Power Plants (Energy), 1974-1979.
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Energy), 1980
- Nuclear Waste Disposal. S 2189 (1978) (Energy), 1978-1980. {See also legal-size files}
Box 47
- Oil Backout Bill. S 2470 (Energy), 1980
- Oil Import Quota (Energy), 1978
- Oil Imports (Energy), 1957
- Oil Prices (Energy), 1975-1976. {See also legal-size files}
- Oil Producing Export Countries Price Increase (Energy), 1978
- Planning. Energy (Energy), 1977
- Presidential Price Control Authority (Energy), 1979
- President's Energy Message (Energy), 1979
- Regional Petroleum Reserve (Energy), 1979
- Research and Development (Energy), 1974-1978.
- Small Businesses and Fuel Allocations (Energy), 1973-1974.
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve (Energy), 1977-1979.
- Synthetic Fuel (Energy), 1979
Box 48
- Tax Credits (Energy), 1977 {See also legal-size files}
- Truth in Mileage Information Act (Energy), 1977-1980. {See also legal-size files}
- United States Geological Survey (Energy), 1980
- Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority. Israel Desalination Engineering, Ltd. (Energy),
Box 49
- Adirondack National Park (Environment), 1967
- Aircraft Noise Abatement (Environment), 1976
- Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (Energy), 1978-1979.
- Weatherization (Energy), 1980
- West Valley Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Center (Energy), 1979-1980. 2f.
- Windfall Profits Tax (Energy), 1979
Box 50
- Alaska Lands Bill. HR 39 (Environment), 1980
- Arthur Kill Power Plant (Environment), 1975
- Clean Air Act (Environment), 1975-1976.
- Commercial Boiler Emissions (Environment), 1975
- Concorde Supersonic Transport (Environment), 1975-1977. {See also legal-size files}
- Environmental Protection Agency (Environment), 1978
- Environmental Study Conference (Environment), 1976
- Fish and Wildlife Resources. HR 11537 (Environment), 1974
- Great Lakes Pollution (Environment), 1969
- Hathaway Nomination. Department of Interior (Environment), 1975
- Hudson River Highlands (Environment), 1965-1966.
- Industrial Air Pollution (Environment), 1967
- Long Island Sound (Environment), 1970
Box 51
- Love Canal (Environment), 1980 2f.
- Miscellaneous (Environment), 1974
- New River, North Carolina (Environment), 1976
- Noise Pollution (Environment), 1965-1973.
- Non-returnable Bottles (Environment), 1973-1976.
- Oceanographic Research and Surveys (Environment), 1961
- Onondaga Lake (Environment), 1967-1968.
- Outer Continental Shelf (Environment), 1974
- Public Works Appropriations for New York State. Harbor Dredging, Beach Erosion, Flood
Control (Environment), 1969
Box 52
- American-Vietnamese Foundation (Foreign Affairs), 1966-1967.
- Anti-dumping Laws (Foreign Affairs), 1963
- Arab Refugees (Foreign Affairs), 1967-1968. 2f.
- Article for "Foreign Affairs" (Foreign Affairs), 1969
- Urban Trees Act (Environment), 1976-1977. {See also legal-size files}
- Water Pollution Impoundments (Environment), 1974
Box 53
- Berlin (Foreign Affairs), 1959-1961. 2f.
- Biafra (Foreign Affairs), 1969
- Trifa, Bishop (Foreign Affairs), 1972-1974.
- Britain (Foreign Affairs), 1959
- China (Foreign Affairs), 1965
- Commission on Puerto Rico (Foreign Affairs), 1965
- Communism (Foreign Affairs), 1959-1963.
- Cuba (Foreign Affairs), 1961-1962.
Box 54
- Discrimination (Foreign Affairs), 1956-1960. {See also legal-size files}
- Disposal of Agricultural Surplus (Foreign Affairs), 1959
- Diversion of Great Lakes Waters (Foreign Affairs), 1959
- Electronic Surveillance (Foreign Affairs), 1973
- Energy. Zbigniew Brzezinski (Foreign Affairs), 1976-1980. 3f.
- Export of Nuclear Technology (Foreign Affairs), 1976-1978. 2f.
Box 55
- Foreign Aid Appropriations. Gold Flow; Discrimination in Trade on Basis of Race-Religion
(Foreign Affairs), 1959-1962. {See also legal-size files} 4f.
- Foreign Assistance Reorganization (Foreign Affairs), 1978-1979.
Box 56
- Foreign Banking Control Act (Foreign Affairs), 1966-1967. {See also legal-size files}
- Foreign Claims Settlements (Foreign Affairs), 1971-1974.
- Foreign Trade Division of Small Business Administration (Foreign Affairs), 1961
- Great Lakes Conference (Foreign Affairs), 1970-1972.
- Great Lakes Diversion (Foreign Affairs), 1957-1963.
- Hungary (Foreign Affairs), 1957-1960.
- Illegal Aliens (Foreign Affairs), 1977
Box 57
- Jews in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. State Department research memorandum,
- Anti-Defamation League (Foreign Affairs), 1967
- Immigration (Foreign Affairs), 1957-1970. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
- Immigration of War Orphans (Foreign Affairs), 1959
- International Oil Pricing (Foreign Affairs), 1978
- Ireland (Foreign Affairs), 1954-1962.
- Israel (Foreign Affairs), 1952-1960. 2f.
- Kaplan, J. M. Uruguayan Prisons (Foreign Affairs), 1977
- Khrushchev Summit and U-2 Incident (Foreign Affairs), 1957-1960. {See also legal-size
- Latin American Action Committee (Foreign Affairs), 1967
- Latin American Common Market (Foreign Affairs), 1967
- Middle East Project (Foreign Affairs), 1969
Box 58
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Greek-Turkish Talks (Foreign Affairs), 1963-1966.
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Parliamentarians' Conference. Political Committee
(Foreign Affairs), 1966 {See also legal-size files}
- Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Foreign Affairs), 1976-1980. {See also legal-size files}
Box 59
- Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act. S 897 (1977) (Foreign Affairs), 1977-1979.
- Nuclear Proliferation Control Act. S 3770 (Foreign Affairs), 1976
- Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (Foreign Affairs), 1975
- Oil Import Fees (Foreign Affairs), 1978
- Oil Prices (Foreign Affairs), 1978
- Oil Producing Export Countries Policy and Pricing (Foreign Affairs), 1978 1979.
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation. Oil Exploration (Foreign Affairs), 1978-1979.
- Palestine Refugees (Foreign Affairs), 1955
- Peace by Investment Corporation. Benjamin Javits (Foreign Affairs), 1955 1959. 2f.
