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John Ciardi Collection
Collection 372

SUBGROUP 7: The Saturday Review

Box 6

11 November 1950. Feature Story. "Edna St. Vincent Millay: A Figure of Passionate Living," pp. 8-9, 77. 

18 September 1954. Review of Ciardi’s Inferno “Dante for Americans,” pp. 13, 27.

5 May 1956. Cover Story, “Everyone Writes (Bad) Poetry,” pp. 22, 27. First Article Written as Poetry Editor

2 June 1956. UEA. Letters, p. 24.

28 July 1956. UEA. Cover Story, p. 7, "Poverty on Parnassus: The Economics of Poetry."

11 August 1956. UEA. Letters, p. 28.

18 August 1956. Review of three books by Richard Wilbur: "Our Most Melodic Poet," pp. 18-19.

25 August 1956. UEA. Letters, p. 23.

15 September 1956. UEA. Letters, p. 23.

15 December 1956. Cover Story: "What Every Writer Must Learn," pp. 7-8; 37-39. (2 copies)

22 December 1956. Article, "Verse to Remember," p. 15, which says, "If there must be special honors for the worst 1956 book by a known-name poet let them be granted to Anne Morrow Lindbergh for "The Unicorn and Other Poems." His famous review of that book would follow on 12 January 1957. (2 copies)

12 January 1957. THE INFAMOUS REVIEW: "A Close Look at the Unicorn," Ciardi's review of Anne Morrow Lindbergh's The Unicorn and Other Poems. Excellent condition.

19 January 1957. UEA. Letters, p. 29. (2 copies)

2 February 1957. Lindbergh Letters, p. 23. (2 copies)

16 February 1957. Important issue on the Lindbergh review that had appeared on 12 January. Includes Ciardi's "The Reviewer's Duty to Damn: A Letter to an Avalanche," pp. 24-5,54-5. Also contains Norman Cousins's rebuke in an editorial, "John Ciardi and the Readers." Also Letters, 23-4.

23 February 1957. Letters to the Editor about Ciardi's review of AML (p.25).

9 March 1957. Letters, p. 24. On AML, from James Benet, son of former SR poetry editor, William Rose Benet.

23 March 1957. Letters, p. 21.

20 July 1957. Cover story: "The Shock Reaction to Poetry," pp. 9-11; 41.

19 October 1957. A Debate on Modem Poetry: 1. "The Poets Fail in Their Duty" by Lord Dunsany 2. "The Poet's Duty to Poetry" by John Ciardi," pp. 14-16; 61-63. Also travel article, "Rome," pp 40-42. (2 copies)

9 November 1957. Letters, p. 26.

16 November 1957. Letters, p. 28.

4 January 1958. Poem “Gorge Gordon of Gight,” p. 15.

25 January 1958. UEA. Review of First Poems by Minou Drouet, p. 30. (2 copies)

1 March 1958. Review, “The Real Thomas,” pp. 18, 31.(2 copies)

8 March 1958. Cover Story “The Birth of a Classic,” Review of MacLeish’s J.B., pp. 11-12, 48. (2 copies)

29 March 1958. Letters, p. 21.

12 April 1958. Cover Story: "Robert Frost: The Way to the Poem," pp. 13-15; 65. (2 copies)

3 May 1958. Letters, p. 23.

10 May 1958. Letters, p. 19.

17 May 1958. Article: “Letter to Letter Writers,” pp. 15, 48.

31 May 1958. Letters, p. 19.

21 June 1958. Ciardi reviews his own book, I Marry You, pp. 43-44.

12 July 1958. Letters, p. 24.

2 August 1958. Letters, p. 19.

27 September 1958. "SR's Quarterly Roundup," pp. 17-19 and 31-34. Clipping. (2 copies)

11 October 1958. "The Epic of a Place," pp. 37-39 [On W. C. Williams' Paterson]. (2 copies)

11 October 1958. "The Epic of a Place," pp. 37-39. Clipping. Gift of Harrison Hayford

15 November 1958. Review. "Six Hours of Dylan Thomas," p. 50. Clipping. (2 copies)

22 November 1958. Cover Story: "Dialogue with the Audience," pp. 10-12; also poem, "The One Dull Thing You Did Was to Die, Fletcher," p. 38. (2 copies)

22 November 1958. "Dialogue with the Audience." Second Copy. Clipping.

13 December 1958. Review. "The Seven Stages of the Soul," p. 17. Also Letters, p. 25. (2 copies)

13 December 1958. Review, "The Seven Stages of the Soul," p. 17. Also Letters, p. 25. Clipping.

20 December 1958. Letters, p. 27.

17 January 1959. Poem “An Antarctic Hymn,” p. 71.

24 January 1959. Feature story, "A Poem Talks to Itself," pp. 12, 14.

24 January 1959. "A Poem Talks to Itself," pp. 12, 14. Clipping. Gift of Harrison Hayford.

31 January 1951. Editorial: "Literature Undefended," p. 22; also Letters, p. [23].

31 January 1951. Editorial: "Literature Undefended," p. 22; also Letters, p. [23]. Two clippings.

14 February 1959. Letters, p. 31.

14 February 1959. Letters, p. 31. Clipping. Gift of Harrison Hayford.

21 February 1959. Letters, p. 29.

21 February 1959. Letters, p. 29. Clipping. Gift of Harrison Hayford.

21 March 1959. Lead story, "Robert Frost: Master Conversationalist at Work." Also contains, "A Sonnet for Robert Frost But Not About Him" pp. 17-20, 54.

21 March 1959. Lead story, "Robert Frost: Master Conversationalist at Work." Clipping.

25 April 1959. Letters, p. 21.

23 May 1959. UEA. Review by John Holmes of How Does a Poem Mean?, p. 44, and Letter to the Editor, p. 23. (2 copies)

30 May 1959. Article “Actors as Readers,” p. 39.

20 June 1959. UEA. Article, p. 19, "The University: Patron of Poets?" (2 copies)

27 Jun 1959. Editorial, “The Book Burner and Sweet Sixteen,” pp. 22, 30. (2 copies)

11 July 1959. Letters, p. 23.

18 July 1959. Letters, p. 21.

25 July 1959. Review of Kerouac’s Maggie Cassidy, p. 22; Letters, p. 24.

1 August 1959. Letters, p. 25.

19 September 1959. Lead article, "The Environment of Poetry": "In this week's Annual Accent on Poetry issue, SR's Poetry Editor, John Ciardi, Continues His Dialogue with the Audience" [SR Nov. 22, 1958]."

