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Conflicts of Interest

Stony Brook University is committed to the principles of academic freedom, free inquiry, and the open exchange of knowledge. These principles are the bedrock of scholarship and research. The University supports and encourages individuals to pursue and engage in external activities that promote the University's mission, contribute to professional fields, and enhance professional skills. Consistent with these principles, members of the University community are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards as they fulfill their University obligations first and foremost, commensurate with their appointment requirements. 

All members of the University community have an obligation to avoid conflicts of interest and commitment (defined below) when carrying out their external and University education, research, scholarship, or service responsibilities. All external relationships - both domestic and international - should be transparent and must be disclosed in a manner that is consistent with applicable requirements, including federal and state laws/regulations/agency guidance, as well as Stony Brook's own policies and procedures. Such disclosures must include activities that occur over summer/winter break months. 

The following links provide more information on Conflicts of Interest and the University disclosure obligations.


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Conflict of Commitment: a potential conflict of commitment exists when an individual's (and/or their Immediate Family Member(s)) external relationships or activities have the possibility (either in actuality or in appearance) of interfering or competing with the University's educational, research or service missions, or with that individual's ability or willingness to perform the full range of responsibilities associated with their position. 

Conflict of Interest: a conflict of interest exists when a person is or may be in a position to influence activities or decisions in the conduct of externally and applicable internally supported activities in ways that could lead to personal financial gain or give an improper advantage to third parties in their dealings with the University. Conflicts of Interest may also arise when an individual (and/or their Immediate Family Member(s)) have outside obligations of any kind that are in substantial conflict with their University responsibilities or the public interest.

Last updated 9/16/2024