- Peace Corps (Foreign Affairs), 1961
Box 60
- Puerto Rican-United States Relationship (Foreign Affairs), 1979
- Puerto Rico (Foreign Affairs), 1978
- Radio Free Europe (Foreign Affairs), 1971-1972.
- Refugee Act. S 643 (Foreign Affairs), 1979
- Refugees (Foreign Affairs), 1958-1959.
- Relief of Chiaramonte, Michele (Foreign Affairs), 1980 {See also legal-size files}
- Return of German Property (Foreign Affairs), 1954-1959.
- Sabbatino Case (Foreign Affairs), 1964-1965.
- Senator Flanders' Anti-Israel Speech (Foreign Affairs), 1958
- Technical Assistance Programs. National Defense Education Act; Eisenhower's "Columbo
Plan" (Foreign Affairs), 1958-1959.
- Textile Trade Dispute (Foreign Affairs), 1971
- Tibet (Foreign Affairs), 1959 {See also legal-size files}
Box 61
- Trade With Soviet Union (Foreign Affairs), 1959-1962.
- United Jewish Appeal (Foreign Affairs), 1969
- United Nations Development Corporation (Foreign Affairs), 1969-1972.
- United States Information Agency (Foreign Affairs), 1960-1961.
- United States-Canada Auto Agreement (Foreign Affairs), 1965
- Vietnam (Foreign Affairs), 1965 {See also legal-size files}
Box 62
- Vietnam (Foreign Affairs), 1965
- Virgin Islands (Foreign Affairs), 1957-1959.
- War Claims (Foreign Affairs), 1954-1974. 2f.
- Wiretapping Hearings (Foreign Affairs), 1973-1974. {See also legal-size files} Restriction:
1974 February 4: Memo to files on State Department meeting about wiretapping.
Box 63
- Annual Report (Government Affairs), 1970-1972. {See also legal-size files}
- Blind Trusts (Government Affairs), 1977
- Budget Cuts (Government Affairs), 1969
- Campaign Financing (Government Affairs), 1967
- Committee Assignments (Government Affairs), 1974-1977. {See also legal-size files}
- Constitutional Convention (Government Affairs), 1973
- Copyright Legislation (Government Affairs), 1975
- World Court. Connally Amendment (Foreign Affairs), 1970-1971.
- World Development Corporation (Foreign Affairs), 1958
Box 64
- Direct Election of President (Government Affairs), 1966-1979. 2f.
- District of Columbia Appropriations (Government Affairs), 1962-1966. 2f.
- Dodd, Thomas (Government Affairs), 1967
- Dual Rate Shipping Bill. Anti-Trust Questions (Government Affairs), 1961
- Economic Census Report (Government Affairs), 1977
- Eighteen Year Old Vote (Government Affairs), 1967-1968.
- Federal Program Guide for New Yorkers. Compiled by Senator's Office (Government Affairs),
- Female Pages (Government Affairs), 1977-1979.
- Freedom of Information Act (Government Affairs), 1973-1974.
Box 65
- Hawaiian Communists (Government Affairs), 1957
- Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations (Government Affairs), 1967 {See also
legal-size files} 3f.
- Highland Falls, New York Water Treatment Plant (Government Affairs), 1959 1962.
- Independent Offices Appropriations (Government Affairs), 1962-1967. {See also legal-size
files} 2f.
Box 66
- Javits Fact Sheets (Government Affairs), 1962
- Javits Newsletter (Government Affairs), 1973-1976.
- Javits' Staff Conference (Government Affairs), 1970
- Joseph Califano Nomination (Government Affairs), 1977
- Labor and Public Welfare Committee Rules (Government Affairs), 1969
- Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. Peter Andreoli (Government Affairs), 1979-1980.
- Legislative Appropriations (Government Affairs), 1967
- Lobbying Laws. John Birch Society (Government Affairs), 1957-1968.
- Local Government Mail Rates (Government Affairs), 1958
- Memoranda on Bills (Government Affairs), 1959-1960.
- Memoranda. Middle East; Vietnam; United States Economy (Government Affairs), 1970
- Memoranda from New York City Staff (Government Affairs), 1971-1972.
- Memoranda on New York City (Government Affairs), 1978-1979.
- Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute (Government Affairs), 1974
- New York Congressional Delegation. Highway and Mass Transit Funding (Government Affairs),
Box 67
- New York State Constitution (Government Affairs), 1967
- New York State Regional Data (Government Affairs), 1962
- Nominations for Vice President (Government Affairs), 1974
- Office of President. Presidential Succession, Disability, and Reorganization (Government
Affairs), 1957-1963.
- Oversight of Federal Regulatory Agencies. "Sunset" bill (Government Affairs), 1977-1978.
{See also legal-size files}
- Political Action Committee Contributions (Government Affairs), 1979
- Post Office (Government Affairs), 1959
- Postal Reorganization (Government Affairs), 1976
- Progressive Republicans (Government Affairs), 1959-1962.
- Public Financing of Senate Campaigns (Government Affairs), 1977 {See also legal-size
- Public Printer (Government Affairs), 1973
Box 68
- Reapportionment (Government Affairs), 1965-1966. 2f.
- Republican Conference Committee. Seniority (Government Affairs), 1972 1973. {See also
legal-size files}
- Republican National Convention (Government Affairs), 1972 {See also legal-size files}
- Republican Policy Committee (Government Affairs), 1973
- Republican Policy Committee Background Reports. Area Redevelopment, Bipartisan Boards
and Commissions, National Defense (Government Affairs), 1959
- Rittersporn, B.A., Jr., Candidacy (Government Affairs), 1969
Box 69
- Rule XXII (Government Affairs), 1956-1975. {See also legal-size files} 4f.
Box 70
- Rule XXII (Government Affairs), 1963-1979. {See also legal-size files} 3f.
- Rules of Procedure for Investigating Committees (Government Affairs), 1958
- Science and Technological Development (Government Affairs), 1961
- Senate "Germaneness" Resolution (Government Affairs), 1976
- Senate Confirmation of Presidential Advisors (Government Affairs), 1973
- Senate Nominations (Government Affairs), 1977
- Senate Organization (Government Affairs), 1978
- Senate Procedure (Government Affairs), 1959-1964.
Box 71
- Abortion (Health and Safety), 1979-1980. {See also legal-size files}
- Abortion, Parental Consent (Health and Safety), 1980
- Airbags (Health and Safety), 1977-1979.
- Senate Rules Changes. Cloture, SR 61 (Government Affairs), 1979 {See also legal-size
- Space Program (Government Affairs), 1959
- Staff Meeting Notes. Various notes from August meetings (Government Affairs), 1973
- State of the Union (Government Affairs), 1968
- State, Justice, and Commerce Appropriations (Government Affairs), 1962 1963.
