Graduate Students 

Our graduate students come from the U.S. and from all across the world. In the links below you can find descriptions of our graduate students and their area(s) of interest.

Abbasi-Lemmon, Laura


MA, Women’s and Gender Studies, Stony Brook University, 2014 to Present               

BA, Art and Communication, McDaniel College

Areas of interest: Pregnancy and motherhood; feminist disability studies; interdisciplinary methods; and reproductive technologies.

Akaltun, Evren

Evren Akaltun

PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook, 2007-present

MA, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook University, 2011

BA, English, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2000

Areas of interest: 20th Century Turkish literature, transnational studies, World Literature, psychoanalysis, travel literature.

Basaldua, Sophia

S. Basaldua

Ph.D., Comparative Literature, Stony Brook University, 2013 to present 

MA, English, Clemson University, 2013

BA, English, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2011

Areas of interest: representations of cities in literature, urban studies, space and place, postcolonialism, early twentieth century, Buenos Aires, New York, and Paris, the novel as a genre, modernism, cosmopolitanism, the metropolis.

Barnhart, Ryan

Ryan Barnhart

PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook, 2007-present

BA, Comparative Literature, New York University

Areas of Interest: Postmodernism, rhetoric, religion, Hispanic studies, film.

Bonvissuto, Stephanie


Ph.D. Program: Women's and Gender Studies, Stony Brook, 2015 to present.

MA: Joint Sociology & Women’s and Gender Studies, Brandeis University, 2014-2015

BA: Sociology, Women’s Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston, 2010-2013

Areas of Interest: Gender/Sex, Identity Formation and Deployment, Embodiment and Body Politics, Feminist Theory, Social Psychology.

Brock, Marcus


PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook, 2010 - present

B.A. American Literature & Culture, Minor: Political Science, University of California Los Angeles

M.C.M., Communication Management, University Of Southern California

Visual Culture, Afrofuturism, Media & Communications, Gender and Sexuality, Arts Education, Subcultures, Media & Communications, Post-Colonialism, Constructs of Race, Sartorial Symbolism, Queer Studies, Social Justice. 

Burrows, Claire

Claire Burrows

PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook, 2006-present

MA, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook University, 2010

MA, Aesthetic Studies, University of Texas at Dallas, 2006

BA, Literary Studies, University of Texas at Dallas, 2003

Areas of interest: graphic narratives, autobiography, twentieth century fiction, holocaust studies, trauma narratives.


Cannarella, Elaine

Chen, I-Ju Ruby

I-Ju Ruby CHen

PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook, 2005 - present

BA, English, Tamkang University (Taiwan) 2001

Areas of Interest: late-19th century French Art, Literature and Criticism, Heterotopia, contemporary Chinese prose and poetry.

 Choi, Ignacio

Clinton, Greg


PhD Program, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook, 2012 - present

MA, Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), 2005

BA, Philosophy, College of Wooster, 2001

Areas of Interest: Intersection of philosophy and literature, Education, Romanticism, Philosophy of Science, Intellectual History, Shakespeare.

Coates, Kimberly


PhD, Comparative Literature Stony Brook University, 2014 - present  

MA, History and Literature, Columbia University, 2014 

BA, English, Santa Clara University, 2009 

Areas of Interest: Literature and Philosophy, 20th and 21st Century Existentialist Fiction, American and French Feminist Theory.

Cohen, James


PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook, 2015 - present

MA, Comparative Arts and Culture, Hofstra University, 2010

BA, Television Production, Hofstra University, 2004

Areas of Interest: Media archaeology, cultural anthropology, web television, memes and visual languages, digital media literacy, media studies. 

Corbman, Rachel


PhD, Women's and Gender Studies, Stony Brook, 2014-present 

Advanced Certificate, Archives, New York University

BA, Liberal Arts, The New School, 2010

MA, Liberal Studies, CUNY Graduate Center 2012

Areas of Interest: The history of Women's and Gender Studies; 20th century feminist, LGBT, and African-American social movements; community based lesbian, feminist, and women's archives; feminist and queer theory; 20th century American literature; African-American literature.

Deger, Anne

PhD, Cultural Studies, 2012 - present

B.A., Liberal Arts, St. John's College, Annapolis, Maryland

Areas of Interest: Media studies; internet and social media; history of science; media archaeology; digital communications.

