ECE Department News 2016
ECE Students Receive Armstrong Research Foundation Awards
Two undergraduate and two graduate students in the Electrical & Computer Engineering
Department were given Armstrong Memorial Research Foundation (AMRF) Awards at a departmental
Town Hall Meeting on May 16, 2016 for excellence in high GPA achievement. The two
undergraduate awardees are Steven Massaro and Zahraa Krayem, and the two graduate
awardees are Inigo Urteaga and Jun Duan.
ECE PhD Student Wins Award at SRC TECHCON
Stony Brook ECE graduate student Weicheng Liu has received the Best in Session Award
at the 2016 SRC TECHCON Conference held in Austin, Texas. Weicheng's paper has proposed a novel method for automatic
clock tree development to reduce power consumption. Weicheng is a PhD student at
the NanoCAS Lab advised by Prof. Emre Salman.
Prof. Petar Djuric Takes the Helm
Professor Petar M. Djuric has been apointed the chair of the ECE department. With
the department more than 25 years, Djurić has served the department, college and university
in a number of capacities. His primary research focus is in the area of signal and
information processing with specific interest in the theory of signal modeling, detection,
and estimation; Monte Carlo-based methods; signal and information processing over
networks; machine learning, RFID, and the Internet of Things.
Prof. Shan Lin Receives NSF CAREER Award
Dr. Shan Lin, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has been
awarded the National Science Foundation's Early Career Development (CAREER) Award,
which is given to young faculty members for research and educational activities. This
award will support Dr. Lin's work on ensuring the safety and security of networks
in connected hospitals.
Petar M. Djuric Elevated to EURASIP Fellow
At the beginning of every year, the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP)
recognizes "outstanding achievements of its members and volunteers. Each year, a select
group of signal processing researchers is elevated to EURASIP Fellow, the Association's
most prestigious honour." This year one of the four recipients of this high distinction
is Petar M. Djuric. His citation reads "For contributions to the theory and practice
of Bayesian signal processing.”
ECE Doctoral Graduate Wins SPEC Dissertation Award
The Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) Distinguished Dissertation
Award is given each year to a doctoral dissertation which exemplifies scientific significance,
impact and originality. Stony Brook University’s (SBU) own Yufei Ren was chosen as
the winner for 2015 from amongst fifteen phenomenal dissertations from institutions
across the globe.
Using Glass to Improve Graphene's Powerful Conductivity
A team led by ECE assistant professor Matthew Eisaman has developed a method using common glass for creating resilient, customized, and high-performance graphene.
The material is known for its durability and electrical conductivity and is used in
the energy, electronics and semiconductor industries. The graphene-enhancing process
is detailed in a paper published in Scientific Reports.
ECE Student Wins 2016 Goldwater Scholarship
Electrical Engineering student Michael D’Agati is a recipient of the 2016 Goldwater
Scholarship. Michael is a sophomore majoring in Electrical Engineering. He is interested in nanotechnology
and biomedical applications, and is studying the use of 3-D graphene supercapacitors
to power an in vivo embedded system for health monitoring.