19 September 1959. Lead article, "The Environment of Poetry" Clipping. Gift of Harry Hayford. [pp. 13-15. 48]

17 October 1959. Letters, p. 27.

24 October 1959. Review of Recording: Sounds of the Poetic Voice, p. 53.

31 October 1959. Review of Recording: Irish Writers and Readers, p. 50; Letters, p. 23.

14 November 1959. UEA. Letters, p. 31 [Lindbergh]

21 November 1959. Editorial, p. 27: "Exit a Symbol" [on Charles Van Doren] Jim DeVault, eBay (Irving, TX). Editorial: "Exit a Symbol" [on Charles Van Doren].

21 November 1959. Editorial, p. 27: "Exit a Symbol" Clipping. Gift of Harry Hayford.

19 December 1959. Letters, p. 19. "The twin editorials on the TV quiz-show scandal. . . . brought an inpouring of mail unequaled since that occasioned by Mr. Ciardi's review of a book of poems by Mrs. Anne Morrow Lindbergh (SR, Jan. 12, 1957)." (2 copies)
30 January 1960. Review of Recording: “J.B.” Revisited, p.39.

6 February 1960. Feature story, "Epitaph for the Dead Beats," pp. 11-3, 42. (2 copies)

27 February 1960. Long head vote to Karl Shapiro’s article on T.S. Eliot, p. 12; Letters, p. 25.

5 March 1960. Letters, p. 30.

19 March 1960. Letters, p. 23.

2 April 1960. [Ciardi Reviews His Own Book, 39 Poems] Poetic Violence in Three Parts, p. 34.

23 April 1960. Letters, p. 27.

30 April 1960. Bread Loaf, p. 32; Article on BL that does not mention him, p. 28.

14 May 1960. UEA. Article, "Kenneth Patchen: Poetry and Poetry with Jazz," p. 57. (2 copies)

4 June 1960. UEA. Poem, "A Voice Said," p. 50 (2 copies)

11 June 1960. Feature Story, p. 15, "The Internal Man and the External World" [Interview with Nobel poet Salvatore Quasimodo] (2 copies)

25 June 1960. UEA. Review of "Free and Lonely Heart: The Secret of Walt Whitman," p. 35-36. (2 copies)

6 August 1960. UEA. Review, "The Rhythm and the Beat," pp. 24-5, 34. (4 copies)

13 August 1960. UEA. Poem (uncollected in any book and thus likely the only publication), p. 40: "A Qualified Praise of the Devil as a Teacher" (2 copies)

27 August 1960. UEA. Review, "Odds and Ends" [p.27]

3 September 1960. Letters, p. 27. (2 copies)

19 November 1960. Poem, "Goodnight," p. 41. Bobbi Richardson, eBay (Bragg
City, MO) (2 copies)

17 December 1960. Letters, p. 27.

Box 7

14 January 1961. Poem, “The Eleventh Hour News,” p. 23.

4 February 1961. UEA. Article, p. 23, "Jim Crow Is Treason" (2 copies)

11 February 1961. UEA. Feature Story, p. 20, "The Sense of Rapture" [on Italy]. Letters p.53.(2 copies)

18 February 1961. UEA. Letters, p. 30., Poem: Tick p.25 (2 copies)

25 February 1961. UEA. Letters, p. 33. (2 copies)

4 March 1961. Letters, p. 24.

11 March 1961. Poem, “Memorial Day,” p. 59; Review of Records, “Praise for Birth Their Houses,” p. 96; Letters, p. 37.

25 March 1961. Letters, p. 33.

1 April 1961. Poem, “On Flanking a Nice Boy Out of College,” p. 34; Beagles, p. 36.

15 April 1961. UEA. Manner of Speaking, first column [hereafter MIS], untitled, p.8. (2 copies)

29 April 1961. Ad for “I Met A Man,” p. 23.

6 May 1961. UEA. M/S, p. 35, "Across the River and into New Jersey" Also Letters, p. 34. (2 copies)

13 May 1961. UEA. Letters, p. 29. (2 copies)

20 May 1961. UEA. M/S, p. 28, "The Poetry Explosion" Also Letters, p. 27. (2 copies)

3 June 1961. Feature story. "How to Read Dante," pp. 12-14,53-54. Clipping. (2 copies)

3 June 1961. Feature story. "How to Read Dante," pp. 12-14,53-54. Clipping.

10 June 1961. M/S, p. 30, "[4 short subjects]"

10 June 1961. M/S, p. 30, "[4 short subjects]" Clipping.

17 June 1961. UEA. Letters, p. 29. (2 copies)

24 June 1961. UEA. M/S, p. 27, "The Case of the Happy Plagiarist" (2 copies)

1 July 1961. Letters, p. 21.

8 July 1961. M/S, p. 28, "A Praise of Good Teachers" [for John Holmes]. Gift of Harrison Hayford, Ciardi's Tufts mend and famous Melville scholar, also a former student of Holmes. [pp. 8-10, 39] (2 copies)

22 July 1961. Feature article, "Poetry as Knowledge," p. 8. Library Books (Dallas, TX). Poem: Epitaph p.4. (3 copies)

29 July 1961. M/S, p. 32, "The Language of an Age" [Hemingway issue]. (2 copies)

5 August 1961. Letters, p. 21.

12 August 1961. M/S, p. 28, "The Family of Ideas" and "The Brave's Belles" (2 copies)

26 August 1961. M/S, "Library Science and 'These People'" [East Orange Public Library]. (2 copies)

16 September 1961. UEA. M/S, p. 16, "Rhyme" Also Letters, p. 35. (2 copies)

30 September 1961. UEA. M/S, p. 7, "Bookkeepers and Keepers of Books." (3 copies)

7 October 1961. Feature Story: "Translation-The Art of Failure." (2 copies)

14 October 1961. Article- Review of Record, “The Genius of Ruth Draper,” pp. 17-19.

21 October 1961. UEA. M/S, p. 39, "Poetry and Luck" and "The Vice Presidency (an Official Appraisal)". (3 copies)

4 November 1961. UEA. M/S, p. 30, "News" Also Letters, p. 29. (2 copies)

18 November 1961. UEA. M/S, p. 75, "Metaphor and Parlor Games". (2 copies)

25 November 1961. UEA. Letters, p. 32. (2 copies)

2 December 1961. UEA. Letters, p. 35. (3 copies)

9 December 1961. UEA. M/S, p. 29, "The Shaken World". (2 copies)

16 December 1961. UEA. Letters. p. 25. (2 copies)

23 December 1961. UEA. Feature Poem. p. 27. "Christmas Greetings to the American Dream" (2 copies)

13 January 1962. UEA. M/S. p. 16. "Year's End and All's Well" Also Letters. p. 45. Rev. “Readers and Actors” p. 65. (2 copies)

