Pre-Orientation 2017
SUNY Stony Brook China Pre-Orientation Session Summary Report
On the 10th and 11th of July, 2017, the first Stony Brook University pre-orientation session in China was held in Beijing and Shanghai. The pre-orientation was hosted by the joint efforts of the Students Orientation and Family Programs Office and the Office of Global Affairs, and had the exclusive assistance of the Stony Brook Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA). The sessions, held in Beijing and Shanghai, attracted more than three hundred new students and their parents, from over thirty-seven cities in China. The pre-orientation sessions provided a platform of communications between the University and the families of new students, allowing international students from China to learn more about Stony Brook University.
2017年6月10日和6月11日,纽约州立大学石溪分校,第一届中国新生咨询见面会在北京和上海拉开帷幕。此次活动由纽约州立大学石溪分校新生指导及家庭服务办公室和石溪国际事务办公室联合举办,并由石溪大学中国学生学者联合会(CSSA)独家协办。 活动吸引了三百多位新生和他们的家长,从中国的37个城市赶到北京和上海来参加会议。活动的成功举办,为学校和新生们提供了更好的交流平台,帮助到更多来自中国的国际学生以及他们的家长们了解石溪大学。
(The Pre-Orientation Session in Beijing)
The students and their families were welcomed by the vice-principle of Stony Brook, Dr. Jun Liu. He introduced the students to the academics, campus environment, and future employment possibilities of the university. Vice-principle Liu encouraged the students to discover their interests, best apply their aptitudes, and to pursue an academic major most suited to themselves. Mr. Liu also urged the students to actively participate in university activities and integrate into the local culture. The sincerity and passion of vice-president Liu’s speech deeply captivated the audience, and many rounds of applause were given in response.
(Vice-Principle Dr. Jun Liu Welcoming the New Students and Their Families)
The representative of the Students Orientation and Family Programs Office, Ms. Trista Lu, aided the new students to better ready themselves for their upcoming university life. She explained in detail the procedures of enrolment and registration, and answered any inquiries made by the students and their families, concerning preparations for travel, off-campus residence, filling out health forms, and NET ID activation.
新生指导及家庭服务办公室和石溪国际事务办公室的代表Trista Lu 详细的为同学们介绍了入学流程和校内注册的细节,针对学生以及家长们所关心的问题,比如行前准备,国际生如何注册选课,如何完成医疗表格,校内外住宿,如何激活NET ID等方面进行了详细的解答。希望为即将入学的新生同学们提前做好准备工作。
(Ms. Trista Lu Explaining the Processes of Enrolment)
(Trista Lu正在为大家介绍入学流程)
The pre-orientation session also invited current international students of Stony Brook University from China. They shared with the new students their experiences in an American university, from familiarizing themselves with the university lifestyle, to any difficulties they had with academics or daily life, to the many highlights of attending Stony Brook. The upperclassmen recommended the new students to organize their daily life, and to reasonably spend their time in university. Following their speech, the new students were all very interested in the university, eager to start a new chapter in their lives in Stony Brook.
(Volunteers from the Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Stony Brook University)
Through the pre-orientation sessions, the new students found enthusiasm and confidence in their futures. The parents are assured of their choice of university for their children, the sessions provided the parents of the with confidence of the quality of Stony Brook University. The attendees of the session are very grateful of the tireless efforts made by the university staff and the volunteers of the CSSA. The success of this event laid foundations for the communication between the university and the families of Chinese international students. The new students also conveyed their wishes for future events of such type, to help Chinese students learn more about the university, and to help more of the outstanding Chinese students attend Stony Brook.
(The Pre-Orientation Session in Shanghai)