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Program for the 22nd Conference on
"Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York"
Saturday April 11, 2015
Earth and Space Sciences Building - Stony Brook University
The conference will begin at 9:00 AM and is FREE.
Speakers please note: All presentations will be in Power Point. Please bring your
presentation on a flash drive or a CD. You may not use your laptop.
No need to register. Just show up.
Teachers and professionals may receive contact hours towards professional development.
You can attend for any number of hours.
Everyone is welcome. Especially students.
Titles and Abstracts as of 04/13/2015
Each presentation will be 15 minutes.
Companies, agencies, schools, universities and colleges are encouraged to display
promotional or informational material at the conference at no cost.
There is an e-mail link to the author(s). The link on the title goes to the abstract
on the web.
9:00 AM
Introduction |
G.N. Hanson |
Stony Brook University |
9:15 AM
The New York State Master Teacher Program: Experiences, Goals and Future Directions in Earth Science
Teaching |
S. Burns O. Crnosija C. Hantz |
Connetquot HS Smithtown HS West Mount Sinai HS
9:30 AM
Structural Geology and Metamorphism of the World Trade Center Site |
C. Merguerian C. Moss |
Duke Labs/Hofstra Univ. Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers |
9:45 AM
Boulders and the 2 Till Problem on Long Island
H.C. Mills
10:00 AM
The Problem Posed by New York’s “20-Foot Clay”: Which is Wrong – Published Dates,
Presumed Glacial Events, or Strata Origins? |
C. Moss
Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers
10:15 AM
The Morphology and Stratigraphy of the Jericho Moraine, Nassau County, NY |
H.C. Mills
10:30 AM
Long Island's Carolina Bays and the Younger Dryas Impact Event abstract Research Report
S. Tvelia
Suffolk Community College
10:45 AM
Grain size analysis and soil stratigraphy across Suffolk County: Proxy for classification
of sediment as a diamict |
K. Dominguez |
Stony Brook University
11:00 AM
Break Coffee, Tea and Light Lunch |
11:30 AM
Report on Water Level Monitoring in the Vicinity of the Brookhaven Landfill, 2014
D. Tonjes |
Stony Brook University |
11:45 AM
Dunes, Bluffs and Peneplains on New York's Ocean Coast
H. Huang |
Stony Brook University
12: 00 PM
The Environmental History of North Cinder Island Marsh in the Town of Hempstead, New
York. |
V. Fernandes E.C. Farmer J. Browne D. Peteet J. Mayo |
Hofstra University |
12:15 PM
Trace metal trends in sediment cores and foraminifera tests from the Crab Meadow marsh,
Northport, NY |
D. Ferraiolo J.B. Bennington B. Senzer |
Hofstra University Hofstra University Syosett HS |
12:30 PM
Pore Water Radionuclide Variability in Smithtown Bay - Implications for Submarine
Groundwater Discharge
J. Tamborski
Stony Brook University
12:45 PM
Multi-Model Validation Assessment of Groundwater Flow Simulation Models Using Area
Metric Approach |
O. Aphale D.J. Tonjes
Stony Brook University
1:00 PM
Delineation of Fractures, Foliation, and Groundwater of the Bedrock at a Geothermal
Feasibility Site on Roosevelt Island, New York County, New York |
F. Stumm A. Chu M. Como M.L. Noll P.K. Joesten
USGS Coram |
1:15 PM
The effect of road salt on soil pH
L. Gil A. King C. Cobo S. Tang
GeoPREP program Stony Brook University |
Abstract Only |
Long Island Subglacial Drainage Patterns Reveal the Direction of Glacial Flow |
W. Pacholik
Central Islip HS
Poster |
Time Trends of Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent with Sources
from Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities and Hospitals |
K. Colella |
Stony Brook University
1:45 PM |
Demonstration of Ground Penetrating Radar. Meet in Lecture Hall. The demonstration is just outside
the building. |
G. Piccione |
1:45 PM
Demonstration of MasterSizer grain-size analyzer in room ESS 323 |
M. Donnelly
2:15 PM |
Demonstration of Ground Penetrating Radar. The demonstration is just outside the building. |
G. Piccione |
2:15 PM
Demonstration of MasterSizer grain-size analyzer in room ESS 323 |
M. Donnelly