- Subversive Activities Control Board (Government Affairs), 1967
- Truman Scholarship Fund (Government Affairs), 1975
- Uniform Time Act (Government Affairs), 1971
- Voter Registration (Government Affairs), 1972
- Voting (Government Affairs), 1951-1952.
- Watergate Reorganization and Reform Act. S 495 (Government Affairs), 1974 1976.
- Wednesday Club (Government Affairs), 1974-1975.
Box 72
- Alcoholism (Health and Safety), 1970-1979. {See also legal-size files}
- Animal Research. American Museum of Natural History (Health and Safety), 1976
- Assistance Programs. CMHCs (Health and Safety), 1977
- Cancer Research (Health and Safety), 1970-1976.
- Care of the Elderly. Kerr-Mills Act (Health and Safety), 1961-1961. 3f.
Box 73
- Clean Indoor Air Act. New York State Assembly Bill, 1979
- Health, Education and the National Interest. Speech on the Anderson-Javits Medicare
bill, 1962
- Compulsive Gambling (Health and Safety), 1979
- Diabetes Research (Health and Safety), 1976-1979.
- Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Act (Health and Safety), 1978
- Emergency Health Services. S 497 (Health and Safety), 1979
- Federal Aviation Authority. DC-10 Crash (25 May 1979) (Health and Safety), 1979
- Federal Funds (Health and Safety), 1975
- Genetic Diseases (Health and Safety), 1974-1978.
- Health Care (Health and Safety), 1958-1961.
- Health Facilities (Health and Safety), 1961
- Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations (Health and Safety), 1975 1976.
Box 74
- Health Legislation (Health and Safety), 1960 {See also legal-size files} 2f.
- Health Professions Educational Assistance Act. S 3585 (Health and Safety), 1974 3f.
- Heart Disease (Health and Safety), 1953-1978.
- Hospital Modernization (Health and Safety), 1962
Box 75
- Heart and Lung Disease. S 988 (Health and Safety), 1975 {See also legal-size files}
- Heroin Use (Health and Safety), 1980
- Housing and Urban Development-Health and Human Services Demonstration Program for
the Chronically Mentally Ill (Health and Safety), 1980
- Hypertension (Health and Safety), 1977-1979.
- Infant Formula Act (Health and Safety), 1980
- Insurance in Riot-Affected Areas (Health and Safety), 1968
- Interferon (Health and Safety), 1980
- Javits Annual Report (Health and Safety), 1979
- Jewish Institute for Geriatric Care (Health and Safety), 1979
- Kidney Disease (Health and Safety), 1968-1975.
- LaGuardia Hospital (Health and Safety), 1979
- Legionnaire's Disease (Health and Safety), 1977-1978. {See also legal-size files}
- Love Canal (Health and Safety), 1980
- Magnuson Clinical Center (Health and Safety), 1980
- Manpower Legislation (Health and Safety), 1980
- Medicaid Abuse. HR 3; S 143; Moynihan Amendment (Health and Safety), 1977
- Medicare Background (Health and Safety), 1962-1963.
Box 76
- Medicare Legislation (Health and Safety), 1964
- Medicare Psychiatric Payments (Health and Safety), 1975-1979.
- Medicare Task Force (Health and Safety), 1962-1963. 3f.
Box 77
- Medical Records Privacy (Health and Safety), 1978-1980. 4f.
Box 78
- Medical Records Privacy (Health and Safety), 1980
- Memoranda to Senator (Health and Safety), 1975-1977. {See also legal-size files} 4f.
Box 79
- Memoranda to Senator (Health and Safety), 1977-1978. {See also legal-size files} 7f.
Box 80
- Memoranda to Senator (Health and Safety), 1979 {See also legal-size files} 6f.
Box 81
- Memoranda to Senator (Health and Safety), 1980 {See also legal-size files} 3f.
- Miscellaneous Diseases (Health and Safety), 1968-1977.
- Motor Neuron Disease. DMSO. (Health and Safety), 1979
- Narcotics (Health and Safety), 1958-1961. 2f.
- Narcotics Treatment (Health and Safety), 1960-1961. {See also legal-size files}
- National Drug Compendium (Health and Safety), 1968
Box 82
- National Health Insurance (Health and Safety), 1971-1973. 2f.
- National Health Insurance, Administration Proposals (Health and Safety), 1978
- National Health Insurance, Articles (Health and Safety), 1969-1976. 4f.
Box 83
- National Health Insurance, Articles (Health and Safety), 1975-1976.
- National Health Insurance, Bills and Summaries (Health and Safety), 1956 1978. 7f.
- National Health Insurance, Emergency Health Insurance (Health and Safety), 1975
Box 84
- National Health Insurance, Hearings (Health and Safety), 1978
- National Health Insurance, Javits Activities (Health and Safety), 1949 1977.
- National Health Insurance, Javits Bill. S 3711 (1970); S 915 (1973) (Health and Safety),
1970-1973. 2f.
- National Health Insurance, Javits Bill, Letters and Memoranda (Health and Safety),
- National Health Insurance, Javits Bill, Miscellaneous (Health and Safety), 1970
- National Health Insurance, Javits Bill, Task Force (Health and Safety), 1969-1970.
- National Health Insurance, Joint Committee on National Health Policy. SCR 100 (1978)
(Health and Safety), 1978-1979.
- National Health Insurance, Kennedy Bill. S 1720 (Health and Safety), 1979
- National Health Insurance, Letters and Memoranda (Health and Safety), 1974 1978. 2f.
Box 85
- National Health Insurance for Mothers and Children. S 3593 (Health and Safety), 1976-1978.
- National Health Insurance for Mothers and Children, Articles (Health and Safety),
1972-1976. 2f.
- National Health Insurance, Letters and Memoranda (Health and Safety), 1979
- National Health Insurance, Miscellaneous (Health and Safety), 1968-1976. 3f.
- National Health Insurance, Previous Bills (Health and Safety), 1956-1969.
Box 86
- National Health Insurance for Mothers and Children, Bills and Summaries. S 370 (1977)
(Health and Safety), 1976-1979. {See also legal-size files} 3f.
- National Health Insurance for Mothers and Children, Hearings and Articles (Health
and Safety), 1976-1978. {See also legal-size files}
- National Health Insurance for Mothers and Children, Letters and Memoranda (Health
and Safety), 1976-1978.
Box 87
- National Health Insurance for Mothers and Children, Professional Comments (Health
and Safety), 1976-1977. 3f.