27 January 1962. UEA. M/S. p. 27. "The Armenian Heresy" (2 copies)

10 February 1962. UEA. M/S. p. 36. "Dawn of the Space Age" (2 copies)

17 February 1962. UEA. Letters. p. 35. (2 copies)

24 February 1962. UEA. M/S. p. 14. "Confessions of a Crackpot". Bobbi Richardson. (3 copies)

10 March 1962. UEA. M/S. p. 30. "TV and J. Frank Dobie" (2 copies)

17 March 1962. UEA. Letters. p. 33. (2 copies)

24 March 1962. UEA. Cover Story. p. 15. "Robert Frost: An American Bard" Also M/S. p. 31. "To the Damnation of Deans". (3 copies)

7 April 1962. UEA. Letters. p. 19. (2 copies)

14 April 1962. UEA. M/S. p. 14. "Aphorisms" [Ciardisms] Also Letters. p. 27. (2 copies)

21 April 1962. Letters, p. 17.

28 April 1962. M/S. p. 32. "More Aphorisms" [No records on this one.] (2 copies)

Box 8

19 May 1962. M/S. p. 16. "More Deans. More Deaneries." (2 copies)

26 May 1962. M/S “Parents and Proverbs” and “Song of the Short Axes,” p. 19.

2 June 1962. M/S “The Courage of His Confusion,” p. 9. (2 copies)

9 June 1962. M/S. p. 20, "Analogy and Mind"; also Letters. p. 19. (2 copies)

16 June 1962. Letters, p. 15.

23 June 1962. M/S. p. 39. "The Book Banners'" Bobbi Richardson. (2 copies)

30 June 1962. UEA. M/S. p. 13. "Tropic of Cancer" Also Letters. p. 15. (2 copies)

7 July 1962. M/S Sic Million and One, p. 14; Letters, p. 13. (2 copies)

14 July 1962. Let the Healthy Be Trended, Too, p. 20.

21 July 1962. M/S [Four Subjects Below], p. 11; Letters, p. 19.

28 July 1962. M/S [Three Subjects Below], p. 27; Letters, p. 30.

4 August 1962 M/S A Public Answer, p. 11.

11 August 1962. DM. M/S. p. 13. "A Green Wreath Discovered" [an obituary for John Holmes. (2 copies)

18 August 1962. M/S Poems [“Poetry,” “Selectivity,” “A Fable of Survival”], p. 12.

25 August 1962. M/S, p. 8, "Bread Loaf Time, Mountain Time." (2 copies)

1 September 1962. M/S Improve Your Mind B/W Commercials, p.17.

8 September 1962. DM. M/S, p. 14, "TV and the Script" [On his TV show] (2 copies)

15 September 1962. M/S “Prejudice and Damnations”, p.16. (2 copies)

22 September 1962. M/S Religion and Citizenship, p.14; Letters, p.21

29 September 1962. M/S To Speak an Age p.10; Letters, p.21

6 October 1962. M/S Ride a Hot Horse, p.14. (2 copies)

13 October 1962. M/S [Four Subjects Below] p.15; Letters p.26.

20 October 1962. M/S Trial of a Poet, p.14.

27 October 1962. M/S Whose Usage Counts? p.12; Letters, p.25.

3 November 1962. M/S, p. 16, "A National Culture Center" also Letters, p. 29 (2 copies)

10 November 1962. M/S Egos and Outlets, pp.11-12 and for In Face, p.13.

17 November 1962. DM. M/S, p. 14, "Bringing Down the Odds" and "Past, Present, and Future" Also Letters, p. 25. (2 copies)

24 November 1962. DM. M/S, Five Subjects; also Letters, p. 24. (2 copies)

1. "Notes from a Travel Diary: The Lyric Bath"
2. "Cost of Living Index"
3. "The Jet Age: Next Time Go by Train"
4. "Boys and Baths"
5. "First Publication"

1 December 1962. DM. M/S, p. "Poets' Comer" [How he handles poetry submissions]; also Letters, p. 25. (2 copies)

8 December 1962. M/S The Air Age p. 22.

15 December 1962. Feature story, pp. 10-12,"On Writing and Bad Writing"; also Letters, p. 15, "Is There a John Ciardi?"

29 December 1962. M/S, p. 25, "Oh Come All Ye Faithful Consumers"; also "The Poet as a Reader," p. 52. (3 copies)

5 January 1963. M/S, p. 22, "Poetry and Salesmanship."

12 January 1963. M/S, p. 14, "Open Letter to a Congressman"; also Letters, p. 49.

19 January 1963. M/S, p. 10, "The Trivial History of Our Times, "The Glory," "You, Sir, Are a Damned Fool," "The Changing World as Conversation at the Bar," "Arunk and Gosho," and "Manhattan Mythology"

26 January 1963. M/S, p. 16, untitled children's poem ["Miss Myra and Small Benn and John L.-those three"]. The poem is titled "And Here's What Happened Next," in The Monster Den (1966). Also contains "The Children's Hour," a review of three recordings, p. 65.

2 February 1963. M/S “Cases of Conscious” p. 10.

9 February 1963. M/S, p. "Concrete Prose and the Cement Mind"

23 February 1963. Commemorative issue for Robert Frost, including editorial written by Ciardi, "Robert Frost: To Earthward," p. 24. Also Review of a recording of Sheridan's "The School for Scandal," titled "With Malice for All," p. 52. (2 copies)

9 March 1963. M/S, p. 10, "Hi-Cult"

16 March 1963. M/S, p. 15, "The Underwritten Generation"; also Letters, p. 31

23 March 1963. M/S, p. "William Carlos Williams"; also a review of Ciardi's In Fact by Judson Jerome. [pp.78-79]

30 March 1963. M/S, p. 14,"ArtNotes. . . ." (2 copies)

6 April 1963. M/S., p. 12, "Voices," "In Defense of Dreams," and "Beyond Gosho"

13 April 1963. M/S, p. 10, "To Be Sure."

20 April 1963. M/S, p. 12, "Epatez Les Bourgeoises? Not Bloody Likely," "Toward a Civil War Centennial," and "I Promise" Also p. 22, "Poetry in Three Dimensions"