Desgranges, Magdala


Ph.D, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook University, 2014 - present

MA, Pan-African Studies, University of Louisville

BA, Media Studies and English, Hunter College

Areas of Interest: Cultural Memory, Pan-African Studies, Media Studies, Visual Art, Intercultural Communication, International Education.

Desmond, Theresa

Theresa Desmond

PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook, 2009- present

MS, Criminal Justice, Long Island University 2008

MA, English, Long Island University, 1990

MA, Spanish, SUNY Albany,1988

BA, SUNY Albany, 1985

Areas of Academic Interest: Modernism, feminism, post-colonial theory, literature and the laWProfessional Interests: teaching composition, education opportunity programs, working with the under-represented students, creative writing.

Eicher, Andrew



PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook, 2015-present

MA, Media Studies, The New School, 2013

BA, University of California, Berkeley, 2010

Areas of Interest: Disability Studies, HIV/AIDS, Frankfurt School, Queer Theory, Feminist Theory, Critical Theory, Neoliberalism


Godwin, Dylan

Dylan Godwin

PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook, 2011-present

B.A., Interdisciplinary Studies, University of British Columbia

M.A., English, University of California at Davis

Areas of interest: Poetry and poetics.

     Green, Gregory

PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook, 2011-present

B.A. St. John's College, Santa Fe

Areas of interests: International Genre Fiction, Theory Of Literature, Postwar Germany.

Hamidi, Yalda N.


PhD Program: Women's and Gender Studies, Stony Brook, 2014 to present.

MA Program: Women's and Gender Studies, University at Albany SUNY, 2012-2014

Areas of Interest: Feminist Theory, Religious/ Islamic Feminism, Body Politics, Feminist Rhetoric

 Harwick, Jessica


PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook University, 2013-present

BA, Comparative Literature, Penn State University, 2013

BA, English, Penn State University, 2013

Areas of Interest: Post-Colonial Literature and Studies, Modern and Contemporary Literature, Storytelling, Italian Literature.


          Ho, Michelle

Michelle Ho

PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook, 2012 - present

MAS, Information, Technology, and Society in Asia (ITASIA), University of Tokyo, 2012

BA (Hons), Literature in English, National University of Singapore, 2007

Areas of Interest: Japan, Film and Literary Theory, The Mass Media (Television), and Women And Gender.

Tara Holmes


PhD, Women's and Gender Studies, Stony Brook University, 2015-present

MA, Women's and Gender Studies, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2014

BA, Political Science, Marshall University, 2010

Areas of interest:  Visual culture, queer theory, affect theory, and gender and sexuality in horror films.


       Hong, Douglas

Doug Hong

PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook 2012 - present

MA, English, UC Santa Barbara, 2008

BA, English, UC Berkeley, 2001

Areas of interest: Politics and aesthetics, critical theory, literature, technology and labor.

Joseph Kampff


PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook University, 2015 – present

MA, English, Stony Brook University, 2015

BA, Liberal Arts, The New School, 2012

Areas of interest: late-20th century to contemporary world literature, the relationship of literature to ethics and justice, post-apocalyptic fiction, literary and critical theory.


            Knox, Allyse


PhD, Women's and Gender Studies, Stony Brook University, 2014-present​

MAT, Special Education, Hamline University, 2014

BA,Theatre Arts, Mount Holyoke College, 2010 

Areas of interests: feminist and queer theory; affect and new materialisms; environmental and feminist (post)humanities; biopolitics, the body, and reproduction; settler colonialism and indigeneity; film, media, and performance studies

Lee, Hyosun


PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook University, 2015-Present

MA, German Literature, Seoul National University, 2006


BA, German Literature and English Literature, Seoul National University, 2004

Areas of Interest: Postcolonial Literature and Theory, Immigrant Literature, Translation Theory, Deconstruction, Diaspora, Cinema and Film Theory



Liang, Pi-Ju


PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook University , 2013-present

MA, Cinema Studies, New York University

BA, Film Production, Shih Hsin University (Taiwan)

Area of Interest: East Asian Cinema, National Cinema, Globalization and  Transnationalism, Colonial and Postcolonial Theories. 


Mannir, Elizabeth

PhD, Comparative Literature (ABD)

MA, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook

BA, English, University of Saint Francis

Areas of Interest: North African literature and cinema; trauma studies; transnational feminist activism.

     Martino, Briana

Briana Martino

PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook, 2008-present

BA, Clinical Psychology, Tufts University 2000

BA, Communications, New Media, Simmons College 2002

Areas of Interest: Feminist Cultural Studies, Queer & Disability Theory, Madness Studies, Transversality, Temporality, Institutional Analysis, Social Movements, Documentary.

