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Gerald Stokes, Ph.D.

Dr. Stokes is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Technology and Society of Stony Brook University. He was professor and chair of the Department of Technology and Society at State University of New York, Korea. He moved to SUNY Korea after five years as a research professor at Stony Brook University.

Previously, he was with Battelle for 38 years serving as a senior manager at Brookhaven National Laboratory and Pacific NW National Laboratory (PNNL) and President and CEO of Battelle-Japan, He was the founding director of the Joint Global Change Research Institute a collaboration between PNNL and the University of Maryland.

While at PNNL he managed two major programs, the Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program and the Bonneville Power Administration’s End Use Load and Conservation Assessment Program.

His current research interests include the national energy policies, novel approaches to the mitigation of carbon dioxide emissions, and stabilization of the global burden of atmospheric greenhouse gases.

He serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of NOVIM and the Advisory Board of the Global CO2 Initiative. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.