27 April 1963. M/S, p. 14, "More Positive Expressions."

11 May 1963. M/S, p. 16, "When Do They Know Too Much?"

25 May 1963. M/S, p. 15, "Yes, WOW!"

1 June 1963. DM. M/S, p. 8, "Subject Unknown"

8 June 1963. DM. M/S, p. 12, [four short subjects] (2 copies)
1. "Teach Them Tongues (If You Can)"
2. "Kids"
3. "Aphorisms (And Suggested Propositions)"
4. "And Back to Proverbs"

15 June 1963. M/S, p. 20, "Ruminants and Factitioners"

22 June 1963. M/S, p. 34, "Class of '38"

29 June 1963. DM. M/S, p. 17, "Some Good Men There Are"

6 July 1963. M/S “Black Man in America,” p.13.

13 July 1963. DM. M/S, p. 20, "What Is Pornography?" Also article, "English Literature on Record," p. 39.

20 July 1963. M/S, p. 12, ''Notes on Progress" and Letters, p. 19.

27 July 1963. M/S, p. 11, "Too Late for Drums?"

3 August 1963. DM. M/S, p. 13, "Translating Hamlet"

10 August 1963. M/S, p. 16, "Book Banning and Juvenile Delinquency"

24 August 1963. M/S, p. 29, "Circles"

31 August 1963. M/S, p.13, “Theodore Roethke: A Passion and a Maker” [obituary]

7 September 1963. DM. M/S, p. 13 [Five short subjects, including the poem, "The Gift," p. 51

1. "The Ordinary-Delay by Disaster"
2. "The Ordinary-On Inflexible Schedule"
3. "The Ordinary-Nepotism"
4. "The Ordinary-Friends and Their Sounds"
5. "The Ordinary-Conceptual"

14 September 1963. Feature Article, pp. 27-29; 79-80, "Dialogue With an Audience: The First Seven Years." Also p. 53, "Shakespeare on Record"

21 September 1963. M/S, p. 14 [four short subjects]

28 September 1963. M/S, p. 16, "Mailbag from Stratford-on-Avon"

5 October 1963. M/S, p. 12,"SummerFestivals,I" Also Letters, p. 24.

19 October 1963. M/S, p. 12, "Summer Festivals, ill" [Bread Loaf]

26 October 1963. DM. M/S, p. 16, "Dead Geraniums"; also Letters, p. 31

2 November 1963. DM. M/S, p. 10, "Reflections of a Square"; also Letters, p. 17

9 November 1963. DM. M/S, p. 20, "War Surplus"

16 November 1963. DM. M/S, p. 16, "They all must fall in the round I call"; also Letters, p. 27. Also article, p. 61, "Tales and Tellers"

7 December 1963. M/S, pp. 16 and 18, "November 22, 1963"; The Legacy of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Special Memorial Issue.

14 December 1963. RS. M/S, p. 20, "Benn's Column" [3 poems]

21 December 1963. M/S, p. 16. Poem: "A Christmas Wish" Also, Letters, p. 15.

28 December 1963. M/S, p. 25, "Of Chaos and Courage"

Box 9

4 January 1964. DM. M/S, p. 14, "American Antiquities". Letters p.30. (2 copies)

11 January 1964. DM. M/S, p. 16, "Choose Something Like a Star" (2 copies)

18 January 1964. DM. M/S, p. 8, "An Open Letter to Twenty-Seven Irate Virtues" (2 copies)

25 January 1964. M/S Happy Whichever New Year, p.10; Letters, p.23.

1 February 1964. DM. M/S, p. 12, Five Short Subjects (2 copies)

1. "Burning the Files"
2. "A Hamlet Diary"
3. "Memo: There will always be a Boston"
4. "Airlines: Gripe"
5. "Which Way Is Christmas?"

8 February 1964. DM. M/S, p. 19, Four Short Subjects (2 copies)

1. "Burning the Files, II"
2. "I Hope He Made It"
3. "Universal Literacy"
4. "The American Language: Progress Notes" with a short poem called
"Another Word on Webster's Third"

15 February 1964. DM. M/S, p. 14, "I'm Dreaming of an Endowed Christmas" (2 copies)

22 February 1964. M/S The Monster Den (Essay + Poem of Same Title), p.16; Letters, p.35.

29 February 1964. RS. Letters, p. 21. (2 copies)

7 March 1964. DM. M/S, p. 19, "A Cadillac Full of Diamonds" (2 copies)

14 March 1964. DM. M/S, p. 18, "Is Everybody Happy?" Also Letters, p. 15. (2 copies)

21 March 1964. RS. M/S, p. 14, "How Free Is Free Verse?" also Letters, p. 21.

28 March 1964. RS. Letters, p. 19. (3 copies)

4 April 1964. DM. M/S, p. 13, "The Republic of Confusion" Also Letters, p. 22. (2 copies)

11 April 1964. RS. M/S, p. 18, "Mailbag" [4 short sections] also Letters, p. 43. (2 copies)

18 April 1964, M/S Of Writing and Writers, p.23.

25 April 1964. RS. M/S, p. 12, "Sermon Notes" [in 2 parts, including one poem] also poem, "Citation" p. 18, and Letters, p. 23. (2 copies)

2 May 1964, M/S (4 Poems) A Garland of Birds (Below), p.10; Letters p.20.

23 May 1964. RS. Letters, p. 32. (2 copies)

30 May 1964, Ad for Person to Person, p.10; Letters, p. 23. (2 copies)

6 June 1964, M/S The Lecture Circuit (Airbone Division), p.14; Letters p.24.

13 June 1964, M/S Bureaucracy and Frank Ellis, p.14

20 June 1964, M/S (Seven Subject Below), p.15.

27 June 1964, M/S The Monster Den: Jonnel’s Column (Two Poems Below), p.22; Rev. of Record Hamlet by Burton and Scofield, p.56; Letters, p.21.