- National Health Service Corps. S 3181 (Health and Safety), 1974
- National Science Foundation. S 586, S 527 (Health and Safety), 1980
- National Collegiate Athletic Association-American Athletic Union Controversy (Health
and Safety), 1967-1968.
- Neural Tube Defect Laboratory. State University of New York at Stony Brook (Health
and Safety), 1979
- New York City Urban Health Issues (Health and Safety), 1978
Box 88
- New York University Primate Research Center. Laboratory for Experimental Medicine
and Surgery in Primates (Health and Safety), 1972-1980.
- Nuclear Energy and Medicine. including Health Hazards (Health and Safety), 1979-1980.
- Nurse Training. S 2416 (Health and Safety), 1978-1979.
- Nutrition Labeling (Health and Safety), 1979-1980.
- Nutrition Legislation (Health and Safety), 1976
- Obstetric Practices (Health and Safety), 1977-1980.
- Operating Room Nurses Day (Health and Safety), 1980
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Miscellaneous (Health and Safety),
- Planning and Resources Legislation (Health and Safety), 1969-1979.
- Population Council (Health and Safety), 1979
- Portable Pool Project (Health and Safety), 1967 {See also legal-size files}
Box 89
- Primary Care Centers. S 2879; S 2474 (Health and Safety), 1978
- Professional Standards Review (Health and Safety), 1974
- Public Health Service Hospital Closings (Health and Safety), 1971-1976.
- Radiation Exposure (Health and Safety), 1978
- Radiation Protection (Health and Safety), 1979-1980. 2f.
- Ronald Frazer Community Health Center (Health and Safety), 1980
- Salk Institute (Health and Safety), 1968
- Saint Vincent's Hospital Alcoholism Grant (Health and Safety), 1974
Box 90
- Salk Institute (Health and Safety), 1968-1969. 2f.
- Schizophrenia (Health and Safety), 1978
- Senior Citizens Health Insurance Reform Act. S 1295 (Health and Safety), 1979
- Sickle Cell Anemia. S 2676 (Health and Safety), 1971-1973.
- Social Security. Floor File, HR 11865 (Health and Safety), 1964
- Syntex Infant Formula (Health and Safety), 1979
- Tay-Sachs Research (Health and Safety), 1973-1975.
- Teenage Pregnancy. S 2910 (Health and Safety), 1978
Box 91
- Accelerated Depreciation (Housing), 1969 {See also legal-size files}
- Battery Park (Housing), 1976-1979.
- Building Codes (Housing), 1959
- Co-op City (Bronx) (Housing), 1972
- College Housing Loan Program (Housing), 1978
- Condominium Bill (Housing), 1978
- Cooperative Housing (Housing), 1980
- Discrimination in Housing (Housing), 1969
- Emergency Housing Act (Housing), 1975-1976.
- United States Foreign Medical Graduates. S 2159 (Health and Safety), 1977 1980. 2f.
- Venereal Disease (Health and Safety), 1971-1980.
- Veterans (Health and Safety), 1979
- World Health (Health and Safety), 1959
- X-Ray Protection Act (Health and Safety), 1980
Box 92
- Farmers Home Administration (Housing), 1976
- Federal Housing and Related Laws (Housing), 1970
- Federal National Mortgage Association v. Housing and Urban Development (Housing),
- Federal Subsidies (Housing), 1968-1970.
- Federal Housing Administration Mortgage Limits (Housing), 1978 {See also legal-size
- Floor Amendments (Housing), 1979
- Forest Hills Project (Housing), 1971-1973.
- Government National Mortgage Association. Mortgage Backed Securities (Housing), 1979
- Hamilton House (Housing), 1974-1975.
- Hills, Carla A. (Housing), 1975-1976.
- Housing (Housing), 1958-1962. 2f.
- Housing (Housing), 1956-1958. {See also legal-size files}
Box 93
- Housing (Housing), 1965-1974. {See also legal-size files} 6f.
Box 94
- Housing (Housing), 1975-1977. 2f.
- Housing and Community Development (Housing), 1977
- Housing and Community Development Bill (Housing), 1977-1978. {See also legal-size
- Housing and Inflation (Housing), 1969
- Housing and Urban Development (Housing), 1971-1975.
- Housing Moratorium (Housing), 1973
- Housing Projects for Profit (Housing), 1967
Box 95
- Housing and Urban Development Act (Housing), 1969
- Housing and Urban Development Budget (Housing), 1979
- Housing and Urban Development, Non-Profit Sponsors (Housing), 1970
- Insurance. FAIR Plans; Holtzman Amendment (Housing), 1977-1978.
- Interfaith City-Wide Coordinating Committee (Housing), 1969
- Inwood Urban Renewal (Housing), 1972
- Leased Housing Program (Housing), 1970
- Legislation (Housing), 1949-1978. {See also legal-size files} 3f.
- Manhattan Plaza (Housing), 1976
Box 96
- Marine Midland Bank. Government National Mortgage Association Commitment Contract
(Housing), 1975
- Memoranda (Housing), 1970-1978.
- Neighborhood Development Program (Housing), 1969
- New York City Housing (Housing), 1969-1974.
- New York State Housing (Housing), 1969-1974.
- Omnibus Housing Bill. S 3248 (1974) (Housing), 1972-1974. {See also legal-size files}
- Rent Control (Housing), 1978
Box 97
- Abolition of Parole. Law Enforcement Administration Act. Study of S 204 (Hart-Javits
Bill) (Judiciary and Law), 1977
- Admission Requirements for Attorneys Before Federal Agencies (Judiciary and Law),
- American Bar Association (Judiciary and Law), 1970
- Anti-Crime Bill (Judiciary and Law), 1973-1975.
- Slum Clearance Abuse. Manhattantown Project (Housing), 1955-1957.
- Tandem Program Mortgage Limits. Two-Family Dwellings (Housing), 1977
- Tax Laws (Housing), 1969-1975.
- Uniform Relocation Act. S 1108 (Housing), 1979
- Urban Development Action Grant Program (Housing), 1978
- Urban Renewal (Housing), 1969-1971.
- Usury Waiver Bill. Federal National Mortgage Association ("Fannie Mae") (Housing),
Box 98
- Anti-Trust (Judiciary and Law), 1958-1980. 2f.
- Anti-Trust Article (Judiciary and Law), 1971-1972.
- Anti-Trust Laws Commission (Judiciary and Law), 1978 3f.
Box 99
- Anti-Trust Laws Commission (Judiciary and Law), 1978
- Anti-Trust Laws Commission, Members (Judiciary and Law), 1977-1979.