Jonathan Macagba Jonathan

PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook University, 2015 - Present

MFA, Visual Arts, Lesley University College of Art and Design, 2015

BA, Communication and Media, CUNY School of Professional Studies, 2014

Areas of interest: Visual culture, suburban material culture, history of photography, colonial and postcolonial photographies, globalization, landscape theory, space and place.


Meissner, Josh

PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook, 2003-present

MA, Methodologies, Trent University

BA, English Literature and Cultural Studies, Trent University 

Areas of Interest: Psychoanalysis, rhetoric, late Antiquity, neoplatonism, Bergson, Nietzsche, Bataille, 19th-century American literature, Shakespeare.

 Menon Divya

PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook University, 2012-present

MA, Visual Culture, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2010

BA, Art History, Smith College, 2006

Areas of interest: Modern literature, Memory, Melancholia, Frankfurt School Critical Theory.

         Moura, Joana

Joana Moura

PhD, Comparative Literature, SUNY Stony Brook, 2008 - present

MA, Comparative Literature, SUNY Stony Brook, 2011

BA, Germanic Languages and Literatures, King´s College, University of London, 2008

BA, Journalism, Emerson College, Boston, MA, 2002

Areas of Interest: German 20th-Century Literature, Translation Studies, Film Theory, Intertextuality and Authorship.
Dissertation Title: Mistranslation and the Mis-uses of a Literary Tradition.

Mukherjee, Shruti


PhD, Women's and Gender Studies, Stony Brook University, 2014-present​

M.Phil, International Politics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India,2011-13

M.A, Women Centered Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India, 2009-2011

B.A, Political Science (Honors), Lady Shri Ram College, India, 2006-2009

Areas of interest: gender and conflict, sexuality and gender identities, women's movement in India, reproductive and sexual health issues, feminist pedagogy of research and gender in international politics.

           Nagase, Eva

Eva Nagase

PhD, Cultural Studies 2007- Current

MA, Cultural Anthropology, Stony Brook University

MA, Museum Studies, Cooperstown Graduate Program, SUNY Oneonta

MA, Japanese Pedagogy, Columbia University

 Novitskaya, Alexandra


PhD, Women and Gender Studies, Stony Brook University, 2014-present

BA, MA, Social Philosophy, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, 2009

Areas of Interest: feminist and queer theory; gender in political science; international LGBT activism; gender and sexuality in Russia; history of women's movement in Russia; John Stuart Mill; nationalism; ideologies and propaganda.

    Paruolo, Sarah

Sarah Paruolo 

PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook University, 2008-present

MA, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook University, 2012

Graduate Certificate in Women's & Gender Studies, 2012

BA, English, Bates College, 2005

Areas of Interest: US & Caribbean Latina/o Literatures and Cultural Productions, Female Subjectivities, Latinidad, Queer of Color Critique, Bodies/Embodiments,Urban Spaces & Places, Decoloniality, and Feminist Pedagogies.

               Pingree, Mark


PhD  Comparative Literature, Stony Brook 2014-present

MSc  Philosophy, London School of Economics 2009

BA  Philosophy, University of Utah 2007

Areas of interest: Critical theory, philosophy of science, intersection of philosophy and literature, continental philosophy, ecocriticism, psychoanalysis, Russian and Soviet literature, emancipatory politics, speculative realism/object oriented ontology.


        Pinion, Kenneth


PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook University, 2015-Present

MA, English-Film Studies, North Carolina State University, 2015

BA, English, Minor: Film Studies, Armstrong State University, 2013

Areas of Interest: Film Studies; Queer Media Cultures; New Queer Cinema; AIDS Activist Media; AIDS Cinema; Queer Historiography; Gay Pornography; Porn Studies; Moving Image and Media Archaeology; Theories and Notions of the "Archive"; and Feminist Film Theory.

        Rosner, Marley


Ph.D Cultural Studies, Stony Brook University, 2013-present                          

M.A. American Studies,California State University, Fullerton

B.A. American Studies, California State University, Long Beach

Areas of Interest: Sound studies, cultural studies of media distribution and technology, history of recording and playback devices, critical theory, collective memory, expressive culture, philosophy of art and technology

      Schaefer, Joy

PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook, 2011 - present         

MA, French Studies, NYU, 2010  

BA, English and French, Aquinas College, 2005

Areas of Interest: French, Spanish and British cinemas, North African/French crossings, (post)colonial and feminist theories, collective memory, politically engaged theories of affect and emotion.



