Shingo Omori, Dr. Atsuko Oyama, Ms. Mitsuko Post, Mr. Gerard Senese, Dr. Eriko Sato, and Ms. H. Mae
Sprouse. The evaluation and input provided by the judges in both groups have been most valuable.

Furthermore, their warm interactions with each awardee in person during the post-ceremony reception has
been truly meaningful for this program. The professional music performance and the raffle during the
reception have been arranged by Ms. Yoko Ojima and Ms. Roxanne Brockner, respectively. The assistance
provided by the intern students coordinated by Ms. Eva Nagase and Dr. Eriko Sato for the entire program is
also acknowledged.

Last but not least, we appreciate the teachers and administrators who encouraged their students to
participate in this competition. They have broadened their students’ horizons greatly.