- Anti-Trust Laws Revision (Judiciary and Law), 1970-1979. {See also legal-size files}
Box 100
- Anti-Trust and Monopoly Activities. Subcommittee Report (Judiciary and Law), 1964
- Anti-Trust Laws Revision (Judiciary and Law), 1970-1979. 4f.
Box 101
- Congressional Redistricting, 1979
- Brown, Bailey, Nomination. Judges' Memberships in All-White Clubs (Judiciary and Law),
- Basketball Merger Bill (Judiciary and Law), 1971-1972.
- Black Powder Bill S 1083 (Judiciary and Law), 1973
- Carswell Nomination (Judiciary and Law), 1970 {See also legal-size files}
- Cayuga Indian Land Claims (Judiciary and Law), 1980 {See also legal-size files}
- Citizens Right to Standing in Federal Courts (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- Congressional Redistricting (Judiciary and Law), 1967
- Congressional Freedom of Speech. United States v. Graves (Judiciary and Law), 1972
- Congressional Oversight of Law Enforcement Administration Act (Judiciary and Law),
- Constitutional Amendment, Electoral Reform (Judiciary and Law), 1970 {See also legal-size
- Constitutional Amendment, Freedom of the Press (Judiciary and Law), 1972
- Constitutional Amendment, School Prayer (Judiciary and Law), 1966
- Constitutional Convention. Dirksen Amendment (Judiciary and Law), 1967 1971.
- Crime (Judiciary and Law), 1959
- Crime and Justice, Notes on Javits Record (Judiciary and Law), 1974-1980.
Box 102
- Death Penalty (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- Department of Justice Authorization Act (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- Divorce Law Reform (Judiciary and Law), 1980
- DuPont-General Motors Anti-Trust Case (Judiciary and Law), 1961-1962.
- Electric and Gas Utility Combinations (Judiciary and Law), 1971-1972.
- Equal Access to Justice Act (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- Equal Rights Amendment Extension (Judiciary and Law), 1978
- Ethics (Judiciary and Law), 1958-1980. 3f.
- Ethics Committee (Judiciary and Law), 1976-1977. {See also legal-size files}
Box 103
- Ethics Committee (Judiciary and Law), 1976-1977. {See also legal-size files}
- Executive Privilege (Judiciary and Law), 1973
- Export Trade Associations (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- Federal Courts Improvement Act (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- Financial Disclosure (Judiciary and Law), 1980
- Fugitive Felon Act (Judiciary and Law), 1961 {See also legal-size files}
- Grand Jury Reform (Judiciary and Law), 1976-1977.
- Gun Control (Judiciary and Law), 1974-1977.
- Habeas Corpus (Judiciary and Law), 1958
Box 104
- Hart-Scott Anti-Trust Improvement Act (Judiciary and Law), 1975-1976. {See also legal-size
files} 4f.
Box 105
- Impeachment. Watergate (Judiciary and Law), 1973-1974.
- Intelligence Oversight (Judiciary and Law), 1976
- Interlocking Directorates (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- International Anti-Trust Commission. S 1010; National Commission for the Review of
Anti-Trust Laws and Procedures (Judiciary and Law), 1978-1979. 2f.
- International Anti-Trust Commission, Briefing (Judiciary and Law), 1980
- International Anti-Trust Commission, Correspondence (Judiciary and Law), 1973-1980.
Box 106
- International Anti-Trust Commission, Dear Colleague Letter (Judiciary and Law), 1980
- International Anti-Trust Commission, Draft of Commission Conclusions (Judiciary and
Law), 1978-1979. 5f.
Box 107
- International Anti-Trust Commission, Draft of Commission Conclusions. Miscellaneous
Chapters (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- International Anti-Trust Commission, Final Draft of Commission Conclusions (Judiciary
and Law), 1979 2f.
- International Anti-Trust Commission, Hearings (Judiciary and Law), 1978 1980.
- International Anti-Trust Commission, Memoranda (Judiciary and Law), 1979 1980.
- International Anti-Trust Commission, Testimony (Judiciary and Law), 1978 1979.
Box 108
- International Anti-Trust Commission, Testimony (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- International Energy Agency Anti-Trust Waiver (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- International Law (Judiciary and Law), 1961-1964.
- Javits Legal Questions (Judiciary and Law), 1956-1961.
- Jewish Defense League (Judiciary and Law), 1971
- Joint Congressional Legal Counsel (Judiciary and Law), 1976-1977. {See also legal-size
files} 2f.
- Judicial Conduct (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- Judicial System Reform (Judiciary and Law), 1971-1973.
- Judiciary Committee (Judiciary and Law), 1965 {See also legal-size files}
- Juvenile Delinquency (Judiciary and Law), 1955
Box 109
- Juvenile Delinquency (Judiciary and Law), 1959-1961. 2f.
- Juvenile Delinquency in New York City (Judiciary and Law), 1956-1959. {See also legal-size
- L.T. Senter Nomination (Judiciary and Law), 1979 {See also legal-size files}
- Law Enforcement Assistance Act Funding (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- Law Enforcement Assistance Grants (Judiciary and Law), 1977
- Law Enforcement Assistance Re-authorization (Judiciary and Law), 1973 1976. {See also
legal-size files}
Box 110
- Legislative Veto (Judiciary and Law), 1958-1963.
- Mallory Ruling (Judiciary and Law), 1958-1959. {See also legal-size files}
- Media Coverage of Trials (Judiciary and Law), 1963-1964.
- Meskill, Thomas J., Nomination (Judiciary and Law), 1975
- New York State Anti-Trust Laws (Judiciary and Law), 1958-1960.
- Obscenity (Judiciary and Law), 1959
- Oil Merger Legislation (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- Outside Earnings for Senators (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- Panama Canal Treaty Lawsuit (Judiciary and Law), 1978
- Pharmacy Anti-Trust Exemption (Judiciary and Law), 1980
- Pre-emption and State's Rights (Judiciary and Law), 1958-1959. {See also legal-size
Box 111
- Price Fixing in Sale of Children's Books (Judiciary and Law), 1967
- Public Defender (Judiciary and Law), 1959
- Public Official Integrity Act. S 555 (Judiciary and Law), 1977
- Reapportionment of State Legislatures. "One Man, One Vote" Supreme Court Ruling (Judiciary
and Law), 1962-1965. {See also legal-size files} 3f.
Box 112
- Reapportionment of State Legislatures (Judiciary and Law), 1965 {See also legal-size
- Review of Anti-Trust Laws (Judiciary and Law), 1969-1971.
- Revision of Administrative Procedure Act (Judiciary and Law), 1965-1966.
- Revision of Federal Criminal Code (Judiciary and Law), 1975-1978. {See also legal-size
- Rights of Treaty Termination (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- Rosenberg Case (Judiciary and Law), 1976-1977.
