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Message From the Office of the President

December 11, 2020

More than 600 faculty and staff participated in the latest virtual Campus Conversation on December 8, 2020. If you missed the event, you can view the recording on the Financial Sustainability website.

During that conversation, moderated by Laura Lindenfeld, dean of the School of Journalism, President Maurie McInnis and Vice President for Strategic Initiatives Rose Martinelli discussed how the University is faring academically and financially in the midst of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, provided an update on the Financial Sustainability Committee and its five task forces, discussed next steps in the Strategic Budget Initiative, and answered participants’ questions.

Your personal input in this process is very important. Look for a short email survey next week and kindly take a moment to answer it.

The next series of community conversations will kick off in mid-January. Co-chairs from each of the five task forces will share what they have learned, discuss the opportunities they have identified and talk about the work that lies ahead.

The following dates and topics for those sessions are open for registration and are as follows:

Tuesday, January 19, 2021 — Stony Brook Medicine • 3 pm

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 — Operations Alignment • 3 pm

Thursday, January 21, 2021 — Research and Innovation • 2 pm

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 — Optimizing Campus Resources • 2 pm

Tuesday, February 2, 2021 — Academic Portfolio • 2 pm

Thank you for your continued participation, collaboration and commitment. Your engagement in this process is what will make Stony Brook an even stronger institution.