4 July 1962, M/S The Monster Den: Myra’s Column (Three subjects below), p. 9. (2 copies)

11 July 1964, M/S (Two Subjects Below), p.13; Letters, p. 20.

25 July 1964. RS. M/S, p. 7, "Love Laughs (and Cries) at Obstacles”. (3 copies)

1 August 1964, Letters, p. 17.

8 August 1964. M/S, p. 10, "Games" (2 copies)

15 August 1964, M/S Realism and Fantasy, p.6; Mentioned on p.19 (Description).

22 August 1964. RS. M/S, p. 13, "Burnt Effigies" (2 copies)

29 August 1964, Feature Story on the Future of Poetry: Adam and Eve and the Third Person, pp.140-3.

5 September 1964. RS. M/S, p. 20, "Memorials, Yes: This One, No" (2 copies)

12 September 1964. M/S, p. 15,"Widgeonry." Also Letters, p. 25. (2 copies)

19 September 1964, M/S Sense and Being, p.18; Letters, p.29.

26 September 1964. DM. M/S, p. 24, "Of Onomastics, Foibles, and Mercy" (2 copies)

3 October 1964. RS. M/S. p. 18, "The Middle Drawer" (2 copies)

10 October 1964, M/S Taurus Revisited, or Was That a Bull Irish? p. 37.

24 October 1964, M/S What If a Much of a Which of a Wind (Photocopy of a Clipping) p.18

31 October 1964. DM. M/S, p. 16, "On Form as a Language" (2 copies)

7 November 1964, M/S “Confession of a Circuit Rider,” p. 22.

14 November 1964. DM. M/S, p. 24, "The King Who Saved Himself from Being Saved" [children's poem that he would publish as a book illustrated by Edward Gorey] (2 copies)

21 November 1964. DM. M/S, p. 26, "Children's Hour: About Eskimos-And
Why They Don't Wear Pants" [children's poem] (2 copies)

5 December 1964. DM. M/S, p. 22, "And the Frame Around It" Also Letters, p. 33 (2 copies)

12 December 1964. DM. M/S, p. 15, "One Father" (2 copies)

26 December 1964. DM. M/S, p. 8, "Manhattan" Also Letters, p. 21. (2 copies)


Box 10

2 January 1965. DM. M/S, p. 24, "The Editors Regret"

16 January 1965. DM. M/S, p. 19, "Did I Mean That?" Includes poem, "On Flunking a Nice Boy Out of School.

23 January 1965. M/S, p. 12, "One More Turn"; also Editorial, "Thomas Stearns Eliot: 1888-1965," pp. 35-6.

6 February 1965. DM. M/S, p. 15, Six Short Subjects and Three Short Poems (Two Frost parodies and a limerick to W. H. Auden, "Progress of the Soul."

1. "Motes and Housekeepings"
2. "Language Notes"
3. "More Language Notes"
4. "More Hopeful Language Notes"
5. "Parody and Imitation"
6. "And Lampoon (If That's What It Is)"

Progress of the Soul

There once was a poet named Aud'n
Whose poems were not maudl'n but mod'n.
The first things he wrote
Struck a socialist note.
But increasingly now he lets God'n.

13 February 1965. DM. M/S, p. 31, "Fractions," including a poem, ''Natural Proposition" Also Letters, p. 33.

20 February 1965. DM. M/S, p. 22, "Mailbag (A letter to would-be summer editors):"

27 February 1965, Letters, p.24.

6 March 1965. M/S, p. 14, "Banned in Boston" Jim DeVault, eBay (Irving, TX)

27 March 1965. RS. M/S, p. 13, "Mass Miseducation"

3 April 1965. DM. M/S, p. 12, "Last Exit to Nowhere"

10 April 1965. RS. M/S, p. 21, "On Being, Reluctantly, a Capitalist"

17 April 1965. DM. M/S, p. 21, "Mailbag: Letters I Wish I Had Mailed"

24 April 1965. DM. M/S, p. 16, "Mr. Chairman, Fellow Citizens"

1 May 1965. DM. M/S, p. 18, "Hair Styles and Harebrains"

8 May 1965. DM. M/S, p. 26, ''No Subject"

15 May 1965, Cover Story: 700 Years After: The Relevance of Dante Part I, pp.16-18, 64.

22 May 1965. DM. M/S, p., 26, "Meet Sugar Bear" Also Letters, p. 49. Also article, "The Relevance of Dante" Part II

29 May 1965. DM. M/S, p. 13, "From the Journal of Lazarus Smith (or, No Subject Again, except-vaguely-New York)"

12 June 1965. M/S, p. 21, "From the Pencil-Stub Journals" [18 short poems]

19 June 1965. DM. M/S, p. 20, "Foamrubbersville"

3 July 1965. RS. M/S, p. 15, "An Alphabestiary" Part I, A-F

10 July 1965. M/S, p. 26, "An Alphabestiary" Part II, G-K; also Letters, p. 26

17 July 1965. DM. M/S, p. 26, "An Alphabestiary" Part III, L-P; also Letters, p. 21

24 July 1965, M/S “An Alphabestiary” Part IV, Q-U, p.16.

31 July 1965. DM. M/S, p. 11, "An Alphabestiary" Part V, W-X; also Letters, p. 14

14 August 1965. M/S, p. 14, "On Innocence"

21 August 1965. DM. M/S, p. 20, "Dear Editor: How Do I Become a Writer?" Also Letters, p. 19.

28 August 1965. DM. M/S, p. 21, "The Book Banners Again (and Again and Again)" Also Ciardi's brief introduction to Nikos Kazantzakis's "Man and God in Dialogue"

4 September 1965, M/S “Fragment of a Letter Found in Disabled Time Machine”, p.8.

11 September 1965, M/S “The Lion and The Mouse”, p.18.

18 September 1965. M/S, p. 18, "The Marquis de Sade, I."

9 October 1965. RS. M/S, p. 41, "Poetry and Personal Definition"; also Letters, p. 31

16 October 1965. DM. M/S, p. 30, "A Damnation of Pigeons" Poem. Also, Letters, p.41. Also review of recordings, "Five English Poets" p. 73.