Box 113
- Atomic Energy Development (Labor), 1957
- Business/Labor Working Group (Labor), 1977-1979.
- Civil Service (Labor), 1960
- Employment of Elderly (Labor), 1951-1962. {See also legal-size files}
- Senate Ethics (Judiciary and Law), 1977-1979.
- Senate Staff Ethics (Judiciary and Law), 1977
- Soft Drink Anti-Trust Bill (Judiciary and Law), 1972
- Soft Drink Franchises (Judiciary and Law), 1978-1979.
- Soft Drink Interbrand Competition (Judiciary and Law), 1980
- Space Law (Judiciary and Law), 1958
- Tax Relief in Anti-Trust Divestiture Cases (Judiciary and Law), 1958
- Watergate (Judiciary and Law), 1973-1974.
- Wiretapping (Judiciary and Law), 1973-1974.
- World Court. Justice Arthur Goldberg (Judiciary and Law), 1977
Box 114
- Army Reserves (Military), 1968-1969. {See also legal-size files} Restriction: Entire
- Fair Employment Relations Resolution (Labor), 1977
- Hospital Strike, Charleston, South Carolina (Labor), 1969
- Long Island Railroad Strike (Labor), 1979
- Maritime Administration. SS Savannah (Labor), 1967
- National Emergency Labor Disputes Act. S 1114 (Labor), 1963
- Public Service Employment (Labor), 1970-1975.
- Public Works Employment Act (Labor), 1976
- Railroad Strikes Bill (Labor), 1963 {See also legal-size files}
- Workmen's Compensation Commission (Labor), 1971
Box 115
- Brooklyn Navy Yard (Military), 1964-1965. 2f.
- Civil Defense (Military), 1959-1960. 3f.
Box 116
- Culebra Island (Military), 1970 {See also legal-size files}
- Defense (Military), 1957-1960. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
- Defense Appropriations (Military), 1963
- Defense Contracts (Military), 1958-1962. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
- Defense Procurement Procedures (Military), 1959-1963.
Box 117
- Aid to Dependent Children (Social Services), 1960
- Anti-Poverty Programs (Social Services), 1967
- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Administration Bill. Javits Amendments
to S 2750 (Social Services), 1978 {See also legal-size files}
- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Amendments and Statistics. S 2750 (Social
Services), 1978 {See also legal-size files}
- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Hearings (Social Services), 1978 {See also
legal-size files} 2f.
- General Instrument Defense Contract (Military), 1980
- Military Construction Appropriations (Military), 1962-1963.
- Selective Service Reform (Military), 1971
- United States Disarmament Agency (Military), 1961
- Veterans (Military), 1959
- War Powers (Military), 1972
Box 118
- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, House Bill. HR 12452 (Social Services),
- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Religious Institutions (Social Services),
1979 {See also legal-size files}
- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Targeting (Social Services), 1978
- Community Services Administration (Social Services), 1977-1978. {See also legal-size
- Displaced Homemakers Bill. S 2541; John Tunney (Social Services), 1975
- Domestic Volunteer Services Act. ACTION Program, S 239 (Social Services), 1979
Box 119
- Domestic Volunteer Services Act (Social Services), 1979 {See also legal-size files}
- Economic Opportunity Commission of Nassau County (Social Services), 1978 1979.
- Federal Aid to Day Care (Social Services), 1958-1960.
- Food Stamp Bill (Social Services), 1975
- Food Stamp Program (Social Services), 1975-1976. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
Box 120
- Food Stamp Program and Social Security (Social Services), 1976
- Food Stamp Program in Puerto Rico (Social Services), 1976 {See also legal-size files}
- Health, Education, and Welfare Grants (Social Services), 1961
- Hunger in the United States (Social Services), 1969 {See also legal-size files} 2f.
- Jewish Poor (Social Services), 1971-1974.
- Migrants (Social Services), 1961
- Non-Food Assistance Program (Social Services), 1976
- Public Service Employment (Social Services), 1977
- Social Research Corporation (Social Services), 1968
Box 121
- Social Security (Social Services), 1959-1975.
- Social Security for the Self-Employed (Social Services), 1958-1960.
- State University of New York, Social Security (Social Services), 1977 1979.
- Summer Food Program (Social Services), 1976
- Summer Lunch Program (Social Services), 1976
- Supplemental Security Income (Social Services), 1974-1975.
- Title XX of Social Security Act (Social Services), 1976-1977. {See also legal-size
- Transportation for the Handicapped. Transbus (Social Services), 1978
- Unemployment Compensation Amendments (Social Services), 1976
- Welfare. Assistance for Handicapped (Social Services), 1959-1963. {See also legal-size
files} 2f.
Box 122
- Welfare (Social Services), 1971-1974.
- Welfare Reform (Social Services), 1971-1979. {See also legal-size files} 3f.
Box 123
- Abandoned Highway Lands Bill (Transportation), 1978
- Air Safety (Transportation), 1978-1979.
- Aircraft Hijackings (Transportation), 1961
- Aircraft Noise Reduction (Transportation), 1976-1980. {See also legal-size files}
- Welfare Reform, Jobs (Social Services), 1979
- Youth Employment (Social Services), 1961
- Youth Gangs (Social Services), 1971-1972. {See also legal-size files}
- Youth Opportunities Bill (Social Services), 1961
- Youth Program (Social Services), 1971
Box 124
- Aircraft Noise Reduction (Transportation), 1976-1980. {See also legal-size files}
- Airfares for Senior Citizens (Transportation), 1966-1967.
- Airline Charter Bill (Transportation), 1975
- Airline Deregulation (Transportation), 1978
- Airport De-federalization (Transportation), 1979-1980. {See also legal-size files}
- Airport Subsidies (Transportation), 1959
Box 125
- Allegheny Airlines (Transportation), 1979
- American Airlines (Transportation), 1978
- Calumet River Railroad Bridges (Transportation), 1965
- Commuters (Transportation), 1959-1961. {See also legal-size files}
- Conrail (Transportation), 1980
- Conrail and Amtrak (Transportation), 1977-1978.
- Decertification of International Flights (Transportation), 1979
- Delaware and Hudson Railroad (Transportation), 1978 {See also legal-size files}
- Department of Transportation Appropriations (Transportation), 1978
- Emergency Rail Improvement and Employment Act (Transportation), 1979
- Federal Aid Highway Program (Transportation), 1964
- Flushing Airport (Transportation), 1977
- Foreign Air Carriers (Transportation), 1974
- Freight Rate Equalization (Transportation), 1978-1979. 2f.
