- Fiber optic and laser system for coherent and incoherent sensors, including dynamic light scattering, Capillary wave guide bio-sensors
- RF polarized cavity orientation sensors
- Wireless (photonic) power and data transfer
- Optical methodologies for enhanced image contrast for biomedical and industrial imaging applications
- Funding from varaious federal agencies and industry
Location: Room 136, Light Engineering
This laboratory provides a state-of-the-art experimental facility for performing research in the areas of integrated fiber optics, fiber optic sensors and coherent optical signal processing. Some of the current research projects include development of integrated fiber optics for diffraction free laser beam delivery in various applications ranging from physiological to manufacturing systems. Additionally, we are developing compact and rugged fiber optic sensors, which will provide on-line information on the size distribution of crystals being grown in a micro-gravity environment. Time of flight blade tip clearance probes for rotating turbomachinery have been developed. Work is currently underway to develop fluorescence based sensors for DNA sequencing and for detection of microbial species in a marine environment.
I have introduced several new courses into the undergraduate and graduate curriculum. I have enhanced my teaching through interaction with several different units on the campus and with colleagues from other institutes. In particular, I have been a very active faculty participant for the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) program and Industrial Outreach Programs. I offered courses, to local industries, as a part of the Enginet distance learning program. I was a faculty member of the BEEE Online Degree Program and taught online courses. Developed a laboratory component for ESE363. I have also taught freshmen technology courses.
Undergraduate Courses:
Click here for Course DescriptionsURE187: Women in Science and Engineering: Research Projects:
ESE120: Projects in Electrical Engineering (for high school students):
ESE211: Electronics Laboratory A:
ESE271: Electrical Sciences I:
ESE319: Introduction to Electromagnetic Waves and Fields
ESE362: Introduction to Optoelectronic Devices and Imaging Techniques
ESE363: Fiber Optic Communications
ESE372: Electronics:
ESE440/441: Senior Design I & II:
ESE499: Undergraduate Research:
ITS102: Information and Technology Studies
Online Undergraduate Courses:
Click here for Course Descriptions
EEO363: Fiber Optic Communication
Graduate Courses:
Click here for Course Descriptions
ESE506: Linear Systems bridging course for Non-EE Undergraduate Degrees
ESE521: Applied Optics
ESE522: Introduction to Fiber Optic Systems
ESE528: Communication Systems
ESE560: Optical Information Processing I
ESE591: Internship:
ESE599: Research
ESE670: Fiber Optic Sensors
ESE670: Light-wave Communications
ESE699: Dissertation
Invited lectures:
June 20, 2012, “Real time monitoring of radial, axial and tangential deflections in turbomachinery,” GE 2012 Aeromechanics Symposium, GE Global Research Center, Schenectady, NY
February 29, 2008, “Fiber Optic Sensor Development,” CAT Sensor Technology, Stony Brook, NY
June 4, 2008, “Capillary Waveguide Biosensor Platform,” Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), Marina, CA
Industrial Outreach:
2010 Taught course at Parker-Hannifan
2000 Developed and currently teaching a new course on Applied Optics at Symbol Technologies. The course was a part of the MS Program in Mechatronics.
1996 Developed and a taught a new course on Fiber Optic Systems at Long Island Lighting Company. This course was also part of a MS program.