23 October 1965. DM. M/S, p. 45, "Who Writes the Contract?"

30 October 1963. DM. M/S, p. 21, "Year's End When Leaves Fall"

6 November 1965. DM. M/S, p. 12, Two Short Subjects. Also Letters, p. 27 (2 copies)

1. "The Right to Read"
2. "The Right to Refuse (or Valor Among the Garbage Cans)"

13 November 1965, M/S “Notes of a Beleagured Husband”, p.24.

20 November 1965. DM. M/S, p. 20, "Chrysanthemums"

4 December 1965. M/S, p. 22, "Life without TV"

11 December 1965. M/S, p. 18, "Homily"

18 December 1965. DM. M/S, p. "Pigeon Mail"

1 January 1966, M/S “Expert Witness”, p.22. (2 copies)

8 January 1966, M/S “Rasing the Stales”, p.26.

15 January 1966. M/S, p. 16, "Mailbag: File X" (2 copies)

22 January 1966. M/S, p. 22, "The Refugee Angel (a, perhaps, allegory)" (2 copies)

29 January 1966. DM. M/S, p. 28, "Two Lectures and a Few Flourishes" Actually two poems, "On Pico della Mirandola" and "Three Borgias" (2 copies)

12 February 1966, M/S New York: Don’t Say Hello, p.16.

19 February 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 25, "The World Well Lost, But Happy New Year Anyhow" (2 copies)

26 February 1966. RS. M/S. p. 14, "Mailbag" [the famous "Look, Kathy. Look"] (2 copies)

5 March 1966. M/S, p. 20, "Fantasy Life, the Human Condition, and Deep Thoughts (or, No Subject)" Also Letters, p. 31. (2 copies)

12 March 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 16, "Spectaculars" (2 copies)

19 March 1966. UEA. Letters, p. 27. (2 copies)

26 March 1966. M/S, p. 26, "Iowa: The Painter Case" (2 copies)

2 April 1966. M/S, p. 18, "Notes: The Big Idea" (2 copies)

9 April 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 16, "A Roethke Memorial" (2 copies)

16 April 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 14, "Kathy, the Bad Man, and Charlie McCarthy" Also Letters, p. 27. (3 copies)

23 April 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 12, "Mailbag" Also Letters, p. 23. (2 copies)

30 April 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 13, "The Psalmist and After" [5 poems] (2 copies)

7 May 1966, M/S Mumpsimus, p.22. (2 copies)

14 May 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 16, "Elephantiasis" (2 copies)

21 May 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 8, "Aphorisms and Doodles" [Ciardisms] (2 copies)

4 June 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 12, "Righteous Indignation" (2 copies)

11 June 1966. DM. M/S, p. 19, "Solemnity and Frivolity, or What Else Is Doing This Week?" Includes poem, "Masque of Buckingham" (2 copies)

18 June 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 18, "On Lighting Candles, and Blowing Them Out" (2 copies)

25 June 1966. UEA. M/S, poem, p. 11, "The Purportedly Sad Aardvark and the Queen Ant" (3 copies)

Box 11

2 July 1966. DM. M/S, p. 6, Two Short Subjects (2 copies)

1. "The World's Largest Crucifix"
2. "Making a Difference"

9 July 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 22, "Wit and Grace" (2 copies)

23 July 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 12, "Eve: An Expert View" (2 copies)

30 July 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 26, "Now Hear This, General Hershey" Also Letters, p. 25. (2 copies)

13 August 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 22, "On Purifying the Antiquities. . ." (2 copies)

20 August 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 14, "Shock Language" (3 copies)

27 August 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 20, "No Subject" (2 copies)

3 September 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 9, "About (Maybe) the Sources of Certainty" (2 copies)

10 September 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 24, "The Maundering of Moderation". (3 copies)

17 September 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 10, "What Is Your Definition of Poetry?" (2 copies)

24 September 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 16, "Glass Diamonds" [Ciardisms] (2 copies)

1 October 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 18, "You Can't Send Whiskey Through the Mails, But" (2 copies)

8 October 1966, Letters, p. 33.

22 October 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 19, "Fatso and Bourbon" (2 copies)

5 November 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 18, "The Slush Pile" (2 copies)

12 November 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 24, "A Fable of Four Fools and a Bartender" [first of four "fables"] (3 copies)

19 November 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 16, "Introspections" [poem "On the Poet as a Damned Poor Thing"] (2 copies)

10 December 1966. UEA. Letters, p. 37. (2 copies)

17 December 1966. UEA. Letters, p. 91. (2 copies)

24 December 1966. UEA. M/S, p. 5, poem, "A Year-End Dialogue with Outer Space" (2 copies)

21 January 1967. UEA. M/S, p. 31, "Happy New Orbit, 1967"

18 February 1967. UEA. M/S, p. 12, "On Making Sense"

11 March 1967. UEA. Letters, p. 29.

18 March 1967. UEA. M/S, p. 15, "Long Water Going"

15 April 1967. M/S, p. 26, "An Editorial April"

20 May 1967. M/S, p. 14, "Skip-Ocean, Russia, and Other Confusions"

22 July 1967. UEA. M/S, p. 30, "Toward a More Militant Uncertainty"

19 August 1967. UEA. M/S, p. 10, "Green"

30 September 1967. UEA. M/S, p. 16, "From the Faithful to the Unwashed"

21 October 1967. M/S, p. 16, "Children's Comer" [5 poems]. Clipping.

18 November 1967. UEA. M/S, p. 12, "Poem: "Lines from the Beating End of the Stethoscope"

23 December 1967. UEA. M/S, p. 7, "Nine Beeps for Year's End"

6 January 1968. UEA. M/S, p. 14, "Of Poetry and Sloganeering" (2 copies)

3 February 1968. UEA. M/S, p. 10, "Happy 1968" (2 copies)

17 February 1968, M/S [Three Subjects Below], p.10.

2 March 1968. UEA. Letters, p. 59. (2 copies)

9 March 1968. UEA. M/S, p. 90, "Grant's Whom?" (3 copies)

16 March 1968, M/S No Subject, p. 16.

23 March 1968. UEA. M/S, p. 14, "Theory of Games" (2 copies)

30 March 1968. UEA. Letters, p. 19.

13 April 1968. RS. M/S, p. 16, "Bashing the Babies," poem. (2 copies)

20 April 1968. M/S, p. 10, "In Boston" eBay auction (Tampa, FL) Includes a two page poem by Judson Jerome, "A Decade of American Poetry, 1957-1967" with references to Ciardi. (3 copies)

4 May 1968, Letters, p. 61.

11 May 1968. Headnote to a Poem by Stewart Udall, p. 50.

18 May 1968. RS. M/S, p. 59, "Whitman's Blue Book" (2 copies)

29 June 1968. RS. M/S, p. 37, "Numb Nothing" Also introduction to Theodore Roethke's "Words for Young Writers," pp. 14, 15, and 42. (2 copies)