- Highway Act (Transportation), 1974
Box 126
- Highway Legislation (Transportation), 1978 {See also legal-size files}
- Long Island Expressway (Transportation), 1977-1979.
- Mass Transit (Transportation), 1972-1978.
- Mass Transit Act (Transportation), 1979
- Mass Transit Appropriations (Transportation), 1979
- Miscellaneous Transportation (Transportation), 1979
- Montreal Protocol (Transportation), 1977-1979. {See also legal-size files} 3f.
Box 127
- New Haven Railroad (Transportation), 1964-1965.
- New York City Airports (Transportation), 1967
- New York City Mass Transit (Transportation), 1978
- Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (Transportation), 1972
- Northeast Airlines (Transportation), 1963 {See also legal-size files}
- Northeast Corridor Project (Transportation), 1978-1980.
- Northern New York State Air Transportation (Transportation), 1979-1980.
- Pan American (Transportation), 1978
- Pan American-National Merger (Transportation), 1978-1980. 2f.
- Port of New York (Transportation), 1965
Box 128
- Port of New York Freight Rates (Transportation), 1978
- Poughkeepsie Railroad Bridge (Transportation), 1978
- Rail Services Planning (Transportation), 1974
- Railroad Deregulation (Transportation), 1979-1980.
- Railroad Mergers (Transportation), 1959-1960. {See also legal-size files}
- Railroad Transportation Policy Act (Transportation), 1979 {See also legal-size files}
Box 129
- Railroads (Transportation), 1958-1962.
- Railroads (Transportation), 1977-1979.
- Space Shuttle Program (Transportation), 1971-1972. {See also legal-size files}
- Transportation (Transportation), 1979
- Trucking Deregulation (Transportation), 1979-1980. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
Box 130
- Area Redevelopment (Urban Affairs), 1964
- Domestic Development Bank (Urban Affairs), 1967-1969. {See also legal-size files}
- Legislation on Urban Affairs (Urban Affairs), 1976-1978.
- Model Cities Program (Urban Affairs), 1969-1970. {See also legal-size files}
- New York City Convention Center (Urban Affairs), 1979
- Urban Mass Transit (Transportation), 1977-1980. {See also legal-size files}
- Westway Highway Project (Transportation), 1974-1979.
Box 131
- Urban Affairs Speech at Marymount Manhattan College, 1980 April 8
- New York City Economy (Urban Affairs), 1980
- New York City Planning. Brooklyn Roadways, Building Codes (Urban Affairs), 1967
- South Bronx (Urban Affairs), 1973-1977.
- Urban Development (Urban Affairs), 1971-1973.
- Urban Renewal (Urban Affairs), 1966 {See also legal-size files}
- Urban Task Force (Urban Affairs), 1979 3f.
- Urban Problems (Urban Affairs), 1966-1967.
Box 132
- Agriculture Appropriations (Agriculture), 1967
- American Forces Radio (Civil Rights), 1973
- Background Material (Civil Rights), 1969
- Blackstone Rangers (Civil Rights), 1968
- Bonding of Minority-Owned Construction Firms (Civil Rights), 1968
- Busing (Civil Rights), 1972-1977. 2f.
- Civil Rights Act, Background (Civil Rights), 1966
- Civil Rights Act, Floor Folder (Civil Rights), 1965
- Civil Rights Appropriations (Civil Rights), 1966
- Civil Rights Improvements (Civil Rights), 1979
- Housing (Civil Rights), 1956-1957.
- Passports (Civil Rights), 1958-1959.
- Senate Campaign (Civil Rights), 1956
- United Nations, International Women's Year (Civil Rights), 1974-1976.
- Voting Rights (Civil Rights), 1957
Box 133
- Banking and Currency (Economy), 1965
- Counter-cyclical Assistance (Economy), 1976
- Department of Consumer Affairs (Economy), 1969
- Domestic Development Bank (Economy), 1973-1976.
- Domestic Enterprise Bank (Economy), 1967-1974.
- Economic Planning Act (Economy), 1975-1976.
- Emergency Employment (Economy), 1975
- Employer Educational Assistance Program (Economy), 1977-1978.
- Equal Time Provision (Communications), 1962
- Expenditure Ceiling (Economy), 1972
- Federal Domestic Development Bank Act (Economy), 1971-1974.
- Government Bonds (Economy), 1959
- Interest on Bonds Sold to Finance Utilities Construction (Economy), 1970 1976.
- Investment Companies (Economy), 1970
- Javits Tax Reform (Economy), 1971
- Jobs Creation Bill (Economy), 1972-1975.
Box 134
- Joint Economic Committee Hearings (Economy), 1974-1975.
- Liquidity of Penn Central Railroad (Economy), 1970
- National Productivity Act (Economy), 1971
- New York City Financial Crisis (Economy), 1975-1980. 3f.
- Price Stabilization Board (Economy), 1970-1971.
- Productivity Council (Economy), 1961-1963.
- Quality Stabilization Act (Economy), 1962-1964.
- Railroads Excise Tax (Economy), 1962
- Regulation of Escheat (Economy), 1973-1974.
- Report on Mainland China (Economy), 1971-1972.
- Revenue Sharing (Economy), 1975-1976.
- Tax Reduction Act (Economy), 1975
- Tax Reduction and Simplification Act (Economy), 1977
Box 135
- Votes on arts, culture and education, and related issues, 8th and 87th Congresses,
- Academic Facilities and Scholarship Act (Education), 1961
- Arts Foundation (Education), 1959-1963.
- Department of Education Organization Act (Education), 1978
- Federal Aid to Higher Education (Education), 1962
- Federal Aid to Students (Education), 1962
- Fine Arts (Education), 1958
- Minimum Foundation for Public School Education (Education), 1961
- Minimum Foundation for Public School Education, Floor File (Education), 1960
- National Defense Education Act (Education), 1961
- National Defense Education Act, Floor File (Education), 1961
- Tax Reform (Economy), 1967-1975.
- Tax Revision Bill (Economy), 1975-1976.
- Taxes (Economy), 1973-1976.
- Travel Promotion (Economy), 1956-1960.
- Truth in Lending (Economy), 1967
- Wage and Price Control Legislation (Economy), 1971
Box 136
- China, 1971-1980.
- Concorde Supersonic Transport (Environment), 1976
- Discrimination (Foreign Affairs), 1959
- Energy (Energy), 1973-1977.
- Energy Research and Development Administration (Energy), 1973-1974.
- Energy Tax Proposals (Energy), 1974
- Federal Energy Emergency Administration (Energy), 1973-1974.
- Foreign Aid Appropriations (Foreign Affairs), 1962
- Foreign Banking Control Act (Foreign Affairs), 1966-1967.
