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Research Scientist

Yuxiang Peng                                     Yuxiang


Research Associate, Chemistry Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Ph.D., Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, The University of Alabama

M. S., Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, The University of Alabama

Research interests: Molten salt, electrochemistry and Synchrotron X-ray

Ph.D. Students


Arthur Ronne                                     Headshot

Ph.D Candidate

Ph.D. Student since 2021 Spring
M.S. 2021 - Thesis title:  "Investigation of Chemical and 3D Morphological Evolution in Nickel Alloys
in Molten Chloride Salt by Synchrotron X-ray Microscopy"

B.E., Chemical and Molecular Engineering, Stony Brook University

Research Interests:  X-ray characterization techniques, metal corrosion in molten salts, energy storage


Cheng-Chu Chung                              

Ph.D Candidate

Ph. D. Student since 2020 Fall


M. S., Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University
B. S., Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University

Research interests: thin film solid state interfacial dealloying, nano-structured materials, fabrication of functional nanomaterials, graphene and 2D materials, materials for energy applications, machining learing.

Varun Ravi Kankanallu                  Varun

Ph.D Candidate

Ph. D. Student since 2021 Spring


B.E., Chemical Engineering, R. V. College of Engineering

Research interests: Electrochemistry, Energy Storage System, 3D CAD Modelling and Simulation

Xiaoyin Zheng                                       Xiaoyin


Ph. D. Student since 2021 Spring

B.S., Physics, ShanghaiTech University

Research interests: X-ray imaging and data analysis

Dean Yen                                             


Ph.D. Student since 2021 Fall
M.S. 2021 - Thesis title: "Nano-tomography investigation of 3D Printed Batteries with Water-in-Salt Gel Polymer Electrolyte"


B.S., Physics , Tamkang University

Research Interest: Application of 3D printing in energy storage system

Karol Dyro                                              


M.A. Student since 2019 Fall


Ph. D. Student since 2021 Fall



B.S., Physics, University of California Santa Barbara

Research Interests: Data analysis techniques and computational methods in condensed matter physics

Chang-An (Richard) Lo                 Chang-An Lo

Ph. D. Student since 2022 Fall


M. S., Chemistry, National Taiwan University

B. S.,  Chemistry, National Chung Hsing University

Research interests: Development of operando characterization methodologies, next-generation energy storage system


Ankita Mohanty                                   Ankita Mohanty

Ph. D. Student since 2022 Fall


M.Tech.,  Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar

B.Tech., Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology Sarang

Research Interest: Surface conversion coatings

Yichen Gan                                                 Yichen Gan


Ph. D. Student since 2023 Fall


M. E., Materials and Chemical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology

B. E., Materials Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology

Research interests: Electrochemistry and X-ray imaging

Adesanmi Adeniyi                              Adesanmi Adeniyi


PhD student since Fall 2023


B.E., Metallurgical & materials engineering, Federal University of Technology Akure

Research interests: Energy storage systems

Chirag Saharan                                       Chirag

PhD student since Spring 2024


B.Sc., Physics (Hons.), University of Delhi

Research interests: Energy storage and dealloying of thin films.

MS Students