Box 12

20 July 1968, “Confessions of a Circuit Rider” I, p.8; Letters, p.19. (2 copies)

24 August 1968. RS. M/S, p. 10,"Confessionsofa Circuit Rider," II (2 copies)

31 August 1968. RS. M/S, p. 7, "Confessions of a Circuit Rider," III (2 copies)

14 September 1968. RS. M/S, p. 16, "Confessions of a Circuit Rider," IV. (2 copies)

21 September 1968. RS. M/S, pp. 23-5 (double length), "Birth Control: Theology vs. Humanism" (2 copies)

28 September 1968. RS. M/S, p. 30, "Unsolicited Opening Day Address by Prexy" Also, Letters, p. 29. (2 copies)

19 October 1968. RS. Letters, p. 27. (2 copies)

26 October 1968. RS. M/S, p. 20, "Confessions of a Circuit Rider-Epilogue with Some Static" (2 copies)

9 November 1968. RS. Poem. "The River," pp.28-30. Poem. [Later in Lives of X] (2 copies)

16 November 1968. DM. M/S, p. 20, "Mailbag: Dear Ladies: Don't Be Ninnies" (2 copies)

23 November 1968. RS. M/S, p. 12, "Para Derest" (2 copies)

7 December 1968. Poem. "A Five-Year Step," pp.31-33. [Later in Lives of X']. Clipping. Gift of Phyllis Ciancio. Included gratis in a different eBay order. (2 copies)

4 January 1969. M/S, p. 10, "Cultural Note." Clipping. (2 copies)

11 January 1969, M/S. “Dear N”, p.95. (2 copies)

15 February 1969. M/S, p. 10, "A Frenzy without a Face" Taken from a bound volume of 1969 SRs.

22 February 1969. M/S, p. 10, "Venus, Adonis, and Incipient Geriatrics" Unbound. Taken from a bound volume of 1969 SRs. (2 copies)

1 March 1969. Poem. "The Shaft," pp. 18-19. [Later in Lives of X]. Clipping. (3 copies)

8 March 1969. M/S, p. 21, "Confessions and Vengeances" Taken from a bound volume of 1969 SRs. (2 copies)

15 March 1969. M/S, p. 14, "Duel of Honor" Taken from a bound volume of 1969 SRs. (2 copies)

22 March 1969. Not identified as an M/S column. Poem. "Romancing with Our Beasts," pp.36-37. Taken from a bound volume of 1969 SRs. (2 copies)

5 April 1969. M/S Term Paper Time and No Thanks, p. 14.

12 April 1969. M/S, p. 12,"What's a Mokko?" Taken from a bound volume of 1969 SRs. (2 copies)

24 May 1969. M/S, p. 38, "What Is a Dictionary? (A Meander)" Taken from a bound volume of 1969 SRs. (2 copies)

7 June 1969. M/S, p. 12, "What Is a Dictionary?" (3 copies)

5 July 1969, Feature Poem: Feasts (Lives of X), pp.16-17.

13 September 1969, Feature Story: Out of the Rathole, pp.19-23, 119-123. (Longest of his SR pieces)

20 September 1969 M/S Cheers for John Nims, p.52.

4 October 1969. M/S, p. 52, poem: "Letter to an Indolent Nom," from Lives o/X. Taken from a bound volume of 1969 SRs. (2 copies)