- Immigration (Foreign Affairs), 1957-1962.
- Khrushchev Summit and U-2 Incident (Foreign Affairs), 1959-1960.
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Parliamentarians' Conference (Foreign Affairs),
- Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Foreign Affairs), 1977
- Nuclear Waste Disposal (Energy), 1980
- Oil Prices (Energy), 1975-1976.
- Relief of Chiaramonte, Michele (Foreign Affairs), 1980
- Tax Credits (Energy), 1977
- Tibet (Foreign Affairs), 1959
- Truth in Mileage Information Act (Energy), 1977-1980.
- Urban Trees Act (Environment), 1976-1977.
- Vietnam (Foreign Affairs), 1965
- Department of Energy Reorganization Act (Energy), 1977-1978.
Box 137
- Annual Report (Government Affairs), 1971-1972.
- Committee Assignments (Government Affairs), 1974-1977.
- Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations (Government Affairs), 1967
- Independent Offices Appropriations (Government Affairs), 1962
- Oversight of Federal Regulatory Agencies (Government Affairs), 1977-1978.
- Public Financing of Senate Campaigns (Government Affairs), 1977
- Register of Bills and Amendments (Government Affairs), 1970
- Republican Conference (Government Affairs), 1972-1973.
- Republican National Convention (Government Affairs), 1972
- Rule XXII (Government Affairs), 1957-1975. 2f.
Box 138
- Abortion (Health and Safety), 1977
- Alcoholism (Health and Safety), 1976
- Health Assistance Programs (Health and Safety), 1977
- Health Legislation (Health and Safety), 1960-1961.
- Heart and Lung Disease (Health and Safety), 1975
- Legionnaire's Disease (Health and Safety), 1977
- Rules Changes (Government Affairs), 1979
- Senate Rules Changes (Government Affairs), 1979
- Staff Responsibilities. By Subject (Government Affairs), 1975
- Tidewater Conference (Government Affairs), 1980
Box 139
- Accelerated Depreciation (Housing), 1969
- Federal Housing Administration Mortgage Limits (Housing), 1978
- Housing (Housing), 1955-1956.
- Housing and Community Development Bill (Housing), 1977-1978.
- Housing Legislation (Housing), 1949-1978. 2f.
- Memoranda to Senator (Health and Safety), 1977-1980. 2f.
- Miscellaneous (Housing), 1970
- Narcotics Treatment (Health and Safety), 1960-1961.
- National Health Insurance for Mothers and Children, Bills and Summaries (Health and
Safety), 1977
- National Health Insurance for Mothers and Children, Hearings and Summaries (Health
and Safety), 1977-1978.
- Omnibus Housing Bill (Housing), 1972-1974.
- Portable Pool Project (Health and Safety), 1967
- Public Housing (Housing), 1966
Box 140
- Anti-Trust Laws Revision (Judiciary and Law), 1978
- Carswell Nomination (Judiciary and Law), 1970
- Cayuga Indian Land Claims (Judiciary and Law), 1980
- Constitutional Amendment, Electoral Reform (Judiciary and Law), 1966 1970.
- Constitutional Amendment, National Primary (Judiciary and Law), 1968
- Criminal Justice Professional Development Act (Judiciary and Law), 1971
- Ethics (Judiciary and Law), 1954
- Ethics Committee (Judiciary and Law), 1976-1977.
- Fugitive Felon Act (Judiciary and Law), 1961
- Hart-Scott Anti-Trust Improvement Act (Judiciary and Law), 1975-1976.
- Housing (Judiciary and Law), 1970-1973.
- International Anti-Trust Commission, Notes (Judiciary and Law), 1980
- Joint Congressional Legal Counsel (Judiciary and Law), 1977
Box 141
- Military Policy. Speech by Carter, Jimmy, President. Testimony on Defense Budget by
Brown, Harold, Secretary of Defense, to Senate Armed Services Committee, 1979 December
- Military Policy. Open letter to Carter, Jimmy, President, from retired United States
generals and admirals, 1979 December 11
- Culebra Island (Military), 1970
- Defense (Military), 1958-1959.
- Defense Contracts (Military), 1958-1959.
- Employment of Elderly (Labor), 1951-1959.
- Judiciary Committee (Judiciary and Law), 1965
- Juvenile Delinquency in New York City (Judiciary and Law), 1959
- L.T. Senter Nomination (Judiciary and Law), 1979
- Law Enforcement Assistance Re-authorization (Judiciary and Law), 1975 1976.
- Mallory Ruling (Judiciary and Law), 1958-1959.
- Military Sea Transportation Service (Military), 1962 {See also legal-size files} Restriction:
Entire Folder.
- Pre-emption and States' Rights (Judiciary and Law), 1958-1959.
- Railroad Strikes Bill (Labor), 1963
- Reapportionment of State Legislatures (Judiciary and Law), 1962-1965. 2f.
- Revision of Federal Criminal Code (Judiciary and Law), 1975-1978.
- Subpoena of Senate Documents (Judiciary and Law), 1975
Box 142
- Aircraft Noise Reduction (Transportation), 1976-1980.
- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Administration Bill (Social Services),
- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Amendments and Statistics (Social Services),
- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Hearings (Social Services), 1978
- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Religious Institutions (Social Services),
- Community Services Administration (Social Services), 1977-1978.
- Domestic Volunteer Services Act (Social Services), 1979
- Food Stamp Program (Social Services), 1976
- Food Stamp Program in Puerto Rico (Social Services), 1976
- Hunger in the United States (Social Services), 1969
- Title XX of Social Security Act (Social Services), 1976-1977.
- Welfare (Social Services), 1961-1963.
- Welfare Reform (Social Services), 1977-1979.
- Youth Gangs (Social Services), 1971-1972.
Box 143
- Airport De-federalization (Transportation), 1979-1980.
- Allegheny-Air North Petition (Transportation), 1979
- Commuters (Transportation), 1959-1961.
- Delaware and Hudson Railroad (Transportation), 1978
- Domestic Development Bank (Urban Affairs), 1967-1969.
- Highway Legislation (Transportation), 1978
- Model Cities Program (Urban Affairs), 1969
- Montreal Protocol (Transportation), 1977-1979.
- Northeast Airlines (Transportation), 1963
- Railroad Mergers (Transportation), 1959-1960.
- Railroad Transportation Policy Act (Transportation), 1979
- Ship Safety. The "Yarmouth Castle" (Transportation), 1966
- Space Shuttle Program (Transportation), 1971-1972.
- Trucking Deregulation (Transportation), 1979-1980.
- Urban Mass Transit (Transportation), 1977-1980.
- Urban Renewal (Urban Affairs), 1966