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Elaine Wilson
- Publications
Academic & Peer-Reviewed
- “Panic and Parody: Queer Performance, Laughter, and Liberation in The Twelve Chairs and The Little Golden Calf.” Forum for Modern Language Studies, Oxford University Press [forthcoming, 2026]
- “Russian Exceptionalism: Mining and Rewriting Religious History.” Public Orthodoxy, A Project of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University [forthcoming, December 2024]
- Review of No Heavenly Bodies: A History of Satellite Communications Infrastructure by Christine E. Evans and Lars Lundgren. Slavic and East European Journal [forthcoming 2026]
- Review of Yiddish Writers in Weimar Berlin: A Fugitive Modernism by Marc Caplan. Journal of Jewish Identities [forthcoming Spring 2025]
- “Ascent to Hell: The Poetics of Deconstruction in Peretz Markish and Andrei Platonov.” Comparative Literature [forthcoming, March 2026]
- “Holy Warheads: Russian Orthodox Christianity as Weaponized Culture.” Canopy Forum, The Center for Law and Religion at Emory University, July 2024.
- “God, Man, Machine: Spiritual Networks in Gladkov’s Cement.” Ulbandus Vol. XIX, 2022.
- Review of Homo Sovieticus: Brain Waves, Mind Control, and Telepathic Destiny by Wladimir Velminski. Ulbandus Vol. XIX, 2022.
- “Red Goes Green: A Contemporary Ecological Reading of a Soviet Classic.” The Jordan Center Blog, NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, September 30, 2021.
- English translation of selected poems by Konstantin Shavlovsky, Ruthie Jenrbekova, and Ramil Niyazov-Adyljan in World Literature Today, March 2023.
- “Four Dates.” English translation of Azamat Gabuev’s short story, “Chetyre svidaniia,” published in Hunger Mountain Review, February 2023.
- “When this is all over…”, English translation of Anton Ovchinnikov’s poem “Kogda vse zakonchitsya,” published in Movement Research Performance Journal, No. 56.
- “Son.” English translation of Azamat Gabuev’s short story, “Syn,” published in Another Chicago Magazine, November 2020.
- “View from the Side,” English translation of Aleksander Genis’s essay "Vid sboku,” published with the Hunter College Baltic Transit Project:
- Research
- Russophone Soviet literature
- Eastern European Jewish history and culture
- Soviet Yiddish poetry
- Russian Christian Orthodoxy and nuclear power
- Religious iconography and its use in political messaging
- Queer and political theory
Department of Languages and Cultural StudiesHumanities 2128Stony Brook UniversityStony Brook, NY 11794-5359
Phone: 631-632-7440Fax: 631-632-9612