25 October 1969. UEA. M/S, p. 12, "Innocence and Other Drugs" (3 copies)

7 November 1969. M/S “I am an ironist by profession” Famous reply to HISC, Double Length, p.12.

15 November 1969. UEA. M/S, p. 10, "Lip-Thinking" (3 copies)

22 November 1969. UEA. M/S, p. 18, "Thank God It's Friday" (3 copies)

13 December 1969. UEA. M/S, p. 16, "Dear Mr. President" (3 copies)

Box 13

21 February 1970. UEA. M/S, p. 20, "Louise Bogan, 1897-1970" (2 copies)

28 March 1970. UEA. M/S, p. 41. [Five poems] (2 copies)

2 May 1970. M/S. p. 18. "Home Is the Hunter. Home from the Hill. and the Housewife Wandering through Saks" (3 copies)

16 May 1970. UEA. M/S. p. 10. "Graffiti" (2 copies)

23 May 1970. UEA. M/S. p. 14. "The Children's Comer" [3 poems] (2 copies)

20 June 1970, M/S A May Diary, p.20.

1 August 1970. UEA. M/S. p. 6. "Hatred" (2 copies)

8 August 1970, M/S Miracles, More or Less, p.6.

22 August 1970, M/S Fantasy Life, p.60.

19 September 1970. UEA. M/S. p. 16. "They Stopped and Spoke" (2 copies)

24 October 1970. UEA. M/S. p. 10. "From an October Diary" (2 copies)

7 November 1970. M/S. Famous reply to HISC. ["I am an ironist by profession."]

21 November 1970, M/S “Some of All, Not All of Some”, p.8; (2 copies)

28 November 1970. Letters, p. 25.

5 December 1970. UEA. Letters. p. 17. (2 copies)

19 December 1970. UEA. M/S. p. 4. "Tour of Duty" (2 copies)

23 January 1971. UEA. M/S. p. 12. "The New Left: Why Violence? (2 copies)

30 January 1971. UEA. Letters. p. 22. (2 copies)

6 February 1971. UEA. M/S. p. 37. "Children's Comer" [3 poems] (2 copies)

13 February 1971. UEA. M/S. p. 10. "Gold Fever" (2 copies)

13 March 1971. UEA. M/S. p. 23. "On Leaving the Bench" Also poem. "Of Fish and Fishermen" (2 copies)

3 April 1971. UEA. M/S. p. 18. poem. "The Graph"

1 May 1971. UEA. M/S. p. 4. "Cases of Conscience" (2 copies)

15 May 1971. UEA. M/S. p. 14. "An Open Letter to the Honorable Richard Ichord" (2 copies)

22 May 1971, M/S John Hughes’ Review of Lives of X, p.31.

12 June 1971, M/S Give Us This Day Our Daily Surrealism, p.48.

17 July 1971. UEA. Letters. p. 21. (2 copies)

24 July 1971. M/S News (4 subjects below), p.11

31 July 1971. Norman Cousins’ Report to the Readers, p.16.

14 August 1971. M/S. p. 22. "Truth in Packaging:' Also Letters. p. 21. lain Baird.
eBay (Toronto) (3 copies)

4 September 1971, M/S Letters, p.25; (Reader Responses to Cousins’ Report to Readers (7.31)), p.25.

11 September 1971, M/S Open Letter to the New Voters, p.8.

25 September 1971, Souls: Eight Cents First Class, p.20.

2 October 1971, Letters, p.27.

16 October 1971, End of Summer, p.24.

6 November 1971. RS. M/S. p. 26. ""Dawn Watch" (2 copies)

20 November 1971. RS. M/S. p. 27. "Is Anyone There?" (2 copies)

27 November 1971, Norman Cousins’ Final Report to the Readers, p.32.

4 December 1971, John Veronis Report to the Readers, p.32; M/S Children’s Lover, p.34. (2 copies)

11 December 1971, Nicholas Charrey’s Report to Readers, p.26.

18 December 1971, M/S Goodbye and Keep Cold, p.12. (2 copies)

25 December 1971, Nicholas Charrey’s Report to the Readers, p.20.

Box 14

8 January 1972, Generation Gap, p.24 (2 copies)

15 January 1972, M/S Us Smith, p.24 (2 copies)

22 January 1972, M/S Of Ego, p.25 (2 copies)

5 February 1972, M/S Dear N, p.8 (2 copies)

12 February 1972, M/S Rotten Rivers, p.22; Letters, p.14 (2 copies)

19 February 1972, M/S Romance Anyone?, p.32

4 March 1972, M/S Goodbye and Hello, p.68; (announces that he is no longer SR Po Editor, but staying as contributing editor columnist) (2 copies)

11 March 1972, M/S Hanging Around Worlds, p.14

18 March 1972, M/S Of Time and Chances: A Parental Reverie, p.64 (2 copies)

25 March 1972, Feature Story: Poetry: The Art of Maxime Humin, p.12

1 April 1972, M/S Piece of the Apollo, p.12

8 April 1972, M/S Esthetic Wisdom, p.22; Letters, p.16 (2 copies)

15 April 1972, M/S Ego-Apes, Bananas and Character Improvement, p.20 (2 copies)

22 April 1972, Norman Cousins, Announcement, pp. 20-21

29 April 1972, M/S On Being Stupid, p.22; Norman Cousins Announcement of WORLD May, pp. 62-63

6 May 1972, M/S Migrations and Madness, p.9; Cousins, Announcement of WORLD May, pp. 24-25

13 May 1972, M/S On Swindling for Fun and Profit, but Whose?, p.21

20 May 1972, Cousins’ World May Announcement, pp.10-11; Counter Measures X.J. Kennedy on Form, Meter and Rime, p.14; Head note by Ciardi on a poem by W. Meredith, p.48 (2 copies)

3 June 1972, William Honan’s report to readers that Ciardi was fired, p.12; Norman Cousin’s Announcement, pp.8-9

29 August 1972, As I was Saying “Oh Cluttering a New Desk”, clipping copy, p.12

22 May 1973, As I Was Saying: Games (on palindromes)

25 September 1973, M/S (No title, on palindromes), p.12

26 January 1974, M/S Let Me Make One Thing More or Less Clean, p.55

23 February 1974, M/S Doomsday Again, p.44

23 February 1974, M/S “The Gift Without the Giver”, p.33

23 February 1974, M/S “I Never Saw Kohoutek”, p.51

9 March 1974, M/S “The Concurrence of Myth”, p.12

20 April 1974, M/S What Is It?, p.34

4 May 1974, M/S “Mail Hammocks, Flat Tires, Croquet and The World”, p.25

18 May 1974, M/S “Leaps and Bounds”, p.38

1 June 1974, M/S “The Patois”, p.34

15 June 1974, M/S Mythologies: The Iceman, p.40

29 June 1974, M/S “Two Prayers for Parenthood” (2 poems), p.26

13 July 1974, M/S On Being Brave, p.37

27 July 1974, M/S Has Anybody Here Seen Kelsey?, p.29

11 January 1975, The Way Things Are, p.62 (3 subjects below) (2 copies)
( This is the second series in a manner of speaking, when Norman Cousins was asked to return as editor and Ciardi began his column again)
1. Materialism
2. Religion
3. A Parable

8 February 1975, “Ah, That School System”, p.58 (2 copies)

8 March 1975, M/S (Two children’s poems below), p.57
1. A Fog of Poems
2. And They Lived Happily Even After for a While

5 April 1975, M/S Neighborhood, p.59; Letters, p.7

3 May 1975, M/S Creative, Uh, Writing, p.26

31 May 1975, M/S ANA, p.57

28 June 1975, M/S ANA II, p.57

26 July 1975, M/S The Widow-Maker, p.10

23 August 1975, M/S The Assault of Jane Doe, p.10

20 September 1975, M/S Wheels Beyond Wheels, p.10

18 October 1975, M/S Plan for Today: The Mother Tongue, p.6

15 November 1975, M/S Elm, p.8

10 January 1976, M/S (Second Series of M/S col’s) Breakfast on the Brink, p.7 (2 copies)

7 February 1976, M/S The Sad Story, p.10

6 March 1976, M/S Ghetto Revisited, p.49

3 April 1976, M/S Bicentennial, p.8

1 May 1976, M/S Hold That Tiger, p.8

29 May 1976, M/S Foot in Mouth, p.12

26 June 1976, M/S Excelsior! In and Out of the Snowbanks, p.57

24 July 1976, M/S Ciardi Foundation Issues Interim Report on Symbiosis, p.51

21 August 1976, M/S Ghosts in an Inscription, p.52

18 September 1976, M/S The Devil You Say (He understands all codes), p.52

16 October 1976, M/S Some Further Devils (Plus and angel, plus the deep blue sea), p.59; Letters, p.5

13 November 1976, M/S Some Limerick Oysters (16 limericks), p.58

11 December 1976, M/S “Tweedlejimmy, Tweedlejerry and the Botched Amnesty”, p.84

8 January 1977, M/S My Uncle’s Nickname Is Humble Pie the Nonce, p.64

5 February 1977, M/S Have “Gringo” Will Trade for a Swizzle Stick, p.56; Letters, p.5

5 March 1977, M/S “Happy 1977 and Other Confusions”, p.56 (2 copies)

2 April 1977, M/S Cases on Conscience: Setting the Record Straight, p.48

30 April 1977, M/S Mailbag: Sharing the Wealth With and Avalanche, p.49

14 May 1977, M/S More of the Mailbag, p.49

11 June 1977, M/S Mailbag continued: Knocking Them Galley-West, p.50

23 July 1977, M/S Letters (and Memo) Composed but Never Sent, p.52

3 September 1977, M/S Robert Frost: Two Anecdotes, p.48 (last column before Ciardi was fired by Carl Tucker in Dec. 1977)