Elizabeth Schmermund

PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook, 2012 -present

BA, English Literature and Creative Writing, Hofstra University (Honors College)

MFA, Fiction Writing, The New School

Areas of interest: Arabic Literature, Islam and Representations of Islam in The US, French Post-Colonial Studies, Critical Theory, Women's Studies and Feminist Theory.

Silverstein, Kathryn


PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook University, 2013–present

BA, Film Studies, Muhlenberg College, 2011

Areas of Interest: narrative theory, post-structuralism, liminality, reception and media theory, film and television studies, gender and sexuality, the construction and representation of the crime scene as a queer space, fandom studies, bad queers, embodiment and consumption, Jewish identity.  

    Smith-Casanueva, Brent

Brent Smith-Casanueva

PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook, 2011- present

MA, Communication, University of Central Florida, 2006

MA, Cultural Studies, University of New Mexico, 2011

Areas of Interest: Marxist, Postcolonial and Queer Theory; Science Fiction and Fantasy Television and Film; Continental Philosophy and Social Theory; History of Media Technologies; Globalization and Transnationalisms; Punk Rock Subcultures; New Media and Social Movements.

Staats, Hans


PhD, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook, 2008-present

MA, Comparative Literature, Stony Brook, 2008

BA, Film Studies, Brooklyn College/CUNY, 2004

Areas of interest: film theory and history, modern and contemporary Anglo-American literature, American Studies, Italian and Italian American cinema, cultural criminology, Affect (Cultural Theory) and Genre Studies.

Strang, Brent


PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook, 2011- present

MA, Film Studies, University of British Columbia, 2010

BA, Film Studies, University of Alberta, 2007

Areas of Interest: masculinities in american cinema/television, visual literacy and remediation in videogames & machinima, the gendering of objects & spaces, biomediation/technologized vision & subjectification, and expanded apparatus theory.

                Sung, Rita

I-Te Rita Sung

PhD, Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, Stony Brook, 2007-present

MA, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Stony Brook, 2010

MA, English and American Language and Literature, National Central University, Taiwan

BA, English Language and Literature, Fu-Jen University, Taiwan

Areas of Interest: East Asian Cinema, Film Studies, Modernity and Globalization Studies, Cultural Citizenship, Comparative Modern Japanese and Chinese Literature, Outlaw couple films in the 1960s and 1990s! (MA Thesis).

   Tsai, Beth

Beth Tsai

PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook, 2010 - present 

BA, English, National Central University (Taiwan)

MA, Film Studies, SUNY at Buffalo 

MFA,Media Study, SUNY at Buffalo

Areas of Interest: East Asian Cinema, Cinema As Cultural Translation, Psychoanalysis, Reflexivity In Film.

         Umut, Melis


PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook, 2013-present
MA, Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

MA, Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design, Sabanci University, Istanbul , Turkey

BA, Social and Political Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey

Areas of interest: Turkish, Eastern European, and Middle Eastern Cinemas, Masculinity Studies, Art Theory, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Psychoanalysis.


      Varino, Sofia

Sofia Varino

Ph.D. Cultural Studies 2010-present

Dissertation Title: "Vital Differences: Indeterminacy & the Biomedical Body"

MA Theater Studies, City University of New York

BA Writing, Middlesex University, London UK

Research interests: gender & science; history & theory of biology & biomedicine; feminist science studies; feminist materialisms; environmental studies; aesthetics

Graduate Certificate: Art & Philosophy (2013)



     Simone West


PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook University, 2013–present

MA, Rhetoric and Writing, Michigan State University, 2013

BA, English, Kent State University, 2010

Areas of Interest: The Spatial Humanities, Experimental and Non-representational Geographies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Feminist and Queer Theory, Contemporary Rhetorical Theory and Practice.


 Emily Whearty


MA, Women’s and Gender Studies, Stony Brook University, 2015 to Present  
BA Women's and Gender Studies, Psychology, Stony Brook University, 2013
Areas of Interest: feminist philosophy, phenomenology, gendered violence, disability studies, elder abuse.

Yu, Claire Dan-ju

Claire Yu

PhD, Cultural Studies, Stony Brook, 2011- present

MA, Comparative Literature, UC Riverside, 2005-2007

Areas of Interest: East Asian Cinema, Colonial And Postcolonial Theories.




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